Night of the Comet 2

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(AN: Made this myself with pictures from google.)

           I was walking around with Bonnie and Elena handing out the pamphlets they were folding yesterday

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           I was walking around with Bonnie and Elena handing out the pamphlets they were folding yesterday.
           "Tonight, night of the comet! Would you like a program?" Bonnie asked the patrons walking by us in town square, handing them out. I was walking to the right of Bonnie, Elena on her left. "He didn't call, huh?" She asked Elena talking about Stefan.
            "Or text." Elena answered her. "Then I realized, we never even exchanged that stuff. We never got to the texting part." Elena rambles to Bonnie and I. I just roll my eyes at their stupid drama.
            "That's an important milestone in any relationship." Bonnie supplied, while Elena handed some kid a program.
            "Isn't it?" Elena asked rhetorically. "The timing was wrong, anyway." She said defeated.
            "Why cause you just dumped Matty blue eyes?" I ask in a bored tone, handing someone a program, "program?"
            "When is it ever, right?" Bonnie asked Elena, ignoring me.
            "I'm not ready, Bonnie." Elena said with finality.
            "Who is?" She questioned, trying to get Elena to take a chance anyways, making this conversation sound so cliché.
            "Not her..." I mumbled lowly.
            "At least I put myself out there." Elena defends. There was a slight pause as we stopped walking.
            "Did you tho?" I asked rhetorically.
            "Is that what you're calling it?" Bonnie asks skeptically.
            "What do you mean?" Elena said looking down like she got caught in a lie, I just raised my brow.
            "All we're hearing is reasons why you can't." I deadpanned looking at her, with my brow still raised. I turn and walk over to where Caroline is standing, staring at Damon. She starts walking towards him not noticing I was behind her, I squint my eyes at him and he disappears when some people walk in front of Caroline blocking her view of him. I walk up and grab her shoulder startling her. "Woah. My bad. Just me." I say holding my hands up in defense as she turns around. We went to hang out in the grill till the festivities tonight. She left me to go talk to some other people that she knew. I went to go play pool with Tyler and his douche-bags, I mean friends. I had just missed my shot when I saw Jeremy walk up to Vicki. I used my supernatural hearing to listen in to what they were talking about.
             "Vicki, what are you doing here?" Jeremy asked surprised to see her.
             "Fighting with Robert about my schedule." Vicki replies then sighed. "You'd think getting ripped up by a rabid animal would merit an extra sick day."
              I nudge Tyler with my elbow, he looks at me and I point my chin over to Vicki. He looks over, us just watching them for a second.
              "Are you feeling ok?" He asks concerned.
              "I hurt.." Vicki replied.
              "Well, the doctors gave you something, right?" He asked her slightly less concerned, pinching his brows for a quick second.
               "The kid stuff. Nothing with an O in it." Vicki said jokingly irritated. Jeremy chuckled under his breath. "I think they were onto me." She jokes.
               "Here. Knock yourself out, literally." He says handing her a prescription pill bottle.
               "Thanks, Jer." Vicki said sweetly taking out a pill and dry swallowing it.
               Jeremy put his hands back in his hoodie pocket. "So you gonna, uh, watch the comet later?" He asked Vicki, wanting to do something romantic with her.
               Tyler and I were still watching, he was shifting anxiously.
                "I hadn't thought about it." She said with a shrug. "But I could be talked into it." She said quickly with a small smile. I smirked looking at Tyler fuming towards them from the corner of my eye while still facing the two's direction, also walking over to talk to Jeremy about the pills. "I'll meet you out there in a few." Vicki said, they were both all smiles. Vicki had her hands in her back pockets and pointed her chin in the direction of the front door to the grill.
                "Hey, Vick." Tyler greeted monotone. "How you feeling?" He asked not even close to sounding concerned.
              "Like you care?" She said sarcastically to Tyler. I snorted amused. Vicky turned to me, while I was holding a fist sideways over my mouth to hide the laugh that threatened to come out, with my other arm crossed under my tits and right elbow.
                "Hey, V." I said sticking my right hand out, away from my face, in a mock wave. I bit both my lips to hide my amusement at the girl.
                "Hey, M." She smiled at me and shoved her way passed Tyler, bumping his shoulder. Jeremy just chuckled and smiled. Jeremy turned in Tyler and I's direction, feeling giddy.
                 "What you lookin at, Gilbert?" Tyler snarked, unhappy with how he was just treated. Jeremy just kept chuckling under his breath smiling, happy that he won the girl, for the moment. I pulled him away from Tyler to talk (scold) more privately. We were stood outside the grill over by the corner of the building, away from prying eyes and ears. I turned to him when we stopped.
                 "Seriously?" I deadpanned.
                 "What?" He asked seriously, not knowing what I was talking about.
                 "Don't what me. I saw that shit with V. I told you and I told her, I'll always have both of yalls backs if you drop the pills." I said poking him in the chest repeatedly getting fed up with them pill-popping. He rubbed his chest where I poked when I was done.
                 "Yeah, alright! I get it!" He said loudly, getting mad at me. "Why you always up my ass, Malena?! We're not even family." He said harshly at me.
                  I chuckled a half chuckle and looked down shaking my head looking at the floor with my hands resting on my back side of my hips, just above my ass. "You don't seem to get it, Jeremy. So let me spell it out for you." I started lowly and slowly. "There's only 2 things that doing actual, hard drugs is gonna get you. Alone." I said holding up my pointer finger hand facing me. "Or dead." I said putting up my middle finger along with it, turning my hand to face him. "I don't really want either of those to happen to you, so that's why I'm being a hard-ass. So if you wanna keep doing them, go right the fuck ahead. I'm done trying to stop you. But don't come crying to me when everyone drops you like dog shit or your 'little girlfriend' ends up dead." I said nonchalantly with a blank face, pointing up at the grill when I mentioned Vicki. I walk passed him, swerving around his body with my arms crossed.

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