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(Same outfit as last episode/chapter cause it's the same night 😁)

Tyler came out of the building and I pulled Stefan around the corner with me silently. "She's in his car." I told him and then we heard a car door open after he put his duffle bag in the trunk and peeked our heads around the corner.
"And why aren't we pulling her out now?" Damon asked vamp-speeding up behind us and following our line of sight to what we were looking at. Stefan jumped not having known he was there but I took notice of his presence about a mile out.
"Cause he's a dick. He deserves a good scare every once in a while. Like a reminder to stop being a dick." I said nonchalantly then saw that Vicki was about to bite Tyler. I turned around and grabbed both their wrists, "come on," witchy teleporting again right next to the car.

 I turned around and grabbed both their wrists, "come on," witchy teleporting again right next to the car

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(Again Example^)

            Tyler fell out of the car right after we appeared, Vicki vamp-speeding out of the car and on top of Tyler. Stefan grabbed Vicki and picked her up like she weighed nothing, moving her away from Tyler who backed up. "Let go of me!" Vicki growled out, the hunger nearly consuming her. Tyler stood up to run away like a little bitch and Damon sped in front of him, while I just leaned against the side of the trunk of this nice ass car. Damon pushed him back slightly to keep him here and he turned to Stefan.
           "What's going on Stefan? What's wrong with her?" He asked confused as fuck.
           "You don't talk." Damon told him cockily. Tyler turned to look at him.
           "Screw you, dude." Tyler shot back.
           "Dude? Really? Dude?" Damon asked back incredulously.
           "Damon don't!" Stefan shouted firmly at him.
           "Oh, come on. Who's gonna miss this idiot?" Damon said and asked smugly. Tyler then proceeded to punch Damon in the face like he did me, however Damon's head tilted a little to the right. I giggled.
            "Ooh! Don't you hurt him." Vicki threw in there.
            I got up from leaning on the car and proceeded to strut, with my left hand in my back pocket and right one swinging, up towards Damon and Tyler who were standing a few feet in front of each other. I pointed to Damon, "you don't talk," I then pinched my forefinger, middle finger and thumb together in a shut up motion, magically sealing his lips. Then I turn to Tyler and walk towards him, "and you forget we were ever here," with that compelling done while lifting him by grabbing his throat and chocking him, I leaned over only about an inch or two and then threw him, sending him flying over the car, my other hand in my left back pocket still, elbow bent. While Tyler was groaning on the pavement, I grabbed Damon's right arm, and Stefan's hand where it was touching Vicki's arm, my pinky finger resting on her arm and teleporting us all out of there. We were all gone by the time Tyler got up.

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