So this is life in TVD?

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       So I've stepped into the portal fully and trust me when I tell you it was trippy. All around me the space looked like the milky way had a baby with the northern lights and the baby was a deep purple. I couldn't physically touch any of what seemed like stars but I think I was floating. 'Am I in the womb? Wonder what's gonna happen when I'm born? Shouldn't take too long to find out, I guess.' Then, in the difference between forever and infinity, which was actually only 10 minutes, everything stretched then shrunk making it look like I was going at hyper-speed, and then I was being pulled. When I reached what I'm guessing is this lady's cervix, it appeared to me as a black hole which I definitely laughed at the thought of comparing a vagina to a black hole, then I was sucked through head first just like a baby being born. Which I was, I guess. My head kept going back and forth like she couldn't quite squeeze me out and I thought, 'come on lady, let's hurry this up a little. I'm having flash backs of giving birth and it was traumatizing the first time. Now being on the other side of this and actually knowing what's happening is freakin weird.' Next, I see a hand, probably the doc's. 'It looks feminine, that's good.' She caressed around my head delicately guiding me out and my head popped out. Now the part that felt kinda disturbing, for me at least when I was the one pushing, the rest of my baby body slid out like from the Transformer movie when the baby transformer slid out the egg-sack thingy. Just the process happening reminded me of giving birth for the first time and how I could still feel it the day after like a phantom pain. 'Ok enough with the gross shit, I hope I look a little different from my last life. I mean, I wasn't ugly, I was chubby, had a pretty cute face, a mix of filipino and german, and took after my momma. But I just hope my ass aint as flat when I grow up, and I get a chance at being skinny. I think I would be fine with everything else. Ooh, I wonder if I can have a different name too? I want the name Mileena like the character from "Mortal Kombat" but spelt like Malena. That would be cool. Oh hey, I can open my eyes!' I opened my eyes expecting to only be able to see 3 feet in front of me but to my surprise, I could see everything perfectly fine. I was wrapped in the blanket/towel thing hospitals always use for babies, and then handed to a nurse who brought me towards my "mother".
              "No! I don't want to see her. It'll just make what I need to do harder than it already is." My birth-giver said to the nurse.
              "Are you sure ma'am? She's an angel, she hasn't even cried." Said the nurse. 'Yeah, but no one finds that strange? Uhm ok then, I guess.' I thought wondering what kinda people these weirdos were.
                "Yes, I'm sure. Just take her away, please." My birth-giver said coldly yet polite at the same time. 'Huh. And just like that I don't really like you, anymore. Well, not like I did in the first place, she was just a doorway for me into this world. I wonder what my actual mom is doing, right now?' The nurse took me away from my birth-giver and set me on the counter to wipe me off completely. They weighed me, measured my length, took my footprint for my records and all that good stuff. Then, the nurse picked me up and put me in that plastic tub thing hospitals put babies in, and off I was rolled to the nursery to wait for child services. 'Alright, at least I still move around like a baby. If I was like fuckin Boss Baby I think I would cry a little bit, cause figuring out how to move like normal baby would be difficult.' Some volunteers were hanging out in the corner, chatting, doing shit one does when volunteering in a baby nursery, I don't know. Then, after being told to do so by a nurse that came in to check that the babies were still alive and healthy, proceeded to come over and pick me up to feed me. 'Ew, I hope this shit aint nasty.' When the first drop of formula hit my tongue I was pleasantly surprised. While I "ate" I contemplated where I was, how I would have to make my way over to Mystic Falls, and when. Who I'd meet first, befriend first. 'I don't know if I'll befriend Elena. Her character was a little too, how do I put this, annoying? Yeah I think I'll go with that one. Definitely befriending Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline, and maybe even Tyler. I'll be nice to Matt, I guess.' Just to let you know, my version of nice is better classified as not mean, but I've been told I can be a bitch.
                 "Hello little one. I know the world must be exciting to see for the first time," 'HA! If only you knew bitch!' She caressed my cheek with the back of her pointer finger a little after finishing feeding me before she proceeded to burp me. Then she layed me down and as if the light switch was flipped I fell into the darkness of sleep and waited to wake up 3 hours later.
