(Season 2!!) - Kitty Kat's In Town

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    I was only sleep a few hours when I got spammed with calls. I groaned as I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the side table with my eyes still closed. I answered the phone and brought it to my ear.
    "Hello?" I greeted groggily.
    "Why didn't you tell me Caroline was gonna get hurt?! She could've died! She probably still could! Why? How could you..." Bonnie ranted through the phone quickly and loudly. She sounded like she was about to have a panic attack.
    "It was bound to happen, Bonnie. And I didn't tell you cause you needed to keep the device activated. All those tomb vamps needed to die. Tell me, who would you rather save? The townspeople? Or your best friend?" I gave her an impossible decision that she still would've chosen like she did. I could hear the sobs she was fighting to hold back. "She's gonna be fine, alright? Just let Damon give her a little blood, and she'll heal right up." I added softly after a moment's pause.
    "Can you come to the hospital?" She asked vulnerably. I pulled the phone from my ear and sighed defeatedly before putting the phone back to my ear. "Please?" She begged, and my resolve crumbled.
    "Alright. I'll be there in 5 minutes." I said and hung up as I threw the covers off me. I sat up and rubbed the sleep outta my eyes before standing. I threw my hair up in a lazy bun and snapped my fingers to put on some comfy clothes.

I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my pocket before walking out of the house and locking the door

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I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my pocket before walking out of the house and locking the door. Then, I teleported to the back of the hospital and walked around to find the entrance. I found Bonnie pacing in one of the hallways a few minutes later. I stopped about a meter away from her before she turned around and ran over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I slid my hands around her waist to reciprocate the hug, tucking my face between her shoulder and neck. I felt the sobs rack through her body as she cried into the side of my neck. We stood there like that in the middle of the hallway for a few minutes before she started to calm down.
   "Bonnie." We heard a familiar voice call making her quickly pull away from me and wipe her eyes. "How's Caroline?" Elena asked walking up to her and rubbing her arm comfortingly. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and leaned back against the wall.
    "She's weak. They don't know if she's gonna make it." Bonnie answered solemnly. I spotted Damon peeking around a nearby corner.
    "What?" Elena asked after a second of shock. Bonnie gave her a hug as tears welled in Elena's eyes. "Is there something that you can do? Like a spell or something?" She asked Bonnie in a panic, either ignoring me or not noticing I'm still standing here, to which I rolled my eyes.
   "I-I..." Bonnie stammered before getting interrupted by Damon coming around the corner.
   "She doesn't know how. Do you?" He asked plainly.
   "No, I don't." Bonnie answered and looked at the ground.
   "No, you don't. Because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that." He snidely commented at Bonnie.
   "Yeah, well, I can take down a vampire. That spell was easy to learn." Bonnie remarked.
   "As fun as that sounds, just give her some V-blood and call it a day." I inserted as I stood up from the wall.
   "No, no way." Elena rejected adamantly.
   "Just enough to heal her. She'll be safe in the hospital and it'll be out of her system in a day. She'll be better, Elena." Damon tried to reason with her.
    "It's too risky. I can't agree to that. Can't you do a spell or something?" Elena denied Damon again and turned to ask me incredulously.
    "I bring people back from the dead. Not heal them." I whispered a lie with an eye roll.
    "Do it." Bonnie inserted quickly, looking to Damon. When Elena snapped her head to give her that 'are you crazy?!' look, Bonnie looked at her with pleading eyes. "This is Caroline. Okay? We can't let her die! Do it." She stressed before turning to Damon to say the latter.
   "If I do this, you and me, call a truce?" Damon asked, pointing between himself and her when saying 'you and me'.
   "No." Bonnie denied. "But you'll do it anyway..for Elena." She added confidently before walking back to the waiting room. I followed after her, conjuring a hot chocolate in my hand as I turned the corner. She sat down on one of the chairs tiredly as I walked over to her.
   "Here. Hot chocolate." I said as I held it out to her. She grabbed it gingerly and mumbled a 'thanks' before taking a sip out of the paper cup. I stood there in front of her, leaned against the wall across from her as the wheels spun in her head.
   "What's it like? Being a..vampire?" She asked, whispering the last word after looking around us to make sure no one would hear her.
   "You're still you, just more. Your emotions are dialed up to a hundred, way worse than a pregnant woman's. There's this..insatiable hunger..that tries to take control of you like it's an instinct that's been drilled in your bones, that you have to fight every second of everyday until that fight becomes second nature. But it's not all bad. The lows are very low, but the highs are blissful and euphoric. Some people are better for it." I explained at length before I heard Elena say something with my vampire hearing.
   "When were you at the house?" She asked Damon confusedly.
   "I'll see you later." I told Bonnie and she just nodded her head while she processed what I told her. I walked back down the hall and turned the corner before walking over to Damon and Elena.
    "Come on, we kissed, Elena." He stressed, no clue as to why she was forgetting something so important.
    "No you didn't." I interrupted nonchalantly. "I might have forgot to mention a small little detail. Kitty Kat's back in town." I said casually with a smirk. "You guys have fun with that bit of information, I'll be leaving now." I said before making my way out of the hospital, passing Jenna on the way.

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