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"Hey." Jake said, letting Puck in.

"Hey." Puck replied. "Thanks for watching B."

"Anytime." Jake nodded. "Everything okay?"

Puck shrugged as Beth walked over to the door, grinning when she saw him.


"Hi, princess." Puck smiled as he scooped Beth up and kissed her cheeks. "I missed you."

"I missed you." Beth repeated. "Are you done working?"

"Yeah, I think I am." Puck told Beth. "We're gonna go home soon, but I wanna see everyone before we go."

"Can we see Tana and Finn?" Beth requested.

"Of course we can." Puck nodded. "I'll text them later, okay? For now we're gonna hang out with Uncle Jake."

"Okay." Beth smiled.

"Okay." Puck smiled back as he put Beth down and looked at Jake. "Where's Marley?"

"She had a bunch of auditions today." Jake responded. "She'll be back in time for dinner. I was thinking I'd treat everyone to pizza."

"Pizza sounds good." Puck nodded. "But it's on me."

"Deal." Jake grinned.


"So." Jake began when Puck returned from tucking Beth in. "Beth said Mommy and Biff were fighting."

"Yeah, they were, but that's Quinn's problem." Puck stated.

Jake and Marley exchanged a glance.

"I need to do what's best for Beth." Puck said. "I can't be worrying about Quinn all the time."

"Yeah, but that's what you do when you're in love with someone." Jake noted.

"I am not in love with Quinn." Puck argued. "I love her, and I'll always love her, but I'm not in love with her."

Jake opened his mouth to say something, but Puck continued.

"There's a reason the two of us aren't together, okay? You weren't around for the pregnancy, and you don't know what things were like, so just leave it."


"Leave it, Jake."

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