Opening the Tomb

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         The next morning I was awoken by a phone call. I rubbed my head as I answered, not bothering to sit up, and laid my phone to sit on my chest as I laid on my back with the phone on speaker.
"Yeah..." I groaned out sleepily.
"Anna took Elena." Stefan said in a hurry.
"Shit. That means she has Bonnie too. Just give me a few minutes, aiight." I said dropping my hand that was rubbing my head to the bed with a thud, then hung up. I laid there for a few seconds before sitting up and removing the warm blankets. I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to wake up some more. I got up with a groan and snapped my fingers so that I was wearing some jeans and a sweater with some shoes before teleporting myself to the Boarding house.

         Stefan was pacing in the living room when I showed up

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Stefan was pacing in the living room when I showed up. I was throwing my hair up in a lazy top knot thing when I coughed to get his attention. He turned quickly to face me.
"Anna called she said to meet her in the town square with the grimoire." He said very panicked. I dropped my hands from my hair with a sigh after I finished.
"I know where she is. Where's Damon?" I said and he just looked down sullenly. "Hey, Imma get her back. You and Damon meet her in the town square in the meantime." He nodded at that and I went in for a hug, which was very uncharacteristic of me, I know. I slowly walked forward the few steps that were between us and wrapped my arms around his neck. He quickly reciprocated the hug around my waist and buried his head in my shoulder with a shaky breath. "Hey, if it makes you feel better, this aint shit compared to what happens later on." I said then chuckled a little.
"It really doesn't." He said but chuckled with me anyway. I let go and grabbed his face, smushing it together comically.
"Alright. I'll be back." I said then let go of him fully with another giggle when he dropped his arms with a nod. I stepped back a little before teleporting to that nasty ass roach motel Anna was currently making her residence while the brothers went to meet up with her. I was in the empty parking lot facing the building when I arrived. I used my sense skill to locate which room they were in. Top floor, all the way in the corner. I teleported in front of the room's door. I kicked the door open and walked inside. I saw Ben cowering in the corner and Bonnie and Elena on the beds, heaving relieved sighs when they saw me. Bonnie got up quickly and ran to me, jumping me in a hug like she does. "Hey, Bon Bon. Long time, no see." I said into her hair and neck as I held her around her waist. Her arms were wrapped around my head and neck tightly. I smoothed down her hair as I looked to Elena and gestured my eyes to the right, indicating for her to get out of here. "Go with Elena, you don't need to see this." I said in a whisper to Bonnie and she nodded as she released me. She looked at my face as she backed up but I was looking at Ben, well glaring really. She walked over to Elena and the two waited outside but left the door open. I walked up to Ben who was hiding behind a bed with his hoodie up over his head. "Well look who it is, Ben McKittrick. Ya know, I almost feel bad for you." I started, squatting down and resting my elbows on my knees. "Anna's just using you, she doesn't actually like you. She barely tolerates you. But me? I despise guys like you. You take a girl on a date under false pretenses and fuckin kidnap her to use her for something I was gonna do anyway. She was gonna kill you, ya know. After she got the tomb open and got her mother back, she'd have no use for you. And killing you would just be tying up loose ends." I said tauntingly. His eyes were wide and he was staring at me. "But you don't got to worry about her." I said dragging a finger down the side of his face.
"I don't?" He asked innocently with hopeful eyes.
"Nope." I said with a sweet smile before grabbing his throat. "Cause I'm gonna kill you." I said lowly and threateningly. I pulled him up by his throat and walked over to the window, throwing the curtains open and holding him in the sunlight. He screamed as he burst into flames. He passed out from the pain after 20 seconds. "Pathetic." Was all I said to his crispy form on the ground as I stood over it. I grabbed him by the hair and dragged him to the center of the room. First I cut off his head and displayed it on the nightstand in the center of the wall where the beds were. Then I ripped out his heart and squeezed it, aiming the blood squirting out at the walls, then placed it on top of his head on the nightstand. Then, I conjured a machete and used it to cut off his limbs that I threw to random spots of the room. I left the torso in the bathtub though, sans penis. That was stuck into his mouth. Then I conjured a pen and piece of paper. I wrote a note stating to stay away from the witch and the Doppelgänger, and that I was opening the tomb tonight. When I was done I was covered in blood splatter again, I walked out and closed the door after re-closing the blinds. "Alright. Ready to go?" I said turning to face the two who's eyes went wide at my appearance. I snapped my fingers and the blood was gone. Bonnie was crying silently and Elena was trying to comfort her when I had initially came outside. After I had got rid of the blood though, Bonnie ran to me and wrapped me in a hug again. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist to give her some type of comfort. "Sorry for not warning you about him. I completely forgot and then I got summoned and there was this epic fight..." I explained and apologized, trailing off at the end.
