Lost Girls

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        The next morning I made my way to the grill where I knew Elena was going to question Stefan

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        The next morning I made my way to the grill where I knew Elena was going to question Stefan. When I walk up I hear Elena start.
"You said you would explain everything." I hear Elena say to Stefan from around the corner. I had shadow traveled here and was walking around the building from behind the grill. But I was choosing my moment to enter to be ✨dramatic✨. "That's why I asked you to meet me here. When you google 'vampire' you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?" She questions Stefan.
"I can tell you whatever you wanna know." I roll my eyes when Stefan said that. 'Then fuckin tell her already, damn.'
"I know you eat garlic." 'Really, Elena? You thought that, that one might be real?'
"And somehow, sunlight's not an issue." She said, kinda sounding like a question with her brows furrowed. Their waitress came and gave them their drinks.
"Thank you." Elena thanked and took her drink, then the waitress walked away.
"We have rings that protect us." That lead to the rapid fire questions.
"Holy water?"
"You said you don't kill to survive."
"Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon, he can be very powerful." Stefan stressed for her to be even more weary of the blue eyed-dark haired vampire.
"And yet you let him get involved with Caroline?" Elena said flabbergasted.
"Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me." Stefan excused.
"He was hurting her." Elena said getting mad at his lack of empathy for the blonde.
"He was feeding on her. He was able to take away her memories of being bitten using a form of mind compulsion. She never knew what was happening to her. If he wanted to kill her he would have." Stefan said quickly trying to explain it away. 'Bitch, he was about to kill her...' I thought, deadpanned.
"Is that supposed to make it okay?" Elena asked once again flabbergasted and getting madder.
"No. None of this is ok, Elena." Stefan defended, getting slightly frustrated. "I know that." He said growing calmer. There was a pause for a second for Elena to process this shit.
"Are there any others, aside from you and Damon?" Elena questioned. That's when I walked around the corner and made my way to their table.
"Not in Mystic Falls, not anymore." Stefan said, which wasn't exactly a lie.
"Well, I guess that's not technically a lie Stefano." I strutted up, stole a chair from a different table that was unoccupied, pulled it over with a hand and sat down, manspreading. Smiling at the two, innocently.
"What do you mean?" Elena asked concerned and suspicious.
"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked already done with me and my antics.
"To answer your question, Elena...I mean me." I said dramatically. I blinked my eyes to my black demon eyes and then again to get them back to normal so no one else sees. She widened her eyes, hands gripping the arms of the chair she sat in and scooted back a little bit. "Oh, relax. I haven't hurt you yet, have I? In fact, I've helped you plenty of times." I said with a roll of my eyes, turning to look at Stefan as Elena calmed down a bit. "And don't worry Stefanie, I'm only here for some fun." I said patting his shoulder a couple of times. I turn back to Elena, "and yes Elena, there was a time when this town was very much aware of vampires, and it didn't exactly end well, if you know what I mean. That's why you gotta keep your trap shut. Or don't. It's up to you." I said sounding nonchalant. "But do you really wanna do that? I mean you could be exposing Bonnie and her grams too." I said with fake sympathy.
"Just give me a day." Stefan pleaded with her.
"Ahem." I cleared my throat loudly, glaring at Stefan a little. "Us. He means us." I said looking at Elena now.
"I will answer..." he started but I interrupted with an obnoxious clearing of my throat again. "We. We will answer any questions that you have, and when it's over you can decide for yourself what you wanna do with what you know. It'll be your choice." Stefan offered.
"Or I could erase your memories of ever meeting Stefan. Every beautiful moment you've shared, everything you've talked about, it'll be like you never met him." I said darkly and lowly.
"Why not just me finding out he's a vampire? And whatever you are..." Elena asked confused.
"Well where's the fun in that?" I asked sarcastically, chuckling. After some intense staring at Stefan, and I, a glance, she nodded reluctantly. I clapped excitedly. They just looked at me with a raised brow. "What?" I asked harshly. "It's been a while since I've got to play with, I mean show someone my powers." I said pouting at their judgy-ness.
We got in Elena's suv and drove to somewhere in the middle of the woods. "Stop here." Stefan instructed. We come to a stop before we all get out, me in the back seat which I didn't really mind, it's kinda relaxing not having to be the one driving for once.
