Minor Glow Up

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(The view over the fence in the backyard)

2 months old:
          It's been a little over 2 months, and everyday I conjure my pacifier and spit it out and conjure it again to build up some stamina cause he wasn't kidding when he said I'll have unparalleled magic, I just have to train it. And sadly this is all I can do for the moment.
        I've noticed over the first week here, I'm actually the only kid here. Which I don't understand but alright I guess. Not shit I can do about it. Less noise for me.

6 months:
            So I am officially able to conjure my pacifier all 3 hours of nap time without getting tired. Let me tell you, I have not been this dedicated to something since I started gymnastics when I was 9 to impress some girl at my school.
             Now, I think I shall start with telekinesis. I stood up in the crib, which was lowered a couple weeks ago, and then looked at the baby monitor. It wasn't too far to make it seem impossible that I could reach over and knock it down. And I knew the nanny wouldn't come check up on me any way since when she goes to sleep, she's knocked the fuck out. But it's not like I can actually hurt myself in here. There's nothing here taller than 2 feet except for the small tv in the corner mounted up high and out of reach. And everything had like these weird ass round corners which made the furniture look straight out of a Doctor Seuss book. Like she was prepared 👌 for babies to get out the crib. There was even a screen door like thing instead of a door. I mean there was plenty of rooms so I'd probably move into a different one when I out grew the crib.
            'Alright, down to business! Just pick up the stupid monitor with your magical powers, Malena.' Yes, I do talk to myself in the 3rd person from time to time. I stuck my hands out towards the snitch, I mean baby monitor, and imagined lifting it up. A shimmering scarlet red surrounded my fingers and trailed to the monitor. Then I lifted my fingers slightly and it shot up and smacked onto the ceiling. 'Ah, shit! Too much!' I caught it with my powers in the air just a few feet in front of me, on the way down. 'Phew! That could've gone worse. It could've hit the ceiling and broke.' I thought semi-proud of myself.
           I continued with trying to make up and move stuff around the room during my nap/training time.
1 year old:
           I worked my way up to the heavier stuff, and could successfully lift up the 6-drawer-dresser that had 2 columns of 3 drawers and spin it the air. This room is freakishly huge for a baby. There's the tv mounted on the wall that the door (screen) touches when it opens to the left. And on the wall opposite the door near to the tv is a window seat Ms. Nanny would sit at and read to me while I sat in her lap and lay back on her stomach. The changing table just to the right of it. On the wall opposite the tv is were my crib sits sideways against the middle of the wall. There's a night stand next to the crib with a little cute lamp and the baby monitor I first used to train my telekinesis. On the wall the door occupied the door was at the top corner and there was a mural of some design I wouldn't begin to know how to describe but looked similar to a dream catcher painted with a silver-ish color. And all four walls were painted a swirl pattern, of some sort, with a baby pink and a baby blue. It was honestly kinda beautiful. All the baby toys and stuff around the room.
2 years old:
             I have officially moved into a "big girl" room. It's more plain though with neutral grey colored walls, some hanging pictures of landscapes in the dark, a twin sized bed on a very short bed frame for my small body, a closet that had sliding doors that were mirrors too, along with a dresser also having 2 rows of 3 drawers but not Dr. Seuss-ified just a regular black colored, wooden dresser.
              She started letting me play on the little baby playground she has out in the backyard while she sits there reading a book and watching me from time to time. But what she doesn't know is that when she's not looking, I'm picking up the plastic toy and working on my stamina. I also started with my levitation. I would sit on the ground criss-cross and meditate while I levitate. I'm also working on sensing my surroundings, when I close my eyes it kinda looks like what Matt Murdock sees in "Daredevil", the 2003 movie with Ben Affleck. Yeah I've caught onto the pattern, there's definitely a Marvel theme going on but I'm not mad.
3 years old:
           So after I got that shit down and could see for about 2 miles out in a circle surrounding me, and levitate up to 6 feet in the air. Now I'm gonna start working on the shapeshifting or creature-shifting. First I think I'll start with a vampire and test my theory. I picture myself as a vampire in my minds eye with my actual eyes closed, and for some reason my hands are in a preyer position. Next thing, I feel a pain in my gums, and blood rushing through the veins under my eyes that sting for a second before I blink them open. I'm hiding in the bathroom upstairs, while ms. nanny is doing the dishes in the kitchen downstairs. I look in the mirror and see my eyes are red, i have the vampire face from TVD and my fangs longer than normal. Immediately, I can smell the blood rushing through my nanny's veins all the way downstairs. So I take a deep breathe and focus on going back to normal, well my normal. I want to try transforming into a werewolf but decide against turning into a wild wolf in enclosed space, and decide to try the demon eyes. I blink really quick and when I open my eyes again a millisecond later they're all black like the demons from "Supernatural". I blink again and they're my normal dark brown almost black human eyes. Something pops in my head and then I blink again and they're the all red demon eyes like Crowley's from the same show. Then, I decide to go back to my room and float shit around the room with my telekinesis and work on making my change to vampire face instantaneous to make it believable that I'm a vampire to blend in (and deceive) the Scooby gang of Mystic falls.