Bonnie shook her head. "I'm not mad. Thanks for saving us." She said squeezing me tighter. I looked at Elena as Bonnie continued to squeeze me.
"You ok?" I asked her. She nodded with a little smile. "Let's head back." I said as I tried to let go of Bonnie but she only held on tighter. I chuckled a bit and grabbed her where her thighs meet her ass and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and tightened her hold around me, burying her face in my neck. Elena and I walked down to the parking lot where I conjured my car with a wave of my hand, the other arm wrapped around Bonnie's middle to hold her up. I only had two seats in the car so Elena sat in the passenger seat and Bonnie stayed on my lap while I drove. She had moved her feet to rest next to my thighs, straddling me, but kept her arms around my neck loosely and resting her head on my shoulder. I drove for a while before I heard Bonnie's small snores indicating she fell asleep. "So, you meet Anna?" I asked Elena as I took the long drive back in silence, the motel being on the edge of town. She nodded looking out the window all sad girl like. A few minutes later she turned her head to look at Bonnie's sleeping form thoughtfully.
"I think she really likes you, ya know..." She said quietly as to not wake up the girl aforementioned. She raised her elbow to rest on the bottom of the window and held the back of her head with her hand.
"Yeah, I know. I can't really do anything about it though." I said plainly, not moving my eyes from the winding road.
"Why not? I think you'd be good for her, and her you." She stated confusedly, scrunching her eyebrows together.
"Because, despite the fact that I help you guys out, I'm not a good person Elena. You'll see why in the future. I know Bonnie, and her morals won't let her fall for someone like me. She's the kind of person who would try to save everyone, not let anyone die, and sacrifice herself in the process. I'm not. I'm considered a villain cause I'd happily watch the world burn to protect those I care about. I wouldn't let her sacrifice herself, I wouldn't let her go running to save the day if it meant she could possibly get hurt doing so. I'd hold her against her wishes and she'd hate me for it anyway. So, there's really no point in trying to be something I'm not, and I'm not gonna force her to be either. It is what it is." I said monotonously, subconsciously rubbing Bonnie's back when she started readjusting, stuffing her face back into my neck and sighing happily.
"That's a really sad way to look at things." She said looking out the front windshield as she let her hand and head rest against the window next to her. "But I get what you mean. I still think you should let her decide if she wants that though, instead of taking the choice away from her." She said solemnly.
"There's other things to consider too, ya know? Like the fact that I don't know if I can die again, and I know that she does multiple times. If she dies, I know how to bring her back, but if I die? And I can't come back? That would break her. You guys are still young, new-ish to the idea of death. You hate it. When you get older the concept of death is sad, yes, but you've accepted that it's part of life. Everything that lives can die, it might be harder to achieve for some, but it is possible, remember that Elena. Death shouldn't be something to fear, it's only feared because people don't have faith or an understanding of what happens after. And the world fears what it doesn't know." I said sagely continuing to drive with my hand on Bonnie's back.
"Were you scared? When you died? Or were you as 'accepting' as you call it..." Elena asked inquisitively.
"Hah. It scared my fiancé how curious I was about the afterlife. He told me when you start thinking about it, you're gonna try to chase it. And of course, he didn't want that. The funny thing is, we talked about reincarnation, told me I should move on, cause he was going to in that situation. I was fine with that, but I still miss them like crazy. Sometimes I can't get them outta my head. When I can, I end up feeling guilty at night for living happily while they're probably miserable. But the way I died, why I died, let's just say they weren't normal circumstances. And I'm not sorry your dad died, he was experimenting on vampires 'for science'." I said the end with an eye roll. The beginning was said with a chuckle while the rest was said with a deep sorrow turned emptiness that you'd only hear from a mother who can no longer be with her babies. I glanced over at Elena to see she had tears falling from her eyes.
"Sorry." She said when she saw me look at her again. "You never really talk about your old life, or your family." She said wiping the last of the stream of tears away.
