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             I'd like to say the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the wind was blowing and it was the perfect day to die. But unfortunately, this is real life and that shit aint happenin'. The sky was dark, with heavy clouds ready to unload all their burdens on us. It was cold, practically freezing but just not quite there yet. Enough to make the rain, that would soon pour down on humanity, feel like needles pricking every inch of skin. The wind blowing strong, not to the point of tree tipping, but make you squint to barely be able to see. There's a car in a ditch off the side of the road. That's where I'm at. Sitting in the driver seat with my head against the steering wheel. Blood dripping from various cuts from the glass shattering and flying everywhere. I bet you're wondering how I got here. Well let me rewind to about 15 minutes ago.
There I am, driving down the stretch of road I take to go home from work. And I'm on my phone. Yeah, I know, moving on! I'm in an argument with my boyfriend at the moment because I didn't leave work at my usual time.
          "Look, I'm sorry baby, but Ashley piled on extra work because Meredith went on maternity leave! And I couldn't leave 'till it was all done! What did you want me to do?! Walk out and loose my job?!"
    It's not as bad as it seems. He's just paranoid that something could've happened to me, not suspicious of me cheating.
          "And you couldn't take a minute to make a phone call and let me know? God! You were supposed to leave there an hour ago?! Do you know how worried I've been?!" He responded. (For now, he shall remain nameless.)
             "Alright, you're right. I'm sorry. I just-" and that's when shit started getting freaky. My headlights started flickering, and my engine started to sputter like it was Mickey's car from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. "Uhm baby, Imma have to put the phone down a sec. Some Supernatural type shit is happening." I put the call on speaker phone and lay it sideways on my cupholders. I slightly press the brakes to slow down but nothings happening. It's like my brake line has been cut. "What the fuck?" I say confused as I'm pumping the brakes.
          "What? What's happening?!" He questions but shit starts getting weirder.
         "I don't know! The cars acting fuckin possessed or some shit!!" I scream in response to my boyfriend who's at home right now with our 2 kids. I continue to pump the brakes so I can stop the car and run the fuck up outta there, but the brakes are basically fuckin worthless at this point. The headlights have been and continue still to flash irregularly like my car's dying, but I'm still going down the street or highway, I don't know at this point, like a bat outta hell. Next thing I know, ~something~ presses down the gas pedal and I hit 90 mph in no time flat.
           "AAAAAHHHH!!!!!" I start screaming my head off, putting both hands on the wheel while looking up from the pedals. I can hear my boyfriend screaming questions at me in the background, but all I can hear at the moment is mumbles. And a high pitched ringing in my ears like a grenade went off next to me. Some force I can't see, starts turning the wheel left and right, left and right, making me swerve all over the asphalt. Now, I know you might be thinking; where's the other cars? Surely, someone is seeing you fly down the road like a drunk maniac seeking vengeance, but no. Alas, I am alone. Not a soul in sight. At least, not one the human eye can see.
Then, the headlights cut out. Leaving me in pitch dark. And when I slam on the brakes again, they actually respond. Now, I'm at a stand still in the dark. My heart is beating so fast, and I can't catch my breath. I'm likely having a mild, maybe extreme, panic attack. I faintly hear my boyfriend screaming for me to answer him from my phone on the floor of the passenger side. I try to calm down, which isn't too hard as this isn't my first encounter with ghosts and paranormal type shit. Before I can grab my phone or say anything, the headlights beam brighter than normal and the gas slams to the floor. I'm screaming again and grabbing at the steering wheel. Then I see it. A dark silhouette. In the shape of a person. A really, really big person. I finally manage to grab the wheel and turn to avoid hitting the freakishly large shadow-like person. Which runs me off the road, onto the surrounding grass and I slam into the tree, wrapping the front of the car around the sturdy trunk, with my bleeding head laying passed out on the steering wheel.
Back To Present:
       The dark figure chuckles, striding towards the wrecked car. A few groans of pain are heard, and he looks over to see the woman rustling slightly.
              "Hmm. You're not dead. That's remarkable." His, almost demonic, deep voice sounds. "Yes, I think you'll do just nicely." He declares laying his hand on the woman's head. There's a bright light and then the woman's soul is sent away. The events happening outside of the human eye's ability to see.
    I gasp awake and sit up abruptly, confused.
         "What the fuck?"
   I bring a hand to my forehead and rub it harshly down the rest of my face.
         "Am I dead? Where the fuck am I? I thought for sure I'd end up in hell." I say looking around at the room.
          "And why's that, my dear?" A voice so raspily pleasant sounding spoke. I turned my head so fast I could've broke my neck if I was alive. On my right side, in a luxurious and huge chair sat behind a desk. In that chair sat a man. At least he seems to be male. He saw my confused face with my brow raised and a frown on my mouth, and chuckled a little while looking down.
             "Why do you look like Jensen Ackles?" I asked confused and intrigued.
             "Let's not worry about that right now." He waves my question off. "Do you know what happened?" And then it dawns on me, how did I die? Why can't I remember?
              "Uhm, all I can remember is hitting a tree and then dying. Why can't I remember before I hit the tree? Or how?" I question finding this suspicious as fuck.
              "Well there was probably some activity going on around your time of death, be that divine or otherwise." He supplied.
              "Divine or otherwise?" I ask not exactly expecting an answer. "Please just tell me one thing, is my family ok? My kids? My fiancé?" It always felt weird calling him that so I didn't do it often, not for any reason to do with him, the word just felt weird on my tongue, like the word moist. He smiled and sighed fondly, like he admired the love I still had for my family. I bet something traumatic happened to him or something. I won't question him about it.
                "Yes, they are grieving but they'll be just fine." He said and smiled a little. A tear runs down my face and hits the ground. Then I start sobbing but I try not to break. The closest thing I can compare it to is a dam. Starting with a crack with a tiny stream of water flowing out. Then as if all at once the dam breaks and floods the surrounding area. Sending the river into a rampage to drown the animals and plant life living just beyond the dam. The area quiet then devastated all at once by a force of nature so powerful and uncontrollable, all one can do is stand there and blink. After fighting to hold it back, I fail and drop to my knees, surrendering to the devastation I've never felt before.
               "I'm not gonna get to see them grow up. I'm not gonna get to see them graduate high school. I'm not gonna get to grow old with the love of my life. UUUGGGHHHHHH!!!" I scream, cry and wail into the ground while I hold my aching chest, squeezing my shirt in my right fist and kneeled to the ground as if I'm bowing down to a king. I sob and I scream for what felt like forever but was really only a couple hours. By the time I've run out of tears and stamina to wail out my pain, I realize there's a hand on my back rubbing circles to soothe me. But it does nothing of the sort. It can't. It's not his hand. It's not his loving gesture. It's a complete strangers, and that is what makes me feel so unbearably alone that I become numb. The pain's still there, like a deep seated trauma, never planing on going away. But my face is a cold mask of indifference that would make you shudder.
       Then I look up at the Jensen look-a-like; "What am I doing here?" My voice raspy and my tone cold and harsh.

  "Well my dear, your here to be reborn."

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