Friday Night Bites 2

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          Today is Saturday, the day of the varsity football game, and Tanner's death

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Today is Saturday, the day of the varsity football game, and Tanner's death. I was at the pep rally-bonfire thing hanging out by Jeremy. The boy kept giving away my alcohol till I snatched it back from him. I'm not trying to get yelled at by Elena. They lit the bonfire and everybody was cheering. Then they stopped the music so Tanner could talk. I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying till the end.
"We're Timberwolves, we're hungry." He growled into the mic. I saw Tyler push his way out of the crowd and make his way to Vicki.
"Hey babe." I heard her say to him with my supernatural hearing. "What's wrong?" She asked when she saw he was frustrated.
"Nothing." He said shortly. Tanner was still yelling into the mic, it was starting to get annoying. "Is that Jeremy?" Tyler asked rhetorically to Vicki. She turned around to see where he was looking at. Then turned back to him.
"Oh, no! Ty! No." She tried to stop him from being a dumbass. "Leave him alone."
"What do you care?" He spat at her. Jeremy got down from the bed of someone's truck that I was leaning against, waiting for this to happen. He walked up to Jeremy. "Don't look so down. You can have her when I'm done."
Then Jeremy threw a quick right hook at Tyler's jaw. After Tyler straightened himself, he went and shoved Jeremy's torso by grabbing his shirt. Causing my bottle, that still had a little liquor in it, to fall and break. I just looked down at it sadly with a pout. Tyler started punching him, and then flipped him backwards over his leg, causing Jeremy's back to meet the ground. Vicki kept yelling at Tyler to stop. Everyone heard the sounds of the fight going on. They wrestled on the ground for a second, a kick thrown in there some where by Tyler before he got down, then Tyler sat on his knees and started wailing on Jeremy with his right fist, till Jeremy got the opportunity to flip their positions and took it. Jeremy got in a few good punches to Tyler's gut. Then, Tyler started getting up and rammed his shoulder into Jeremy's torso, tackling him to the floor. And then Tyler punched him across the face with his right fist. Vicki ran over to me, "do something!" She yelled shaking me. I sighed and got up from leaning on the truck watching the fight. I walked over to where they were on the ground and stomped a kick to Tyler's side. Sending him flying off Jeremy.
"He's down Tyler, enough." I said looking at Tyler and sticking my hand out to the side to help up Jeremy. Before he could grab it, Tyler got up and punched my face. I didn't even move. 'I think he broke his hand.' He looked at me confused. 'Adrenaline.' Jeremy swiped his arms around looking for the broken bottle, he found it and grabbed it standing up. He moved to swipe at Tyler but I heard Elena yell, "Jeremy, no!" I spun around and went to grab Jeremy's wrist but Stefan moved to stand in front of him putting his hand up in a 'stop' position. Jeremy ended up swiping the bottle down diagonally and he cut Stefan's palm. Elena saw his hand and ran up to help her brother. Grabbing at his cut hand. Matt grabbed Tyler and pushed him away.
"Tyler, knock it off! Stop!" Matt yelled, repeatedly shoving him away.
"What the hell, Jeremy?" Elena shouted at him. She grabbed his face. "Put your head up, you're bleeding."
"Stop! I'm fine!" Jeremy yelled back at her, slapping her hands away.
"Yeah, you smell fine." Elena sneered sarcastically. Then gave me a disapproving look.
"Don't look at me I didn't give him the bottle, he took it. I just took a while to take it back." I said to her sassily, crossing my arms.
"Just stop, ok?" Jeremy snarked and walked away. Elena remembered Stefan's hand being cut so she went over there next. I wanted to mess with Stefan a little bit so I followed after her.
"Oh my god, your hand." She grabbed at his hand, but he pulled away. Trying to give himself time to heal, cause he takes longer due to his bunny diet.
"No, no, no. It's fine." He said wiping his hand on his jeans. She grabbed his hand again and he held it in a fist.
"Is it deep? How bad is it?" She tried opening his fist. "Come on!" Then he opened his fist to show her no blood, and no cut, just a pink line where the cut used to be. She looked at it stunned and confused. "But I saw it. It was..." she stuttered out.
"He missed." Stefan lied. "It's not my blood." He wiped his non-bloody hand on his jeans. "See, I'm fine."
"No, no, no. I-I saw it, the glass cut your hand, it was..." Elena stammered confused as shit.
"Almost like magic." I said suggestively. Whispering it by Elena's ear, my chin resting on her shoulder while I tip toe.
"It's ok. I'm ok." Stefan added quickly to get her mind off what I just suggested. "It's almost kick-off time, alright, so, um, I'll, uh, I'll see you after the game." Stefan stuttered out dismissively.
Elena was standing there staring after Stefan. "Why don't you go save us some seats, I'll meet you over there?" I told her. She nodded.
"Alright. I'm gonna go put my jacket in the car first." Elena said sounding like a drone while she was trying to process what she saw and what he said, while walking away.
I followed her from a distance, so I could watch this dumb shit Damon was about to pull. After Elena went to talk to Bonnie, she walked up to the Jeep, opening the back window and putting her shit inside. After she closed the window, she turned around to find Damon. Which startled her a bit.
"You scared me. Wh-what are you doing here?" Elena said frightened.
"I'm hiding from Caroline." Damon whispered like he was telling a secret.
"And why is that?" Elena questioned also whispering and leaning forward slightly.
"I need a break, and she talks more than I can listen." Damon said starting at normal volume then going back to a secretive-type whisper with a fake grimace on his face.
"That could be a sign." Elena said at normal volume and nodding.
"Well, she's-she's awfully young." Damon dismissed.
"Not much younger than you are." Elena pointed out, not knowing the vampire was 170 years old.
"I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture." Damon tells her straight up but not mentioning he plans to kill her. "I think she'd drive me crazy." He said seriously but in a joking matter.
"Caroline does have some really annoying traits but we've been friends since the first grade and that means something to me." Elena defended Caroline, kinda, practically snarling the words.
"Duly noted. I-I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. That's-that's not my intention." Damon says quickly, trying to talk his way out of the hole he's digging for himself.
"Yes it is." Elena said snarky, then there was a little pause before she continued. "Otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say." Elena said truthfully and direct.
Damon just nods and almost smiles. "You're right. I do have other intentions, but so do you." He said bluntly, pointing at her for a second.
Elena raises her brows slightly, "really?" She asked sarcastically.
"Mm-hmm." Damon hummed. "I see 'em. You want me." He said cockily.
"Excuse me?" Elena said offended.
"I get to you. You find yourself drawn to me. You think about me even when you don't wanna think about me. I bet you even dreamed about me." Damon listed still cocky as ever. There was a second-long pause where Damon started trying to compel her but Elena was just looking at his eyes. "And right now, you wanna kiss me." He tried to compel, and smirked thinking it worked. Then he started leaning forward and smirked when she looked down at his lips.

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