"Well, there's not much to tell. It was extraordinarily mundane." I said with a chuckle. "What about you? How are you dealing with the whole 'the supernatural is real' thing?" I asked her while focusing back on the road, we were almost at Bonnie's grams house, where Sheila and Stefan were waiting. There was a pause as she thought about it.
"I don't know, really. It's not as hard as I thought it'd be to digest." She said almost pleasantly surprised.
"Well, considering you're a doppelgänger, it should be easy enough, I guess." I said plainly pulling up to the curb in front of Sheila's house and turning off the car.
"I'm sorry. A what?" She asked completely kerfuffled.
"I'll tell you later. Come on, your boy toy is waiting." I said opening my door and teleporting outside of it after I realized I might hit Bonnie's head getting up. I pulled Bonnie's calfs behind me and she subconsciously crossed her ankles. I closed the door while Elena got out and did the same.
"Is that why I look like her?" Elena asked when I walked around the car easily holding a sleeping Bonnie around the middle and her left thigh.
"Later, Lena." I said sternly while coming to stand in front of the door. It opened before either of us could knock and Sheila was standing there with a worried look in her eyes that she was trying to cover up with a blank face. Stefan was standing behind her and he quickly walked passed when he saw Elena standing next to me. "Sheila." I greeted with a raised brow and pursed lips.
"Devil child." She greeted with equal sass. I chuckled and smirked.
"One and only. Now, excuse me while I go lay your granddaughter in her bed." I said with a fake smile and walked passed her when she finally stepped aside. I saw Stefan eye me when I wasn't verbally invited in. I walked passed the living room to the hallway and went to the second door on the left side, Bonnie's room here. I opened the door with a flick of two of my fingers and walked in. I slowly walked up to the side of the bed and smoothed down Bonnie's hair. I tried to move her legs so I could lay her down but she squeezed me tighter. "You're home, babe. I was just trying to lay you down." I said gently, rubbing her back a little.
"Don't go, yet. Stay with me a little longer?" She asked in a timid and tired voice. I sighed but nodded nonetheless.
"Just a few minutes." I whispered and sat on the bed with her. I scooted down to lay on my back when she moved her legs from around my waist. We readjusted completely into a cuddle where I'm laying on my back with my left hand wrapped around her and my right hand resting behind my head. Her arm's thrown over my abdomen, and our legs intertwined. I lay there for a few minutes waiting for her to go back to sleep.
"I understand now...why you don't want too." Bonnie said quietly, not moving from her position on my chest. "I wasn't completely asleep when you were talking to Elena." She explained when she heard me move my head to look at her quizzically. "I don't hold it against you...and thank you, for thinking of me. At first I thought you were just being selfish, but you were thinking of me the whole time." She said with a sadness in her tone. I squeezed her a little.
"When everyone else seems to abandon you, I'll always be a phone call away." I whispered giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "Just get some rest, ma. You had a long day." I said while silently healing her with one of my creatures that I can technically shift into but don't use very often, a whitelighter from 'Charmed'. We laid there for a few more minutes before the door opened quietly. I looked from the ceiling to the doorway to find Sheila standing there.
"Your friends left." She said quietly as to not wake the sleeping girl holding on to me. "I suggest you do the same." She said tilting her head forward. I nodded and looked down at Bonnie one more time. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head again then teleported out of her arms, standing on the other side of Sheila.
"If you wish to stay alive, I suggest you don't try to open the tomb." I said to her over my shoulder as my back was facing her. Then, without waiting for a response, I teleported to the Salvatore house, unconjuring my car in the meanwhile. When I landed in the front living room, I went straight to the little table behind one of the couches to pour myself a drink. Damon, Stefan and Elena all walked into the room from the study.
"Well, that went swimmingly." Damon said in a sarcastic and smug tone. Walking over to where I stood chugging the cup of bourbon I poured myself. "Maybe you should slow down a little..." Damon suggested while looking from me over to Stefan and Elena, she was shaking her head to signal to him to leave me be.
"Shut up, Damon." I said coldly, putting the glass down harshly. "How'd it go with Anna?" I asked conjuring a blunt cause I was way too sober for all the emotions waring inside of me. I lit it with my finger as I moved to sit on one of the couches.
