You're Undead to Me 2

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After Bonnie and I had finished our bath, we got out and she looked around. "No towels?" She asked curiously. I snapped my fingers and we were both dry. I smiled at her.
"Nope." I worked my magic and got rid of my penis and got my vagina back. It didn't take as long as when I conjured it. Bonnie pouted playfully. She crossed her arms and shivered. "Come on." I walked out of the bathroom and over towards my bed. I snapped my fingers and the bedding was changed for new ones. My old ones just poofing out of existence. "Are you staying over or do you need to go home?" I asked before I put any clothes on, just standing there naked with my hands on my hips while Bonnie got dressed in the clothes she wore when she came here.
"Dad's out of town again, so I'd just be home alone. Gram's isn't expecting me so I guess I could stay, if you're ok with that?" Bonnie informed me then asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked and snapped my fingers to be dressed in only a big t-shirt. Bonnie looked down at her clothes for a second, then looked up to ask me if she could borrow something, but before she could say anything I just snapped my fingers changing her clothes out for a big shirt similar to mine. Her clothes had been magically washed, dried and folded and sat on the desk I don't use. We climbed into my bed and I snapped my fingers to conjure a blunt. I summoned the tv from the ceiling with flick of my wrist. I handed Bonnie the remote so she could pick what we watch while I lit up and smoked. We watched Grey's Anatomy. I guess season 5 just started. "Wow. This shit only on season 5 right now?" I said kinda shocked.
"Yeah how many seasons did it have in your world?" Bonnie asked curious to know how many seasons she had to look forward too.
"They were on like the 19th season when I died. But I also died in 2022, so yeah." I said continuing to smoke between sentences. After I finished smoking, my stomach grumbled telling me it's hungry. I snapped my fingers and conjured up my favorite food from Jack In the Box. A chicken-tater melt munchie meal. (Don't know if they have this everywhere but this shits bomb af) I ask Bonnie what she wants to eat and she said they same as what I have cause she hasn't had it before. We eat, watch some more tv then pass out.

           The next day was the car wash fundraiser

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           The next day was the car wash fundraiser. Bonnie had to meet up early with Caroline and the rest of the cheerleaders to help set up. So it's 7:15 right now and Bonnie's alarm is going off on my phone, as she forgot to set one, but did tell me when she had to go to the school. I woke up and turned off the alarm. I looked back to Bonnie who was snuggled into my side with a leg over my waist, I rubbed my hand up and down her thigh to wake her up cause she was still asleep. "Baby." I say placing a kiss on top of her head.
"Mmm." She hummed as she started waking up, turning her head left and right, rubbing her face into my right boob. I giggled, and stroked her arm with my right hand's finger tips. I look down to her face and take my left forefinger and pull her face up to mine. I kiss her and she moans into it, but still doesn't open her eyes when I pull back, only having a slight smile on her face. I squint my eyes at her then lick up the side of her face in one quick motion.
"UuUugGGhHhh!!" She groaned grossed out, wiping her cheek off. I laughed throwing my head back onto my pillow. She then wiped her cheek with my shirt. I scoffed and then flipped my self to sit between her legs and tickle her sides, making her laugh heartily. "Ok!! Ok! I'm sorry! I'm done!" She said laughing in between, with her eyes still closed. I crawled my way up to hover over her face with mine. And when she stopped laughing from feeling of me move, she opened her eyes and looked at me. I kissed her feverishly. We made out for a few minutes, then I trailed down her neck to her chest, raising her shirt up to suck on her nipples. Then moving down her stomach and stopping at her panty-line to look up at her for permission. She nods, already breathless, biting her bottom lip. I slide off her underwear, her legs in the air. I throw them off to the side carelessly. I spread her legs gripping at her thighs. I lean down and lick up her slit and stop at her clit, working my tongue up and down, left and right, circles, any and every direction. Bonnie's a moaning mess, holding my hair and I shake my head burying my mouth in her folds. She moans louder and that's when I stick my tongue inside her. I wiggle and work my tongue the same way I did to her clit, laying my body flat and gripping her hips pulling her closer to me if possible. I flip us and telekinetically move her to straddle my face. I feel her move her hand down my stomach behind her to the bottom of my shirt where she finds no underwear. I spread my legs for her and she starts playing with my pussy still reaching behind her moaning so loudly she's almost screaming from my tongue being so deep inside her, I have a freakishly (or is it magically?) long tongue in this life. I start flicking my tongue across the top of her insides earning myself the sexiest moan I've ever heard from her. I reach one hand up from her hip to grip onto her boob, then start tweaking her nipple. This continues for a few minutes until she cums in my mouth and I lick up all of her juices. When her legs stop shaking she turns herself around, still hovering over my face and bends forward to reach my pussy. She starts licking me up and down and I moan. I grab her ass cheeks spreading them and her pussy lips for better access. I flick my tongue over her clit supernaturally fast and she screams out a moan into my clit that she started sucking on. I slap her right ass cheek. She moans at that so I do it again to both cheeks, then grab them and shake them up and down burying my face in her pussy. She moans as she cums, sitting up slightly on my face more and moves her fingers over my clit back and forth quickly, making me cum. I lick up her juices making her legs shake slightly. Then she moves to get off, rolling over so she's laying on her back on the bed next to me. I sit up a bit to look at her and she smiles at me breathlessly. "What time do you gotta meet with Caroline?" I ask her, wondering if we have time for a second round.
"What time is it?" She asks not wanting to move. I turn back and grab my phone from the night stand.
"Almost 8." I inform her.
"SHIT!" She gets up quickly, throwing on her clothes that were in a folded pile on the desk in the corner of the room. I chuckle at her and get up also. I snap my fingers and I'm dressed. I don't have to be there till 10, so I was just going to drop her off.

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