I'm going where now?

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"I'm sorry, what?" I ask stunned and quite frankly hopeful. I've always dreamed, hoped, wished, and preyed to be reincarnated like characters in the stories I've read. Never thought it would actually happen, I've been known to be a pessimist, or realist depending on who you ask. Now, don't be fooled, there's a reason I thought I was going to hell.
"I said you're going to be reborn. Or reincarnated, if you will. Into a world not your own but may be familiar with, or should I say worlds." I stand up from kneeling on the floor finally to get a closer look at his eyes. He has the same green eyes Jensen has, with a little silver ring around the pupil. I'm captivated for a split second then return to trying to find anything indicating that he's lying to me. I hate liars. Especially the kind that get your hopes up and then squash them like a bug under the sole of their shoe. However, I find nothing of the sort though I do stay suspicious.
"Worlds?" I question making sure I heard him right.
"Yes, worlds. I am Seth (SET), god of chaos. And I have been immensely bored over the centuries, looking for someone willing to cause a little chaos." He declares with a devious smile and nefarious plans. "You will be able to traverse the many worlds that you know of and cause any kind of chaos you wish." As he says this he saunters over to his desk and takes a seat in the lavish chair from earlier, resting his semi-clasped hands on the desktop.
"Hold the fuck up." I say with one hand in the air facing him, the other kneading my forehead. "Let me get this straight. Before I, ya know, freak the hell out." I speak with my hands waving around. "You want to grant me," I point to myself while saying this in disbelief. "The power to travel the multiverse and reek havoc and chaos?" My arms drop to my sides and I tilt my head with my right brow raised, still not believing this is real.
                 "Yes, my dear. And it doesn't have to be anything......dramatic. Just enough to entertain me. As I said, I have been bored over the years, and you are the perfect candidate. You see, I have been searching, for many years but what I saw in your head. The imagination you have, along with your deviant behavior makes you just the person I've been looking for." He says and smiles unsettlingly while I ponder this colossal opportunity.
                 "Hmmmmm." I think with my pointer finger tapping my chin. Then I start thinking out loud which I have a bad habit of doing. "The possibilities would be endless. I could fuck up so many timelines." I smile almost evilly. "I could finally do the things I've only imagined possible. Kill so many of the characters that deserved to die. Save a few if I feel like it. Confuse a bunch of motherfuckers along the way? Who the hell says no to that? But on the other hand, this whole thing seems kinda sus. But if I play my cards right..." i really need to stop thinking out loud. Like they say you never know who's listening.
              "I take it you're on board?" He asks finding my not-so-inner monologue humorous.
               "Are you kidding?! Hell yeah I'm on board!" I say happily and honestly, a little too excited.
              "Very well, my dear. Which universe would you like to start with? Keep in mind that all the tv shows, movies, and books you've watched and read are possible worlds. So which would you like to start with?" He asked his hands still clasped, elbows resting on the desktop. I have to be smart about this. I should start somewhere simple, where I know what I want to do and can cause the most chaos.
                "I know just the one." I smile, almost sinisterly. "I'm going to start with," I pause for dramatic effect because I'm extra as fuck. "The Vampire Diaries."
           "I knew you were going to choose that one. Must be something about the supernatural of it all."
            "Oh of course it is! Now I'm not going to be some lowly human am I? Cause if all I get to start of with, is simple humanity, then it's bout to be boring as hell." I ask in a suggestive way in order to see (manipulate him) into getting some sort of power from the god.
                "Well, it should be a given, my dear, that you will not be going into this empty handed. I was thinking the basic witch powers to start off with, you will be able to train your powers in order to progress and there will be no cap on your potential. Your limits know no bounds. Now what else do you desire in terms of power?"
           To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I've always wanted to be a witch. Ever since I was 8 and found a series called "Charmed" it has been my single most desired ability throughout my 27 years of living.
                  "Aaahh!! Yay!!! I get to be a fucking witch!!! I'm so excited!!! Ok! Ok. What else? I've got it! Necromancy. The power over life and death like that?! I've gotta have that!" I declare, smiling wide like an idiot. To be honest, the first thing that popped into my head when I was trying to think of what other supernatural or godly ability I wanted next is a pink flower in the middle of a green field of grass on a bright sunny day and then I touch the flower with a single tip of my finger, and then it disintegrated into black ash and blew away with the wind. I smiled like the Cheshire cat at the thought once again appeared in my mind.
                "So granted. What else? The possibilities are endless, my dear. Wish for anything you could want and I will grant it to you." He smirked. Apparently, a certain thought of future opposition never crossed his one track mind. The woman smiled then quickly thought of something else to make sure that if he could read minds, which he really couldn't, but wouldn't have been able to considering he was currently thinking of what the woman would choose next.
           "Hmm." And I was back to thinking with my finger tapping my chin again. "I would love to be tribrid, but then again there are other things that could be useful, like a siren. Ooh! Maybe a succubus, or a demon in general? It'd be so cool to be able to do the black eyes thing! You know what? What about a shapeshifter?" I turn to him from my pacing in front of his desk to see a grin on his face. "Like in a broad sense, ya know? Having the ability to turn into any supernatural creature known to man, woman, child and god? Can you do that?" I asked him remembering he said the possibilities are endless.
               "Of course, my dear. I can indeed do that for you. I'm not entirely sure that, that ability and shapeshifting are the same ability but I understand what you mean and we can simplify it to that term, if you wish." He granted with an amused face on. 'Damn, why is he so handsome? Moving on!'
               "Yay!!" I clap and cheer like a child getting candy. "Does that cover everything?" I abruptly stopped cheering and thought to my self. Yes, I flip emotions at a speed faster than the flash. "Yup, that about covers everything I've ever wanted that money couldn't buy. So when can I go? Wait, when am I gonna get there? Like in the timeline?"
              "Well, I want to make sure you get the chance to harness your various abilities and control over your numerous powers, so you shall be dropped in about 15 years before the pilot, that sound good?" He asked while writing on some sort of scroll, I think.
               "Hm, can I be an orphan? The thought of having to deal with parents again sounds like drag. I mean, nothing against my own parents but having to make up lies and excuses and explanations, tch. It would just be much simpler without having to deal with it. Don't ya think?" Really, nothing against my parents, I mean could they have been better? Yeah. Nothing super bad but we're not going to get into that right now.
                 "As you so desire, my dear. Any other requests while we're at it?" He didn't particularly seem annoyed at my constant 'requesting' but I think I shouldn't ask for too much, ya know?
                 "Having money would really be a big help too. That should be it after that one." I smiled with worried eyes, but when I looked at him again, he just chuckled, looked down and shook his head.
                 "Very well, my dear. After you step through my portal, you will wake up either in utero on the day of your birth or in your "mother's" arms for the first time and she will later drop you off at an orphanage. You will be able to escape at age 4 or 5, and you will know where to go and what to do from there." He informs and then waves his hand like the professor lady from "Halloweentown Returns" when it's time for class and she needs to "open the door". Next thing I know, a swirling portal that looks like one of Kurogiri's from "My Hero Academia" opens just to the left of me.
                   "Alright, you gotta let me be able to do that too." I say, turning and pointing at the portal in front of me. "Ok. Peace out, ma dude." I throw up a peace sign and walk into the portal without sparing him a second glance.
        My previous life may be over, and I may never get to see my loved ones again, but he said they'll be fine. I can only hope and prey to any and every god that he's right, cause I don't want to even think of the worst case scenario. If I did that I would fall into another depression so fast and so deep I might be reborn catatonic with whoever's gonna raise me none the wiser.

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