You're Undead to Me

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             Here I am, in the basement of the boarding house, mentally torturing Damon

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             Here I am, in the basement of the boarding house, mentally torturing Damon. Setting him on fire, pouring acid on his dick, ripping his eye balls out and shoving vervain in the empty sockets, ripping off his fingernails and pouring rubbing alcohol over them, all happening in his head that I have infiltrated. I have been doing this for three days straight, not going to school, same with Stefan. It wasn't even hard to do, get in his head. On the outside he was on the floor of the cell where the vervain had been kept. His skin pale, his eyes red from the crying he had done while I was torturing his mind. And there I was, standing just on the other side of freedom, my body leaning against the steel door sideways. Peaking through the little window they had on the door, and my hand moving around like Wanda's when she uses her powers from "Avengers: Age of Ultron", when she's getting into someone's head. I just don't need to be right next to them for it to work. There was a slight mist covering my hand, but that's only because I don't really use this particular power. Not that I don't want to, just haven't really had the need or want to.
            Stefan came down to check on his brother's condition, he had gave me free reign to torture him mentally, as long as it wasn't physically he didn't really care. I pointed out that he couldn't stop me but would comply with his wishes regardless. He walked up to the cell and peeked in. That's when I dropped my hand and pulled out of his head. Then Damon tried to look up and talk to Stefan, with me out of his view. "Where's my ring?" He asked weakly, feeling around his finger where it's supposed to be.
"Won't be needing it anymore, Dam Dam." I said tauntingly.
"How long have I been here?" He groaned out, still feeling the effects of my torture. I smirked a little.
"Three days." Stefan said shortly.
"What are you doin?" Damon asked in disbelief that his own brother would subject him to this. While still groaning in pain on the floor.
"During the Dark Ages, when a vampire's actions threatened to expose or bring harm upon the entire race they would face judgement." Stefan said darkly. "They sought to reeducate them rather than to punish them." He said coldly.
"You know what will happen if I don't...feed on blood?" Damon said weakly, sucking on his teeth when he paused for a second.
"I could show you..." I said crazily.
"You'll grow weaker and weaker. And eventually you wont be able to move or speak. In a week your skin will desiccate and you'll mummify. A living corpse." Stefan said a little too familiar with the process. "Unable to hurt anyone...ever." He said with finality.
"So what you're just gonna leave me in the basement......forever?" Damon said sassily.
"I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak. Once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crypt and then in 50 years we can re-evaluate." Stefan said nonchalant about leaving his brother in a crypt for 50 years.
Damon groaned trying to move. "I'm stronger than you think." He said smugly but still weak.
"You always have been." Stefan said expressionless.
"But you're not stronger than the vervain. And we all know it." I said lowly and tauntingly.
"I'm sorry." Stefan said sadly. "It didn't have to be this way." He said finally and he walked away. I skipped behind him, following him up to the ground floor giddily from all the pain I fed on from Damon. Stefan grabbed his book-bag and I snapped my fingers to conjure mine. He's used to me constantly conjuring shit up since I've been here the past 3 days, not leaving to go home as I've been torturing Damon nonstop.
"He's awake. He's weak, but it's probably best to stay out of the basement." Stefan told his nephew Zach.
"Or don't." I said grinning at him. He gave me a look that said, "are you out of your fuckin mind?!" It looked kinda funny so I chuckled.
          "He's Damon, I'm not sure how dangerous he might still be." Stefan said ignoring what I said, used to my antics.
          "'re going to school?" Zach asked incredulously. I just nodded.
          "Came here to live a life. It's about time I got back to that." Stefan said determined.
          "And Elena, if she's still talking to you. Haha." I pointed out and laughed when he gave me a look like "you just had to remind me...", I chuckled again.
           "Well, why haven't you called her?" Zach asked Stefan, resting his hands on the island in the kitchen while leaning on it.
           "What am I supposed to do, feed her another lie?" Stefan asked incredulously.
           "Or the truth?" I chimed in quickly, with a shrug of my right shoulder. Stefan shakes his head.
           "I hate lying to her, Zach. I'm not good at it. She already thinks I'm hiding something." Stefan told his nephew. Not commenting on what I said.
          "Cause you are." I said monotonous. Looking at my nails. 'I think I'm gonna change them soon.'
          "What choice do you have?" Zach told Stefan completely ignoring my existence at this point. I rolled my eyes. "You came back here because you wanted to live as normal a life as you could. You knew this was gonna be part of it." Zach finished. Stefan readjusted his bag and we finally walked out. I would've walked out earlier but Stefan asked for a ride. We walked out the big ass house and I snapped my fingers. Conjuring up my baby, Amelia.

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