5 years old:
          It's finally time. While I was playing outside, what I thought was a snake slithered up to me. Turns out it was one Seth's apopis and he telepathically told me he was sent to guide me to the destination Seth had told me about. I was kinda glad to finally begin my journey to a place where I could live alone and not have to act like I'm a 5 year old when I'm mentally 32. 'Damn. Now I feel old.' So with that news I prepare to leave. I go to find my nanny that has been good to me for the past 4-5 years. Honestly I feel kinda bad leaving her to be all alone. I mean the woman doesn't do anything but take care of me. She comes from old money so she doesn't need to work, and her only hobby's basically just reading. 'Alright, I'm over it.' Then, I go up to the study on the 3rd floor where nanny keeps all the records she has copies of for the children that have stayed here in a file cabinet. I search in the desk drawers for a second to find the key to open the cabinet. 'Wow. First drawer I opened. Was that a witch thing? Or a she can't hide shit for shit kinda thing? Oh well.' Then I go over and levitate myself up to the lock on the top of the filing cabinet. Unlock it and look for my name. I find it in the 3rd drawer down, and take the whole file with my name on it, so it was like I was never here. I shove the file in a backpack I found in one of the closets of the various rooms. I keep the room I stayed in clean at all times because I apparently kept my undiagnosed OCD in this life. Which just works out good for me in the end. I take my backpack and go into the bathroom to take some toiletries for the road. Some soap, a new toothbrush still in the package, a travel sized tooth paste, a couple shampoo and conditioner bottles also in travel size. Shoving all that shit in the backpack. 'This lady is so weird she buys travel size toiletries for me to use and stocks them up in the bathroom under the sink because she believes it's easier for me to use. I mean, I aint never heard of that shit, so...'. With that done, I think I have all that I feel like taking with me. I'm only the toiletries and stuff because I'm too lazy to conjure them up 🤷‍♀️. Now, I make my way downstairs and go to find my nanny for the last time. I find her in the kitchen washing the pot she used making mac and cheese for lunch.
              "Hey, sweet girl. You done playing outside already?" She asks not looking up from the pot. The window over the sink looks out onto the backyard, so she was watching me that way. Plus the next neighbor is like miles, and I mean miles away, so kidnapping wasn't exactly a huge concern here. However, she knew I was extremely mature for my age. I mean was a baby, crawling at 3 months old, walking at 6 months, and talking at 10 months, so there's that. I purposefully waited till 10 months instead of doing it at 9 because I thought it was funny to throw the pattern off before it even established.
             "Ahem. Yeah, I need to talk to you Ms. Nanny." I clear my throat then tell her. She turns around, not surprised at hearing me speak perfectly, after putting the pot down to dry on a towel and drying off her hands, she squats down in front of me, grasping my arms near my shoulders, opening her mouth to say something. I quickly transform into a vampire so I can compel her. My pupils dilate and hers follow, letting me know it's working. It's not exactly my first time compelling her anyway.
               "You are going to forget there was ever a child here in your care over the past 5 years I have been here. You are not going to remember my name, or my face, or anything having to do with me. You will not take in anymore orphans from the state through the agency you received me from, and you will never have contact with them again. You are going to erase any and all traces you find of me after I leave here. You will then proceed to live out the rest of your happy life, completing your bucket list or whatever you feel like filling your days doing. And I will simply cease to ever have existed to your knowledge." I blink and she closes her eyes for a few seconds like her brain is processing the change and when she opens her eyes, I am long gone. I had vamp sped out of the house before returning to human. I walk around the backyard to the tree line and find the apopis there waiting for me.
                  "Sorry. Hope I didn't take to long." I state not wanting to get bit by the creature, but not necessarily fearing it.
                 "Oh, it's quite alright." He says kinda surprised at the apology coming from 'the chosen one'. He turns around and just stares at nothing. Not moving a muscle.
                "Uhm...are we gonna go? Or you waiting for something to magically happen?" I question not knowing what the hell's happening.
                 "If you must know, I was told to contact Seth directly after retrieving you, so that he could open the portal to our destination." He states starting to get irritated.
                 "Oh, ok. Where we going anyway? Like what state? What kinda house? It's gotta be isolated right so I can train and build my magic, in peace. Ooh, maybe a cabin in the woods? That sounds nice." He gives me a look that says 'just shut up' and that's what I do, still not wanting to get bit. Although, I do mutter a quiet "sorry".
            After he turns away from looking at my small form, the same kind of portal from 5 years ago opened 2 feet in front of me. We stepped through with no hesitation.

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