"She didn't even mention you, does she know what you are?" Stefan asked crossing his arms and leaning against the armrest on the couch opposite of me. I shook my head after taking in a puff and french inhaling it.
           "So when we doing this thing?" Damon asked while pouring himself a drink.
           "Sun down." I said then inhaled again, holding it in before blowing it up to the ceiling. I twirled my finger while leaning back into the couch and made all the smoke travel outside to dissipate.
           "What was it that you said I am? A doppelgänger, right? What is that?" Elena asked sitting on the couch across from me, next to Stefan. I took another puff and held out the blunt, offering it to any of them, Stefan and Elena shook their heads but Damon came over and sat next to me, grabbing the blunt and puffing it. All of them seeming interested in this bit of information.
           "A doppelgänger is a supernaturally reoccurring person throughout time. You and Kitty Kat are a supernatural reoccurrence of someone named Amara from fuckin biblical times. Stefan is also a doppelgänger of someone named Silas. I'll explain them more at a later date." I said then grabbed the blunt back from Damon who was coughing a lung out at the moment. "Pussy." I teased with a smirk.
          "Is there a reason for the reoccurrence?" Stefan asked with pinched brows. I took a puff before explaining.
          "Yes." I blew out the smoke. "Those who know of doppelgängers believe it's because of a curse placed on someone over a thousand years ago. Only a few know of the true purpose." I said vaguely.
          "A curse placed on who?" Damon asked after he finally stopped coughing.
          "All in due time, D." I said patting his back a couple times and continuing to smoke.
          "So what do we do now? Wait for sun down?" Elena asked while bouncing her knee anxiously and leaning forward a bit.
          "Yeah, wanna watch a movie?" I asked all of them, finishing my blunt and dropping it through a portal to my ashtray at the house. We ended up watching the fast and furious movies, they were only up to 4 in this world so I conjured the rest of the movies and we only got to watch half of number 5 before it was sundown and we had to go.
           "Do they really rob the dude that runs the whole country?" Elena asks as we stand up.
           "Yup. Now, do you want to teleport or drive?" I asked holding up both hands with my palms up. One empty, the other holding my keys to the jeep I was gonna conjure if they didn't want to teleport. I had returned my Lambo to the house when I was leaving Bonnie's Gram's house. "Actually, why don't you two go pick up Bonnie, I need Bennet blood for this." I said pointing at Stefan and Elena. They nodded and I handed them the keys to my jeep that was now outside. It was maroon and a 2 door with a black hard-top cover. I held my hand out to Damon so we could teleport, which we did while they walked out the front door. Damon and I landed next to the hole Bonnie had fell in not too long ago. I jumped down and used my psychokinesis to clear the rocks and debris out, made a hole at the top of the stone stairs for easier access, and conjured 6 torches that I laid against the stone wall. I heard footsteps approaching and teleported myself out of the hole and onto ground level. I dusted off my hands on my pants then looked up to find both Bonnie and her Grams walking up with Stefan and Elena. My eyebrows lowered into a scowl.
"I said to bring Bonnie, not her Grams. Why is she here?" I said harshly.
"Like I'd leave this up to you, devil spawn." Sheila sneered at me.
"So you're prepared to die, then?" I asked her with a raise of my right brow. Bonnie's eyes widen in shock. Her head snaps to her left when she sees Elena and Stefan lower their heads. Sheila squints her eyes at me a bit, glaring at me. "What, they didn't tell you?" I whispered walking up to Bonnie whose eyes never left the people who she felt lied to her. I circled around behind her while whispering in her ear. "I told them she would die if she did this spell. I warned your Gram's too. They obviously made sure to tell Sheila but...they didn't tell you? They lied to you? Withheld the truth? They actually let her come here..knowing that she would die..and you would be left alone in mourning." I stopped when I stood behind her and whispered into her left ear. Both of us staring at the three of them, Damon being off to the side. Bonnie was teary eyed but didn't dare to blink, whereas I had my head tilted down a bit and smiling evilly at them. "What kind of friend does that?" I continued.
"Don't listen to her Bonnie! She's just trying to manipulate you!" Elena yelled panicked and with a shrilly voice.
