Masquerade Ball

151 3 7

(Mostly edited, and late as fuck.)

"I want to make a deal..." The voice turned shaky. I could hear them start to breathe quicker, more fearful.
"You didn't answer my question." I stated, my tone cold and dark. I reclined back in the seat of the couch I occupied. "Who are you?" I reiterated.
"Sorry. My name's Walter. I went to the Mariano's for help, and they gave me your card." The stranger on the other end of the line finally revealed. I sighed.
"And what did you need help with?" I asked begrudgingly.
"There're people after me. Powerful people. They work for this guy named Elijah..." He informed me and a smile graced my lips.
"Sorry, bud. Can't help you." I said before hanging up the phone and dropping it into my lap as I pressed play on the Transformers movie.

   When I woke up the next morning, it was because I got another phone call

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When I woke up the next morning, it was because I got another phone call.
"I really need to stop giving people my number. This shit's getting ridiculous." I grumbled to myself as I felt around the bed for my phone. When I finally found it, I answered it and put it up to my ear without looking. "What." I rasped out, my morning voice low with irritation.
   "Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine." Katherine stated sarcastically.
   "I will hang up on you and go back to sleep." I snarked back groggily.
   "No need to get snippy. I was just calling to see if you'd go shopping with me." She replied playfully with a smirk evident in her voice before stating why she called.
   "You mean you want someone to follow you around and tell you you look good in everything. No thanks." I corrected and denied.
   "Oh, come on. It'll be fun. Aren't you going to the masquerade ball tonight?" She tried to persuade before asking.
   "Yeah, so?" I asked monotonously.
   "So, come shopping with me. I'll tell you what looks good on you?" She attempted to persuade again.
   "Why do you really want me to go?" I was starting to get annoyed.
   "I wanna see you. I miss you." She replied. I rolled my eyes. When I didn't say anything, she relented. "Fine. I wanted to see if you would tell me what's gonna happen tonight. I left a message with Caroline to deliver to Stefan and Damon. As I'm sure you know, I have a plan in the works, but I wanted to know if there were any surprises I should take into account." She finally revealed.
   "See? Now was that so hard?" I teased.
   "Are you coming or not?" She asked with slight annoyance. I chuckled.
   "I'll be over in five." I said before hanging up the phone. I laid in bed for two of those minutes, just trying to wake all the up and find the will to move. After I eventually did, I sat up and stretched my arms over my head, several pops sounding from my joints. I dressed with a thought and conjured my morning blunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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