           While I was asleep, the CPS worker must've came because I wasn't in the nursery at the hospital, anymore. Some lady was holding me while I was looking around at the car we were in. She was in the back seat and I guess holding me cause they don't have a carseat for me or something. 'I hope I'm not in Arizona again. I can't deal with the damn heat this time.' The car's air conditioning was deceiving so I couldn't tell at the moment. Then we pulled up along the sidewalk outside of a building that could be mistaken for just another big ass house, but I'm guessing is the orphanage I'm staying at for a while. Thinking about the fact that I'm going to be leaving here in 4 to 5 years from now, I tried to figure out what kind of magic I'm gonna have to learn before I leave so I can survive on my own in a four year old's body. 'Definitely gonna start with conjuring magic. Then probably levitation cause I'm small as fuck. After that, I might move on to the shapeshifting thing.' Conjuring magic first so I can conjure up some food. Levitation magic or maybe telekinesis so I can grab shit high up or float to it. Finally, shapeshifting so I can blend in and not get taken back to child services. Now, I know you might be thinking why learn the levitation and telekinesis before shapeshifting if you can learn to shape-shift first and grab shit that way. Well, I'll tell you. It's because I've always wanted to use telekinesis and levitation. When I learn it, it will be my dream come true all over again.
           While I've been in my head, thinking, the lady walked inside the large doorway, which was probably only large to me because I'm so small but I still think it's bigger than normal. She walked through the doorway and the dude who drove us here, probably her partner or something, closed the door. The lady looked down at me.
               "Alright little one, this is gonna be you're new home till someone comes to adopt you, ok?" She told me with an almost baby voice mixed with slight sadness. I blinked at her then made some spit bubbles but not enough to drool, cause ew, then she smiled at me. 'Wow. That was easy.' Then, another lady, I'm guessing she runs the place, came down some stairs that had baby gates screwed into it at the top and bottom.
                "Hey Sarah." She smiled. "Another little one, huh?" She quirked her mouth to the side in a sad kinda way. "I don't know wether to feel sad for the little babies who've never met their parents, or the slightly bigger kids cause they have memories with theirs?" The caretaker stated sadly. I just blinked at her and she gave me a sad smile. They proceeded to do whatever it is that happens when an orphanage gains another body to feed. After they finish that up, they have some tea while I lay in a baby bouncer near the window looking out at the forest behind the house that starts at about a quarter of a mile back. We were surrounded by mountains too that had some light snow at the tops, so I thought were somewhere near the rockies or something. I would later find out that it was actually the Appalachian mountains. The ladies finish their tea and the social workers left. The caregiver or nanny or whatever we're supposed to call her picked me up and headed up the gated steps, and walked into the bathroom. I guess it's bout to get cold as fuck. She gave me a little bath in the sink, which felt heavenly, especially the little brush going through my dark hair. At least I kept my dark hair, that's a plus. 'And I think it's slightly curly too. Yes!' Now I'm wearing a few layers of clothes and laying down in a crib, moving my arms and legs. Like one does as a baby. While also sucking on a pacifier. Next thing I know, she's feeding me and I'm falling asleep. After burping me she lays me down in the crib, which I guess they have cause I'm not the only baby that's been here. Go figure. 'Well, tomorrow's a new day. I think I'll do some baby meditating, try to find the magic inside me.'
Next morning:
And so, that's what I did when I got a break away from the nice lady. She usually kept me in the living room or kitchen with her, so I meditated when I was put in my crib for a nap in the middle of the day. I felt in the center of my being, like a portal-ish hole, or a dimension pocket. Inside this pocket was a vastness of untapped magic power, it made me baby screech in glee. Then, I slap my baby hands over my mouth to not alert the nanny over the baby monitor. 'Oh my shit. Oh my fucking shit. I have magic. I'm actually a fucking witch! The Jensen look-a-like actually came through! What was his name again? Oh yeah! Seth! Thank you Seth, if you can hear me! He probably can. Whatever.' Then I thought, 'Alright! Let's try some shit!' I then proceeded to think of something to conjure. I think of my pacifier that I spit out before when I screeched. And not even a second later, there was a slight shimmer of green light, and the pacifier appeared in my mouth again. 'Yay! This shit is crazy! I'm only like 2 days old! Wow, shit, I'm tired. Ok time to really nap now.'

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