162 Candles

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          I meditated all night and felt Lexi's presence enter town, surprising Stefan for his birthday

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          I meditated all night and felt Lexi's presence enter town, surprising Stefan for his birthday. When the next morning came, I took another shower because the meditation and strengthening had me sweating, and got ready to go over to the boarding house.

           I teleported into the living room while Stefan and Lexi were upstairs in his room talking

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           I teleported into the living room while Stefan and Lexi were upstairs in his room talking.
           "I mean what's keeping you here?" I heard Lexi say to Stefan. I smiled and decided to fuck with them a bit. I turned myself invisible and put my plan to work. I raised my arms in the air then pulled them in close to me, sealing the doors and windows, the ones that were open slamming closed. The pair stopped talking, having heard a few windows slam shut. Then, I closed all the curtains and drapes to stop the sunlight from coming in. I snapped my fingers and turned off all the lights, making a couple of them explode in Stefan's room. I heard them vamp-speed down the stairs, standing near to the front door. I let out a small demonic growl, which scared Lexi so much she started shaking.
          "Please tell me you know who's doing this..." she told Stefan, who had his brows pinched in confusion until she said that.
         "Yup. Pretty sure." He responded with a blank face. I made some wind whistle through the house, and started shaking the foundation, some stuff falling onto the floor, and vases breaking.
        "Stefan..." Lexi said starting to really freak out. "You got any other friends I don't know about?" She asked shakily.
         "Uhh...just one that could do something like this..." he said almost unsurely, both of them turning and looking around intensely.
        I sped around them a bit like Lexi did to Stefan when she arrived last night. Then, I bumped Lexi as I sped around, as she did Stefan, making her fall to the floor on her back. Before she could get up I straddled her waist, snarling and growling with my demon face; black eyes, red-ish skin, huge black horns protruding from my hairline and parting my hair. Fangs bigger and longer than any creature in this world, all the rest of my teeth sharpened to a point. She screamed in fear.
           "Malena?" Stefan interrupted and I stopped, turning back to normal and shaking my hair a bit behind me while throwing my head back to look at him standing in front of us, sitting up on Lexi's lap.
           "Hey, Stefanie." I said innocently and wiggled my fingers in a wave. I looked down to Lexi, "hey beautiful. Hope I didn't scare you too much." I said as she sat up on her elbows.
           "Who? Me? Scare me? Nah, no, of course not. I've seen scarier." She stuttered out the lie, which made me giggle.
           "Try again when your heart's not in your ass." I chuckled out and stood up, putting a hand out to help her up. She grabbed it and stood up quickly. "And just to let you know, there is a freaky resemblance between Elena and Katherine, you'll see what I mean when she comes by later." I whispered the last part to her, hiding my mouth with my hand, blocking it from Stefan's view and leaning in closely to Lexi. I chuckled when she furrowed her eyebrows confused.
         "Ok..." she drawled out. Stefan chuckled looking down and shaking his head with his arms crossed.
          "Don't worry about her, that's just how Lina is." He told her, smiling. I ran and jumped on Stefan, how Bonnie does to me, legs around the waist and arms around his head and shoulders.
          "Happy Birthday, old man!!" I said squeezing his head to my boobs, smothering him. He had his hands gripping my ass to hold me up. Lexi raised a brow at this, which I couldn't see as she was behind me, but Stefan managed to and moved his hands to my thighs immediately. I chuckled at this and released his head, pulling it back by holding the sides and giving him a quick peck on the lips and jumping down. He looked stunned and shocked, frozen in place and I turned around to find Lexi looking confused yet also amused. I walked up to her, swaying my hips a bit and gave her a kiss too. Holding the sides of her head and pulling her down to kiss me. She was pleasantly surprised at the strength I possessed to be able to move her, and had kissed me back. And me being the shorty I am, had to pull her head down quite a bit. We made out for a minute, in which I had turned my head to the side a bit to peek at Stefan who was watching us, then turned back and I pulled away with a smirk.
          "Ahem." Stefan cleared his throat and we turned to him, separating and standing side by side. We had been staring at each other, she was smiling and I was biting my lip, still standing very closely even though I dropped my hands, until Stefan spoke up separating us. "So you going to be ok here? alone?" Stefan asked Lexi. "I got some things I gotta take care of." He said walking closer to us.
           "Well, it's not like I can go anywhere." she sassed back, hands on her hips. "And you and Damon are the only ones with these nifty little day light rings." She said wiggling the ring on his finger.
           "I'll make you one, besides I wanna take you shopping with me. I love your style. And speaking of Damon, where is that dumbass?" I asked Stefan out of curtesy, already knowing where he was.
           "Off inflicting misery somewhere, I'm sure." He responded smiling thankfully and Lexi was just standing there frozen, processing what I said. 'I think it just skimmed over Stefan's head or he expected me to do it or something.' Then, he left out the front door to talk to the sheriff about Vicki and Elena about whatever. I turned to Lexi slowly, who was already looking at me lustfully.
           "So yeah, I'm gonna make you a ring but, would your boyfriend mind?" I asked her looking at her lips and licking mine. She shook her head no and she vamp-sped upstairs, she stopped on the stairs looking over the railing at me, smiling cheekily.
           "Catch me if you can." She taunted and vamp-sped up the stairs. When she made it to the hallway, I teleported to intercept her. She stopped just before hitting me, chest to chest head tilting down to look at me. My head tilted up and looking at her, my hands out in front of me, on her boobs. She squinted her eyes at me, and I smiled cheekily.
           "Gotcha." I said then giggled. I then teleported us to the spare room I used the last time I was here. I picked her up bridal style and threw her on the bed when we got to the room. I locked the door telekinetically. I raised my hand about to snap my fingers and magic ourselves naked but hesitated. "Are you sure boo?" I used my other hand and reached up to my zipper on my shirt, pulling it down slightly, revealing more of my cleavage. She nodded looking over to me hungrily. "I need words, gorgeous." I told her pulling my zipper back up a little.
          "Yes. I want this. Just one night with you." My eyes lit up a dark red for my irises at that. I snapped my fingers smiling giddy at what she said. Now, we were both naked and she vamp-sped off the bed and picked me up slamming me against the wall, creating a little dent. I moaned and we kissed hungrily. I held her head at the sides, pulling her face as close to me as possible.

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