The popular boy💙

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(m/n👇Made by me, All turtles are human in this one and in highschool)

(m/n👇Made by me, All turtles are human in this one and in highschool)

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I was walking down the halls avoiding people. When I saw a huge crowd forming. I made my way through with people and shoving when I fell to my knees in the middle. All my stuff fell out of my bag as I quietly cursed to myself.

A hand was held out Infront of me. I looked up to see a new guy. I grabbed his hand as he lifted me up into his chest. "Careful there darling don't want you hurting yourself!"

I looked up to see him smiling at me. "Tch I'm not your 'darling'." I pulled my hand back and left the circle. All eyes on me.

I made it to my class and sat down. I then saw him again. He sat right beside me. I scoffed and turned away while taking notes. "I'm Leo, you?"

I decided to humor him. "Im m/n." He smiled and chuckled. It seemed like he was glowing.

We continued to whisper back and forth during class until it ended. I packed up my stuff and said goodbye. Next I have art. The day went by smoothly after that.

I started to walk home when I was stopped. "Heyyyy m/n wanna hang at my place?" I hesitated but just decided to see how this would go. "Sure."

He smiled and pulled me to this dojo type place. "POP'S, MIKEY, RAPH, DONNIE, IM HOME AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND!" I elbowed him in the gut and threw him over my shoulder.

"We aren't friends yet pretty boy." He started blushing as my foot was on his chest. Then the others walked in. I got my foot off him and helped him up.

He chuckled and dragged me to his room. I sat on the bed. "Soo nice room. Love the Jupiter Jim figures." He immediately turned towards me siked.

"You know the show Jupiter Jim!?" I smiled and nodded. "It's like the best tv series ever, duh." He aggressively shook his head yes.

We talked for a while then watched Jupiter Jim the rest of the night.

The next day at school Leo caught up to me. He threw his arm over my shoulder. "Hi m/n!" I took his arm off my shoulder and gave him an irritated grin.

"Hello Leo, don't you have some people to talk to?" He thought to himself alittle. "Mmm nope!" He smiled and patted my head.

This proceeded on for about a few months. I sadly have grown a crush on him. I know it would never happen tho. I sat in a chair at the library and grabbed a book.

I got a few chapters in when I felt my chair get tipped just alittle. I looked up at the culprit. "Hello Leo." He gave me that grin of his and set me back down. He then took a seat beside me.

"Watcha reading m/n?" I looked up to face him. God I wish he was mine already. "Im uh reading a history book." Leo seemed uninterested.

"Hey follow me." I went to protest but he set the book down and dragged me to the storage closet. "Leonardo why did you drag me to a storage closet.?" I crossed my arms and awaited my answer.

"Well I wanted to tell you that I really like you." I was shocked but I knew better. "Ha ha funny joke Leon I know you could never love someone like me." I went to walk out but he pulled me to his chest, just like the first day we met.

"No m/n seriously I love you, please don't turn me down.." I scoffed. "Fine then prove it, prove you aren't playing with my feelings like the sack of shits before you!" He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes.

He seemed captivated but that wasn't enough to convince me. "May I?" Im not quite sure what's he's asking permission for but I will agree non the less. "Yes you may."

He gently pressed our lips together and held me softly. It seemed he does actually like me. We parted for breath as he smiled. "Do you believe me now?"

I decided I was gonna have atleast alittle fun. "Mm I don't know maybe one more time to make sure." He smirked and pinned me up again he wall. Our lips locked once more except more heated this time.

"Alright love birds get out of the closet I have some cleaning to do!" Safe to say the janitor caught us both off guard.

ROTTMNT x male y/nWhere stories live. Discover now