Our femboy 💙💜

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(m/n made by mwah👇)

I put on my uniform and went to work

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I put on my uniform and went to work. Due to the fact I'm a waiter I am in fact supposed to be wearing a pin with my name, however that got swallowed into a black whole last week. Yeah I hope noone asks about that. Anywho I grabbed my note pad aswell as my apron type thing and went out to start waiting tables.

Now where I work isn't like your normal hooters. This one is in the magic realm. So we get lots of yokai and new mutants. In the morning it's somewhat the busiest so it wasn't long until I had to work.

Then rolled around lunch. These two boys came in both species of turtles. Although I was on brake I immediately wanted to wait them. I couldn't help myself they where both so cute looking!

They sat down and I went over to their table. They both turned to me but the red-eared slider actually looked me up and down. To which his softshell turtle accompany followed. "Hey you single~?"

I chuckled. "What's it to you luvs~?" We both smiled at eachother as the other glared at his company. "Aw is the tech genius jealous~? Don't worry luv your cute too!"

The was mumbling and him hiding his face in his jacket sleeve. I giggled which made them both redder. "Now what will your orders be darlings~?"

They both ordered and I went to go put on the wall of orders for the chefs. I then waited a little more. Although I did stop once and asked how they where doing. I got their food and set it down.

"Anything else needed?" They both spoke at the same time. "How about your number?" It caught me off guard with their voices going in unison.

I smiled and wrote it down. "I get off at four, also are you guys brothers or just friends??" The purple went immediately to put my number in his phone. "We are brothers, I'm Donnie and thats Leo."

I smiled as my tail wrapped around the platter tray. "I'm m/n nice too meet you both." I smiled and went back to my job until my shift ended.

After it had ended they both picked me up and we headed to the park. Once there a cute picnic spot was set up. We all sat down with me in the middle. "Wow this place is so pretty."

"I know right!" Leo seemed happy about the spot I assumed both of them picked. "So wanna start to get to know each other?" Donnie nodded and put his phone down.

💙: "You start Donnie then it will be m/n, then me."
💜: "Sure whatever, m/n do you have a favorite food?"
I thought about it for a second then decided on one. "I really like (insert your favorite food)"
💙:"Good choice good choice my good sir."
Oh it's my turn now! "Alright uh both of you biggest fear?"
💙:"Oh! Oh this gonna be hilarious Donnie's biggest fear is beach balls! HAHAHAHA"
All Donnie did was roll his eyes towards his brother. "Don't worry Donnie I can understand wear that fear would develop!"
💜: "Thank you!"
We talked for hours on end then watched the sunset together. It was amazing I knew a lot about them now and they did all this for me. Even fought off a guy trying to flirt with me sense I was still in my uniform. It was great.

We continued to have dates. Each better than the last. Then eventually I asked them both out. They agreed and I ended up staying at their place to meet their other brothers and Lou.

After that they met my parents and stayed for dinner which was nice.

(Sorry it's so late and kinda off I've been really stressed today!

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