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When they left the airport in New York, they picked up Finn and headed to Biff's. Nobody said anything. Quinn was nervous, and Finn and Puck were in protect and attack mode.

Quinn used her key to let herself and the boys inside when they got there. "Biff? It's me."

"I've been calling you for days, you stupid bitch." Biff hissed as he came to the front door. He froze when he saw Finn and Puck. "What's going on?"

"We're done." Quinn said, her voice strong despite her nerves. "Finn and Noah are gonna help me pack up my stuff, and then you're never gonna see me again."

"What?" Biff asked.

"You heard her." Finn responded, stepping between Quinn and Biff. He looked at Quinn. "Show me where you wanna start."

Quinn nodded, and Finn took her hand as they walked away, leaving Biff and Puck alone.

"Look, whatever she told you-"

"Shut up." Puck commanded.

"You really believe her?" Biff wondered.

"I know she didn't do that to her own eye." Puck stated.

"That was an accident." Biff swore. "Anything else she told you is a lie."

"Quinn's not a liar." Puck shook his head. "And if she wasn't in the next room, I'd kick the crap out of you right here, right now."

"Right." Biff said with a laugh.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Puck asked as he grabbed Biff by the shirt.

"N-No." Biff stuttered.

"So let her get her things and get out of here." Puck commanded as he released Biff.

Biff didn't say anything, and Puck walked away to find Finn and Quinn.

"What can I do?"

"Finn's packing up all my clothes, and I'm getting all my makeup, hair, and nail stuff together." Quinn stated. "Can you get my things from the bathroom?"

"Sure." Puck nodded.

"You can throw everything in here." Quinn said as she handed him a tote bag. "Thank you."

Puck went to the bathroom and opened the shower curtain. His eyes scanned the shelves, and he grabbed Quinn's shampoo and conditioner and all the other items he recognized as hers.

When he was done, he rummaged through the cabinets, doing the same before returning to Finn and Quinn.

"I'm gonna start loading the car." Finn decided. "Is there anything else?"

"I don't think so." Quinn shook her head. "My car keys are hanging up by the front door. I'm gonna look around a little more just to make sure I'm not forgetting anything."

"Okay." Finn nodded as he walked away.

"Is there anything in the kitchen that's yours?" Puck wondered. "Or any decorations from the living room you want? Anything in the office?"

"I already packed up my laptop from the office." Quinn said. "None of my things are here; Biff didn't like my home decor style."

"Kitchen?" Puck repeated. "Any fridge magnets or photos, or cool appliances you wanna take?"

"No, he can have everything." Quinn decided. "Except maybe the wafflemaker."

Quinn walked out of her room and Puck followed, pausing when they saw Finn.

"The keys aren't there." Finn noted. "Are they in your purse?"

"No." Quinn shook her head as she led the boys to the office and opened the door. "Biff, where are my car keys?"

"On the hook where they always are." Biff answered.

"Give them to me." Quinn ordered.

"Why would I have your car keys?" Biff asked.

"Give them to me." Quinn repeated. "Or I'm gonna go outside and let Finn and Noah do whatever they want in here."

"Yeah, I think we could start with the computer." Puck noted. "Didn't you say there was a baseball bat in the bedroom, Finn?"

"Yeah, I'll go grab it." Finn decided.

"Wait." Biff stopped him as he opened one of the desk drawers and pulled out the keys. "Here, Quinn."

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