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"So what are you doing in Lima?" Sarah wondered.

"It's a long story." Puck muttered.

"I have time." Sarah noted.

"Well, we were in New York." Puck began.

"With Quinn?" Sarah asked with a small smile.

"Yeah, but not like that." Puck clarified. "Beth was giving me a hard time about flying there, so I went with her-"

"She's too young to fly alone anyway, Noah." Sarah interrupted.

"Yeah, well, we saw Quinn." Puck continued. "I barely saw her, but I saw Finn and Jake and Santana while Beth spent time with Quinn."

"When did you get to New York?" Sarah questioned Puck.

"A few days ago." Puck responded. "Then I figured I should bring Beth to Lima before we fly back home."

"To see her favorite aunt." Sarah smiled.

"Santana's in New York though." Puck teased.

"Hey." Sarah frowned. "That's mean."

"I'm kidding." Puck responded. "You know Beth loves you."

"She's a good kid." Sarah told Puck. "I can't believe how well you've handled her."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Thanks?"

"You know what I mean." Sarah replied. "Single dad living all alone on the west coast. And becoming a famous and successful musician. I'm proud of you."

"Really?" Puck asked.

"I know we kinda hated each other when you lived at home, but you're my brother and I miss seeing you and Beth everyday." Sarah admitted. "And I really am proud of you."

"Thanks, Sarah." Puck smiled. "And for the record, I never hated you."

"Yeah, me neither." Sarah smiled back. "Well, except when I was trying to sleep and you and your daughter were keeping the whole house up."

Puck laughed lightly.


"Thanks for lunch." Sarah said as she and Puck got in his car.

I thought you paid." Puck muttered.

"What?" Sarah asked.

"Kidding." Puck told Sarah. "Let's get out of here. You wanna go meet your friends? Or you wanna keep hanging out with your big brother?"

"That depends." Sarah noted.

"On what?" Puck wondered as he started driving.

"If you have to get back to Beth." Sarah answered. "And if you're gonna interrogate me."

"What would I interrogate you about?" Puck questioned Sarah.

"I don't know." Sarah shrugged.

"Okay, let me get it out of the way." Puck decided. "You have a boyfriend?"

"No." Sarah said.

"Girlfriend?" Puck asked.

"No." Sarah repeated.

Puck glanced at Sarah as he continued driving. "How's school?"

"It's summer break." Sarah reminded Puck.

Puck nodded slowly. "And that concludes my investigation."

"What's the verdict?" Sarah wondered.

"Not guilty." Puck said. "Unless she's drinking or doing drugs."

"Says the guy who drinks and does drugs." Sarah muttered.

"I do not." Puck insisted. "I haven't done drugs since before Beth was born."

"Nicotine is a drug." Sarah told Puck.

"I don't smoke." Puck lied. "And I only drink on occasion."

Before Sarah could continue her interrogation, Puck's phone went off. He looked at the screen, quickly declining Quinn's call. Quinn called back and Puck declined it again.

"Why aren't you talking to Quinn?" Sarah asked.

"It's complicated." Puck told Sarah as his phone went off again. "Don't."

"What if it's an emergency?" Sarah questioned Puck.

"It's not." Puck said, declining the call another time.

Quinn called back.

"Noah." Sarah sighed, quickly snatching the phone and answering it on speakerphone. "Hi, Quinn."

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