It Is Time

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(What Malena is wearing. No face claim at the moment)

Time Skip 10 years:

It's now time to make my way from Georgia to Mystic Falls. Snakehead that brought me here in the beginning showed up while I was working on conjuring up a teacup chihuahua next to the pool I made with my elemental-witch powers and a bit of conjuring and telekinesis. My powers have made leaps and bounds over my time here. I have mastered my shapeshifting into any supernatural or natural creature I could think of. With no wait time, not even for my wolf form. Before I would break my bones like the regular wolves do and then one day it just happened. Like how the wolves change in "New Moon" from the "Twilight Saga".

(Taken from google)

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(Taken from google)

I just stood there, starting to get pissed because it wasn't working how I wanted it to and then my wolf just rips through my human flesh like it was a fat kid fighting for the last piece of cake at a birthday party. I am also known for my short temper and my ability, non-super of course, to turn almost anything into an argument. But I have been so focused these past 15 years that it's sort of baffling to me. I've never been this focused ever before but it makes sense in a way, cause my dreams are finally coming true. I have supernatural powers, I was reborn, not with a responsibility to save everyone, but with a mission to cause some chaos.
'Oh this is gonna be fun.' I thought with a smirk. I was grabbing some stuff I wanted to take with me on my journey. Various snacks I don't want to conjure while driving, my phone that never runs out of battery since I just charge it with an electrical ability I found out I had one night while it was storming here. I guess it's part of my elemental witch magic, or whatever. But it's handy.

I walk out the cabin, snapping my fingers to lock the door telekinetically on the inside and walk over to the Lamborghini Aventador that I conjured a couple weeks ago cause I just wanted to see if I could do it

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I walk out the cabin, snapping my fingers to lock the door telekinetically on the inside and walk over to the Lamborghini Aventador that I conjured a couple weeks ago cause I just wanted to see if I could do it. At this point, I can have anything at the snap of my fingers, or a simple thought. I also spelled the gas tank to automatically refill when it reaches half way like the mug of beer from "Ragnarok" that Doctor Strange gives to Thor. Just when it hits half way instead of empty so I don't ever have to stop for fuel. I get in and set my backpack on the passenger seat and pull my phone from my back pocket and put it in the cup holder. I realize I need keys so I snap fingers and in a green flash of light, they appear in my hand. I set the key in the cup holder and push to start the amazing beauty. I close my butterfly door and rev the gas. Then I'm off on a fun filled adventure of a road trip, blasting music that's not even heard of yet in this world.

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