Bitch Ass Isobel

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    I haven't left the house in a while, only once to go feed in that club in Italy then I came back and went straight back to moping in my bed

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    I haven't left the house in a while, only once to go feed in that club in Italy then I came back and went straight back to moping in my bed. Meanwhile, Isobel arrived. I guess that's why my phone has been blowing up today. My phone rang again, and this time it was Ric surprisingly.
     "Yeah?" I answered, my depression lacing my tone of voice.
     "You need to get down here. Now. Isobel's in town..." Ric said quickly before I cut him off.
     "Yeah, I know. She wants to see Elena, right? Why do you need me?" I asked.
     "She wants to see you too." Ric answered. I pinched my brows at that and looked at my phone like it was buggin.
     "Why?" I asked incredulously. I could hear Elena, Damon and Stefan in the background yelling at Ric to put it on speaker. I almost forgot about the enchantment I put on my phone for privacy, it keeps nosey ears from listening in to any of my phone calls. I assume he put it on speaker by the increase in volume of their voices.
     "Where the hell are you?" Damon asked harshly.
     "Hiding from the world. Why the fuck does Isobel want to see me? It was supposed to just be Elena..." I said thoughtfully then trailed off at the end.
     "How does she even know about you?" Stefan asked. I could picture him crossing his arms defensively.
     "Look, can you just get to the school? Why are you even hiding in the first place?" Elena inserted before I could answer.
     "Nahh, I'm good. Just call me when you're going to meet with Isobel. And don't worry about why I'm hiding." I said dismissively and hung up. I didn't want to chance running into Bonnie right now. If she gives me those sad-puppy eyes, I think I might just break. So, I rolled over and went back to sleep.
     Not even an hour later my phone rang again, once more waking me up. I rolled onto my back and searched for my phone blindly before answering it.
     "What." I said harshly, trying to wake up.
     "The Grill. Now." Damon ordered sternly before hanging up. I groaned as I plopped my arm back down onto the bed. I groggily got up and snapped my fingers to put on some clothes.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to grab my keys, then walked out the door

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I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to grab my keys, then walked out the door. I locked it with a flick of my wrist before climbing into my Skyline.

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