Get it Under Control

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A few days had passed since my emotional break down. I had been laying in my bed, not wanting to get up or leave since then. But Damon wasn't gonna let it continue. He called me just before he went to the founder's council meeting, asking me to keep an eye on Stefan since he had fell off the wagon and wasn't getting back on so easily. I agreed, albeit reluctantly, and rolled out of my bed with a groan. I snapped my fingers to change out of the comfy sweatpants and oversized t-shirt I was wearing.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs, grabbing the keys to my Lambo as I left the house

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I grabbed my phone and went downstairs, grabbing the keys to my Lambo as I left the house. I locked the front door and went over to my baby, climbing inside and driving off to the Gilbert house, where Stefan was with Elena. When I got there, I got out of my car, locking it with the little remote before stuffing it in my pocket. I walked up to the front door and knocked before entering the house without a care. Jeremy was sat at the table, finishing up on homework when he looked up to see who had entered the house like that, and was not surprised to find that it was me.
"Hey, Jer, who's at the door?" Jenna asked as she walked around the kitchen doing god knows what.
"Hey, Lina." Jeremy said in greeting with a small smile, answering his aunt's question at the same time.
"Hey, J. How you feeling?" I greeted back with a smile of my own and asked as I gave him a little squeeze around the shoulders for a hug.
"Hangin in there." He answered my question with a sigh as I pulled away.
"Let me know if you need a distraction or something." I said with a wink then walked around the table to go say hi to Jenna.
"I will." He said with a little chuckle, going back to finishing his homework.
"Hey, Jen." I greeted with a half a smile as she gave me a hug, to which I returned with a side hug.
"Hey! Haven't seen you in a few days. We were getting ready to have dinner, you wanna join us?" Jenna offered sweetly.
"Nahh, I'm good. Already ate." I started to say as I backed up casually. "Where's Lena, in her room?" I asked and she nodded. Then, I turned around to go upstairs.
"Who was that?" John asked Jeremy with a scrunched up face of confusion after I left the room.
"Malena, a friend from school. But she goes by Lina most of the time." Jeremy said not taking his eyes off his english homework.