"What are we doing here?" Elena asked kinda irritated. Stefan started walking forward while I was climbing out.
"I wanna show you something." Stefan said not really telling her anything, which must've upset her a smidge.
"In the middle of nowhere?" She asked confused and frustrated.
"Don't be rude, Elena. This is his family's home after all." I said snootily with a smirk.
"This...didn't used to be nowhere. Used to be my home." Stefan said all nostalgic and stuff. He continued forward and Elena finally closed her door, following after him. Myself following after her. Stefan stood to look at the ruins of his old house, reminiscing. Elena and I catch up to him slowly, her looking around at the ruins with a squished up face.
"It looks so..." she trailed off not knowing how to describe the place without being rude.
"Old?" Stefan and I supplied at the same time. Him more nostalgic, and me, bored already.
"It's because they are." Stefan explained.
"Wait. How long have you..." Elena trailed off, once again not knowing how to ask her question.
"I've been 17 years old...since 1864." Stefan answered. There was a pause as Elena realized he's over a century old.
"Oh, my god." She exclaimed, surprised.
"You wanted to know!" I called out, walking and looking around at the old Salvatore house. "No holding back, Gilbert!"
"Half century before the boarding house was even built this was my family's home. Damon and I...we were both born here." Stefan started going into story mode.
"Like in the house? Wonder how Lilian felt about that..." I trailed off quietly, knowing only Stefan could hear me. His eyes bugged a bit in surprise.
"The Salvatore brothers, best of friends." He continued, trying to overlook what I just said after shaking his head a little.
There were crows cawing in the background as Stefan told Elena when he actually knew Katherine.
"You knew Katherine in 1864?" She asked perplexed. "Damon made it seem like..." she trailed off too shocked to continue the sentence.
"Damon was trying to make you think that I was still heartbroken." He turned to Elena walking backwards and I was tempted to trip him, but decided against it for some reason. "He saw that I was happy with you. And he wanted to ruin it." Stefan explained looking at Elena, one would say lovingly.
"All because you loved the same woman a hundred and...forty five years ago?" She asked confused and needing a second to do the math.
"Cause he's Damon...duh." I said sassily from my spot closer to the house than they were.
"She wasn't...just any girl." Stefan then went on to explain how she had to choose between the brothers for an escort to the founder's ball.
"How will I ever choose?" I impersonated, in my best posh accent.
"She chose me. I escorted her to the ball at the original Lockwood mansion." He told her. They walked in further and stopped near the concrete bench I was sitting on.
"The first founder's party...where you signed the registry." Elena realized. There was a pause as Elena processed.
"I didn't care that I had gotten something my brother wanted. I didn't even care if it hurt him. I only knew that...I wanted her." Stefan stated.
"Were you already under her compulsion?" I asked out loud, looking up at the beautiful trees and their leaves flittering about in the breeze. I didn't get an answer, which I'm going to assume is a yes.
"So he was upset." Elena pointed out, stating the obvious.
"That's the thing about Damon..."
I trailed off, letting Stefan finish. While I looked up at the trees and feeling serene being in nature.
"He doesn't get mad. He just gets even." Stefan said solemnly. "What Damon wants, Damon usually gets." He continued. I closed my eyes, kinda pissed at Damon for going after Caroline when I threatened him not to. "I didn't know it at the time, but...turns out that night...Katherine was with him too." He took forever saying.
"So he stole her from you, not the other way around?" Elena asked trying to get shit straight.
"Turns out she wasn't ours to steal." He informed her.
"Yup. Kitty Kat was a slut." I said nonchalantly. I got bored so I tuned out the rest of the story. Conjuring up a blunt and smoking it. Then, Stefan bent down and picked up a piece of cloth. Wrapped inside was Damon's daylight ring.
"Is that Damon's ring?" Elena questioned.
"I took it from him, but I have to give it back." Stefan told Elena.
"No. Don't, Stefan. Keep it hidden." She tried to reason with him.
"Elena if I don't give it to him he'll retaliate in the only way that he knows he can hurt me." Stefan declined.
"And how's that?" The dumbass, I mean Elena, asked. Rather stupidly if you asked me.
