You again?/Children of the Damned

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              I stepped through the portal and came out in the same room that I woke up in about 16 years ago

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I stepped through the portal and came out in the same room that I woke up in about 16 years ago. I don't know if time moves the same or different in the TVD universe, but I'm going with the assumption it doesn't. Seth sat there in his large chair behind his desk, in the large room. Still wearing Jensen Ackles' face.
"You again? What's with the summoning?" I asked casually, crossing my arms. I didn't notice till now, but he did not seem happy.
"What are you doing?" He asked slowly, angrily.
"I'm standing......?" I responded confused, raising my right brow. He sighed getting annoyed.
"I said I wanted chaos. The only thing you've done is free Enzo, killed a scientist, and kept that Lexi girl from dying. I mean the penis thing was hilarious but......where's the chaos? Where's the plot demolishing I was looking forward too?!" He started calmly and worked his way up to shouting and slamming his hands on his desk, throwing a fit like a child. I uncrossed my arms and dropped them, snarling and pissed as fuck. I could feel my magic flaring up inside me. After all, anger is a great fuel for power.
"You want chaos?" I said lowly, holding in my power but it was getting difficult. "Why do you get what you want?" I said slowly and took a step forward, towards his desk. "You took me from my family. You crushed any hope I had to see my children grow up." Another two slow steps. I was losing control of my power. "You demolished my chance to live happily with the love of my life." A step. "You destroyed the one thing that kept me happy, and sane, in a life that did nothing but crumble it to pieces." I stopped a couple feet in front of his desk. My deadly aura flaring completely and overwhelmingly. "And you want give you what you want?" I asked in a low voice, slowly. He had a shocked look on his face when he realized.
"You remember." He whispered astonished and scared. "No one's ever remembered. What are you?" He continued to whisper but I heard every word. I waved my arm in a dramatic gesture, sweeping my left arm from the right, beside my hip, to the left, in a diagonal fashion, throwing his large and heavy desk table off to the left of us. It smashed into the wall making a rather large hole from the impact. On the other side of the wall was what looked like outer space, nothing but black and stars, no planets though. 'Just like when I was reborn...'He stood up quickly after watching the desk fly.
"I'm your worst fucking mistake." I snarled out in my demon voice, my red demon eyes showing with my large horns, red-tinted skin, and pointed teeth gleeming. I shot my hand out, telekinetically grabbing his neck and lifting him high, choking him.
"What...are you...talking..about?" He choked out slowly, scratching and grabbing at his throat.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you." I said in my demonic voice, not elaborating. I moved him telekinetically to me with a tilt back of my head, his throat landing in my hand and teleported us to a baron wasteland god's only know where. I threw him far away from me.
"You can"t kill me. Especially if I take your powers back." He snapped his fingers, to do what he said he was going to do. didn't work. When he had a scared look on his face while trying again and again and again to take them back, I laughed in surprise. I looked down at my body feeling the difference now than when I was in the TVD world. 'He didn't give me any powers...he unlocked something.....and he didn't even know it!' I thought to myself cackling with laughter out loud.
"What did you do?!!!" He yelled at me, shaking with fury, when he saw me leaning back, hands on my stomach and laughing like this was most hilarious thing ever.
I didn't say anything just to piss him off and started running.

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