"I would never." I said poshly with a hand to my chest. "I've done nothing but speak the truth, Elena." I said stepping out from behind Bonnie and dropping my hand, tilting my head to the left a little and looking at her with fake concern. "You're the ones who didn't tell her. Not me. You're the ones who brought Bonnie's grandmother to her death. I did the calculations, ya know. The only possible way to ensure that Sheila doesn't die tonight, is to make sure she doesn't set foot in the area. If you add myself to the spell, it doesn't guarantee that she doesn't die. If we remove Bonnie from the spell? Nope. If we do anything other than not let Sheila do the spell, she has the chance to die. And I don't take chances." I said nonchalantly while taking slow steps towards her.
"I'm doing the spell." Sheila said with finality and Bonnie's head snapped in her direction, looking at her with wide and confused eyes. "I don't trust you." She said still glaring at me.
"And why is that?" I asked turning to look at her, putting my hands in my pants pockets. "Have I given you a reason not to trust me?" I asked her with sass incredulously. Bonnie just stared at her Gram's confusedly and crossing her arms.
"Has she? Other than having these cosmic otherworldly powers, what else do you know about her? You wanna know what I know?" At this I eyed Bonnie with a raised brow. "I know that she is smart and....capable of kindness." She said choosing her words carefully, which made me hide my chuckle with a hand. "I know she would never hurt me." She said looking at me with a soft smile. "Physically, at least." She mumbled and I looked down at the ground putting my lips between my teeth, my hand dropping to my side lazily. She turned back to her Grams. "So why do you distrust her so much?" Bonnie asked seriously, pinching her brows inquisitively.
"There's a prophecy." Sheila started with a sigh after a pause while she looked at her granddaughter, searching her eyes and finding how serious she is about this. "Passed down from ancient times throughout the witch community." Stefan, Elena and Damon looked at her confusedly with furrowed brows and frowns on their faces. I just looked up to the sky trying to seem nonchalant and failing epically.
"Wait. What?" Stefan said looking from Sheila to me whistling while trying to back away slowly. Damon grabbed me by the back of my hoodie and tried to pull me forward again. When I didn't move he looked at me with a 'seriously?' look, and I rolled my eyes and sucked on my teeth before walking forward, jerking out of his hold at the same time.
"Yeah, I didn't know about it before Sheila told me a little bit about it. It wasn't in the show." I said shrugging my shoulders and smirking nonchalantly while closing my eyes.
"What's the prophecy?" Elena asked looking to Sheila curiously.
"'A child born of god and witch will live many lives. She will either be the absolute destruction of the cosmos as we know it, or the savior to a select few.' And that's little g." She recited dramatically. I raised my brow giving her a 'that's it?' look. Damon chuckled shaking his head and looking down. Stefan followed suit, not being able to hold it in. Elena just scratched the back of her head looking down awkwardly.
            "So my mother's a witch, good to know. I knew that motherfucker was my father." I said unsurprised and grumbled the last part.
            "Wait. So you're like..a demigod?" Stefan asked curiously snapping his head up to me.
            "That's a good question." Damon pointed out looking down at me with furrowed brows and crossing his arms, taking a couple steps closer to me.
            "I don't think it's that exactly, but whatever." I said with a lazy one shoulder shrug. I pulled my hands out of my pockets and clapped them one time. "Aiight. We gonna do this thing or not?" I asked looking at everyone. "Right, bye bye." I said when everyone looked at Sheila, and I sent her back home with a snap. We all climbed down the stairs to the chamber with the stone slab of a door to the tomb. Damon, Elena and Stefan all stood off to the side and Bonnie just stood outside of the circle in drawn into the floor awkwardly. "Alright has your Grams taught you any spells yet?" I asked Bonnie walking over to the opposite side of the circle engraved in the floor.
         "Small ones, nothing that needed a circle." She said looking down at it fearfully. I smirked.
         "Relax. You're not gonna be in the circle, only me." I said conjuring up a large piece of white chalk. I squatted down a bit and broke off a chunk of the chalk rock. "Now, I don't know if you wanna learn something like this, it might be considered dark magic to some witches." I said while grinding the chalk up in my hand with a squeeze of my fist and dropping the powder into the circle, lining it with the chalk. I straightened my legs a bit, still bent over slightly, and walked around the circle dropping the powder from my hand. I glanced up, when the circle was done, at Bonnie who seemed to be paying attention intently. "I wouldn't recommend trying to cast it till you're stronger, but knowledge is power." I said dusting the chalk off my hands by clapping them. Then, I conjured up some rock salt and made a design you'd be familiar with if you watch supernatural.

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