"You. Dumbass." I told her slightly harshly. I telekinetically zipped the ring to my hand, examining it. "Damn. I'm glad I don't have to wear one of these." I tossed it through the air back to Stefan. I finished off my blunt and we walked back to Elena's car and they talked for a minute after Stefan opened her door for her.
"The mind control...you said Katherine used. Do you ever do that to me?" Elena asks somewhat concerned.
"No." Stefan answered quickly. "That necklace," he points to it, "it contains an herb called vervain. It protects you from being compelled." He informed her.
"From vampires." I added in from my spot near the front of the car, leaning on the left fender. "Not every creature." I smirked. She gave me a look with furrowed brows. "Oh don't look at me like that, I haven't done anything...to you." I added the last bit quietly, turning my head to look away and crossing my arms.
"I wanted to protect you from Damon's influence." Stefan said ignoring me. "But I also wanted to...protect you from me. Elena you should never take that necklace off. Because no matter what happens after today, no matter how you feel about me...you'll know that you were free to make your own choice." Stefan said then backing up from how close he was to her and I got a phone call from Jeremy.
I stepped away for some form of privacy, but I guess Stefan wasn't listening in? "Hey Jermy. Sup." I answered the phone.
"Hey, I kinda need your help. How fast can you get here?" He asked me. I guess Icky Vicki is a vampire now.
"I'll be there in a minute." I told him then hung up. I turned to the love birds, who were looking at me curiously. "See ya later losers. I'm needed else where." I held up a peace sign and vanished, teleporting to the Gilbert house. I knocked on the door, and walked in right after since the door was unlocked. "Yall really need to learn how to lock a door..." I said loud enough to be heard in the kitchen. Jeremy came around the corner and quickly made his way over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me along to the kitchen where I see Vicki munching on everything they have in the fridge.
"She took something, I don't know, but I think she's high and she's acting weird. She said I was talking too loud when I was practically whispering." He said as I walked over to her.
"What did he say, V. You're gonna need human blood, not an entire fridge." I told her quietly, as to not be heard by Jeremy. She looked at me and shook her head denying it.
"You're crazy. I don't know what you're talking about." She said finishing off the slice of pizza she was inhaling.
"Yes. But that's irrelevant. Take a seat somewhere, drink some water, imma call Matty." I told her sternly. I turned back and walked over to Jeremy who was a few feet away. "Call her brother, tell him to pick her up. Just tell him she took something." I told him and then we waited the few minutes it took for Matt to get here and by then she was sitting on the floor.
"Where is she?" He asked as soon as the door opened.
"Come this way." He led Matt to the kitchen and I tuned out the rest, chilling on the couch upside down, looking at the tv that showed the dead and burned bodies at the old cemetery. Then she started freaking out about the noise of the tv. She got up and walked over to the living room. They stood there watching the news play while I smirked a smidge, which went unnoticed.
           "That's where we were last night!" Jeremy said worriedly.
           "What happened, Vic?" Matt asked, also worried. Vicki started tearing up, sad about her dead friends.
           "Alright. I'm calling the cops." Matt said getting nothing from Vicki but tears.
           "No!" Vicki stopped him, grabbing his arm. "Don't."
           "What happened after I left last night, Vick?" Jeremy asked her gently. Vicki shoved him in return, and he fell on the floor, against the back of the couch I had got up from and currently stood next too. Everyone else looked offended or something, that she had just pushed him away that strongly. I just stuck my hand out with a bored expression on my face.
         "Jer! Jer, you okay?" Matt asked him hurriedly. Attempting to help him up but was pushed back by Jeremy.
         "Yeah, I'm fine! I'm fine." Jeremy said in response. Grabbing my hand to get up. Matt stood up straight and looked at his sister.
         "Damn, Vick." He said to her. That's when Stefan and Elena walked in and heard the commotion. I was standing behind Matt and Jeremy a few feet as they were looking at Vicki for some kind of explanation.
          "What's going on?" Elena asked looking at Matt, then Jeremy and finally me after not getting answers from the other two. I made my vampire face and smiled showing my fangs and Stefan immediately understood what I was trying to tell him without using words, while Elena looks confused.
          "She's really messed up." Matt told Elena the only explanation he could give her. I made my face normal again.