"Why would he write a report on vampires? Do you think he's starting to remember?" I heard Elena ask Stefan as I went up the stairs quietly.
"Damon took away those memories for good. You don't have to worry about that." Stefan reassured before there was a short pause. "I'll tell you what. Why don't you just ask him?" He added and that's when I reached the top of the stairs.
"I-I can't." Elena stammered.
"Why not?" Stefan asked confused. Then I opened the door with a flourish.
"Yeah, you really should start talking to your brother more. Otherwise he's gonna start snooping through your diary when he thinks you're being secretive." I said as I left the door open a crack. "Speaking of which," I added while pointing my finger at her as I walked closer to where they sat on her bed, "be careful how you answer any questions about Vicki or her death." I finished as I came to a stop in front of them.
"Hey, what're you doing here? Where've you been?" Stefan asked with pinched brows.
"I'm officially you're new sober sponsor, here to keep the cravings at bay." I said dramatically with a chuckle. "And I've been moping in isolation, sue me."
"I don't even know how to talk to him anymore. I mean, we used to be a lot more open with each other..ughh, but now, with all these secrets just piling know, I haven't even told him that I'm adopted yet." Elena went on to rant, pulling us back to the matter at hand here.
"Boom. Opening." I said and took a seat on the corner of the bed across from Stefan and next to Elena's head as she laid on her stomach. I continued when she looked at me confusedly. "Tell him you gotta talk to him, tell him about the adoption and bring up the paper to make conversation afterwards. Duh." I said and laid back on the small space next to Elena's body.
"Yeah, maybe it's time you start opening up to him again." Stefan stated making Elena nod reluctantly. "I'm not saying you should tell him everything, but at least try to find out what he does know prepared for it." He concluded with a sigh. Elena looked him over inquisitively for a moment before squeezing his shoulder affectionately.
"What about you? How are you doing?" Elena asked and that's when I sat up.
"I'm gonna use your bathroom." I said while I got up, then walked around the bed to get to the bathroom. Once inside, I closed all the doors and leaned against the sink while I listened in to their conversation.
        "I'm much, much better." Stefan said. 'Lie.' "Yeah, I'm-I'm still, you know, a little, uh...a little jittery, a little on edge, but, uh...I'm gonna be ok. Lina said she'd help, so.." Stefan stuttered and stammered out a believable lie. I heard some movement on the bed, probably Elena sitting up.
         "I've been really worried about you." Elena said sweetly. "And I've missed you." She added.
         "I just needed to lay low for a little while and, uh, let my body readjust." Stefan said. 'No, you needed to make sure you weren't gonna suck your girlfriend dry.' "It's only been a few days." He teased.
        "Mm, it feels like a lifetime." Elena said quietly, her smile heard in her voice.
        "I missed you too." Stefan said back equally as quiet. It went quiet after that, which I assumed meant they were making out. Before they could move to lay on the bed, I flushed the toilet, ran the sink for a few seconds and opened the door. They pulled apart as soon as they heard the door open.
        "Yeah, none of that. Control yourselves." I said my gaze looking pointedly at Stefan while I leaned against the doorway with my arms crossed over my chest. He nodded looking at the floor.
        "She's right. I could loose control, and hurt you." Stefan agreed as he pulled away from Elena. Elena looked between us confused.
        "Have you not seen Twilight? Sometimes some thing's are accurate." I said with raise of my right brow.
        "O..k." Elena said with a nod, not completely believing me. Stefan stood up as I walked over to the door to leave.
        "I'm gonna go..uhm, I'll see you tomorrow." He stammered as I walked out the door, himself slowly walking backwards towards the door before turning around and following me down the stairs.
        "See ya, Jer! Nice not meeting you John! Bye Jenna!" I said with a wave as I walked to the front door and out the house with Stefan in tow. We climbed in my car, and I drove us to the boarding house. "So how bad is it really?" I asked glancing over at Stefan in the passenger seat a few times. "Come on Stef, it's me here." I added when he didn't say anything, just looked down at his hands as he fiddled with them.
"You already know..." he said sadly.
        "Maybe..but give me some more perspective." I said as we neared the house.
        "It's like my veins are on fire, and everybody looks like a fire hydrant, just waiting for me to let the water out." He described after taking a second to think about it. I parked in the driveway and shut off the car as I thought of what to say to next.
       "I know I might be the last person that should tell you this, but you're gonna have to learn to control it eventually, Stefan." I said bluntly. He sped out the car and into the house. I got out the car, and waved my hand to un-conjure it as I walked into the house casually. I walked into the library where Stefan was pacing, looking at books, trying to rein in his hunger. I sat on the couch as he went over to the decanters full of liquor. "That's not gonna work forever, ya know." I said bluntly as he hesitated before he poured himself a glass. He hesitated again before drinking it all in one go. "Just feed Stefan, you know you want to." I said lowly and with a smirk.
"No." He growled out as he poured another glass.
"Oh come on, you don't even need to feed off a person. Just use a blood bag." I started as I stood up. I slowly walked around, running my finger along the bookshelf. "But think of that delectable feeling of the blood running down your throat, that sweeter taste when they're afraid of you, that exhilarating rush when you have to chase them..." I taunted, my voice sultry and enticing. Next thing I know, Stefan has his hand wrapped around my throat 'choking' me and slamming me against the wall. I smile as he glares angrily at me while breathing heavily, growling slightly with each breath, and trying to control himself.
"What the hell are you doing?" He gritted out lowly, squeezing my neck tighter when I started to chuckle. I grabbed his hand, using my telekinesis and super-strength to remove his hand from my throat, while levitating in the air where he held me up to.
"I'm trying to help you, Stefan." I started and he squinted his eyes at me, not believing me. "By making you realize what you are." My voice turned hard, my smile still present. "You are a vampire, Stefan. A vampire playing in dreamland, trying to act human, thinking you can be with a human that won't eventually turn into a vampire herself." His eyes widened at that. "You think it's gonna last when she turns into a vampire? She's gonna be perfectly fine, drinking human blood, while you can barely stand to be around it." I threw his hand away from me. "It's time to face the facts, Stefano. What're you gonna do? Go back to munching on bunnys, or accept what you are?" I asked with a mischievous look in my eyes. Stefan started pacing frustratedly with his hands running through his hair. "See you at the founders party." I said with a smirk and teleported up to Damon's room. I jumped and spun to land on his bed on my back.
      "What do you want?" Damon asked coldly as he walked out of his attached bathroom in only a towel, his hair wet from the shower he just took.
      "What's got your nuts in a twist?" I asked jokingly as he walked over to his dresser.
      "My nuts are not twisted, thank you very much. Lemme guess, you wanna go to the founders party?" He asked as he searched for some clothes.
      "I mean, I can get in either way, but giving others something to gossip about is so much fun. Whatdya say, D?" I asked as I sat up on my elbow, turning to look at him. I watched a drop of water fall off his hair to glide down his toned back.
      "I guess it could be fun." He said over his shoulder with a little smirk at seeing my eyes trail down his body. "I hope you're not planning on going dressed like that..." he said referring to the baggy pants and Jordans I was wearing.
      "Of course not." I said with a roll of my eyes as I got off the bed. I walked up behind him and peaked around him to see what drawer he was looking in. "Hmm." I hummed. "Thought you were more of a briefs guy." I said with a chuckle and walked towards the door. "Wear black. No jacket, no tie." I said as I walked backwards with a small smirk before turning back forward and leaving out the door. I teleported to the room I stay in sometimes and went over to the bathroom to take a shower. I sang a song that was stuck in my head as I washed up. After I finished, I snapped my fingers to dry myself off as I stepped out. I ran my fingers through my hair to style it curly, similar to how I had it before. Then, snapping my fingers to put on my outfit for tonight.

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