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"Thank you." Puck said, tipping the driver as they got the bags out of the car. He put his backpack on and grabbed the two suitcases. "B, can you take your backpack, please?"

Beth nodded and put the bag on her back.

"Okay, come on." Puck nodded back as he led the way to Quinn's.

The pair stood at the door, and Puck knocked lightly.

The door opened, and Quinn stood there with a smile on her face.


"Hi, sweetie." Quinn grinned as she scooped Beth up, hugging and kissing her. "I've missed you."

"I missed you." Beth replied.

Quinn put Beth down and hugged Puck. "It's good to see you, Noah."

"You, too." Puck said, greeting Quinn with a kiss on the cheek before they parted. "I'm gonna grab a hotel, but can I leave these bags somewhere for now?"

"Yeah, of course." Quinn nodded, grabbing one of the bags. "Follow me."


Once the bags were put away, the trio sat down in the living room.

"Biff will be home shortly, and then we're going to dinner." Quinn informed Beth and Puck. "But how are you guys? How was the flight?"

"It was good." Puck answered. "She gets all antsy, but she did good."

"Good." Quinn echoed, looking at Beth. "If you're tired, B, you can go lay down inside for a while."

Beth shook her head and curled up on Puck's lap.

"You can nap here, Beth." Puck suggested. "Close your eyes and rest while we talk."

"Okay." Beth said as she closed her eyes.

"Good girl." Puck noted, gently untangling the knots in Beth's hair with his fingers.

"I still can't believe how dark her hair is." Quinn stated as she watched Puck.

"Yeah, that's from all the L.A. sun." Puck teased.

"Yeah." Quinn played along. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "She really looks more and more like you every time I see her."

"She's got a lot of Fabray traits." Puck told Quinn. "Believe me."

Quinn smiled slightly as she looked at Beth.

"I think she's out." Puck muttered. "So maybe we should talk before Biff gets here."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Beth said he's mean." Puck continued. "That's why she didn't wanna come here."

"Really?" Quinn asked.

"Did anything ever happen?" Puck wondered. "He ever yell at her? Take something away from her?"

"No." Quinn said. "No, Biff is good to her. I mean, he's not used to her, but he does his best. And he's kind to her."

"Okay." Puck nodded. "'Cause you know if he hurts either of my girls, I'll kick his ass."

"Language, Daddy." Beth mumbled.

"Shhh." Puck hushed her as he looked at Quinn.

Quinn smiled slightly. "I know."

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