          "Elena, back up." Stefan told her, grabbing onto her arm, pulling her back slightly. Vicki's ass was still crying over her dead friends. Stefan walked up to her and put his hand on the side of her face. "Vicki, look at me." I rolled my eyes at the dramatics of these people. "Focus. You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine." I snort at that cause shits definitely not gonna be fine...for her anyway. "Guys, take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's gonna be ok. Come on." He grabbed Matt's shoulder leading him and Vicki towards the stairs. "Come on." He did the same with Jeremy. Which left Elena and I standing there watching them go upstairs. Elena was freaking out. Stefan rejoined us in the kitchen. She looked to Stefan and I.
          "You two know what's wrong with her?" Elena asked Stefan and I looking stressed as fuck.
"Yeah." Stefan said forlornly. I just nodded my head nonchalantly.
"What is it?" Elena asked worriedly.
"She's transitioning." Stefan said almost sadly. I just continued nodding.
          "To what?" Elena asked stupidly.
"To a man. To a fucking vampire, you imbecile." I deadpanned with sarcasm then whispered harshly with an eye roll. She looked to Stefan who nodded reluctantly.
"What?" She questioned breathlessly, shock all over her face.
"Damon, must've turned her last night after he killed all those druggies." I told them and they both turned to me. Then they turned to look at each other when Stefan spoke up next.
"She's new. She hasn't completed her transformation yet." Stefan informed her.
"H-how does s-she do that?" Elena questioned confused as fuck.
"How do you think dumbass. She has to feed on human blood...and she's an addict so she'll possibly be a ripper." I told Elena then looked to Stefan to inform him.
"And what if she doesn't?" Elena asked Stefan, not liking the likelihood of the answer she was gonna get in response.
"She'll die." Stefan and I said at the same time. Me, expressionless, while he, worrisome with his brows furrowed.
"She may only have a few hours." Stefan informed Elena, whom had started pacing stressfully, running her fingers through her hair.
"She's upstairs with him right now." Elena stated worried for her brother's safety, but chuckling slightly crazily?
"Them. Her brother's up there too." I deadpanned and gave an eye roll.
"It's okay she doesn't know what's happening to her yet." Stefan reassured.
"So when is she gonna know?" Elena wondered.
"Right now, she doesn't remember anything. A part of her is still human. But slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition the memories will start coming back and then she'll know she has to make the choice." Stefan informed her. She was leaning over a chair, running her fingers deeper into her hair, facing away from the both of us. Then she suddenly turned around, taking her fingers from her hair and dropping her hands to her sides.
"The same choice you made?" She practically sneered while taunting Stefan. Elena glanced at me, wanting to include me in that statement but not knowing what I am cause I am not a vampire.
"The same choice everyone makes everyday, Elena. Do I want to live...or do I want to die?" I told her dramatically with a slight tilt of my head to the left. She just looked to Stefan again, shook her head and walked away. Elena started messing with the shit on the table then next thing you know, Vicki comes running down the stairs and out the house.
"Vick!" Matt called after her. "Vicki!" He ran after her but found no one outside. Elena walked quickly to the door to find out what was going on. Stefan followed shortly behind her, along with Jeremy running down the stairs, and me walking slowly and casually with my hands in my hoodie pocket behind all of them.
"She was fine and then she just-she just freaked out." Jeremy shouted also freaking out. Matt was looking around and so was Stefan from where he stood. I just leaned against the side of the doorway.
"I'm gonna go look for her. Call me if you hear anything." Matt yelled while running sideways to his truck before turning back around to run properly, getting in, starting his truck and driving off.
"I can track her." Stefan whispered in her ear to Elena.
"Go." She nodded and said a little too loud. They turn to look at me and I walk down the steps after rolling my eyes and shoving off the doorway, over to them.
"I don't need to track her, I know exactly where she is. And I don't exactly remember signing up for a newbie hunt." I stated boredly.
"Please." Stefan pleaded. I rolled my eyes again and walked away from the house to the west, or to the right if your facing the house. We started walking towards the old cemetery and when the sun was almost set Stefan turned to me and finally broke the silence. "You can teleport, why are we walking?" He asked me suspiciously squinting his eyes. I turned and kept walking with a big grin on my face showing my dimples, my hair flowing back in the wind showcasing the tattoo on the side of my face in the glow from the sun.

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