Family Ties

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(All the tattoos Malena has^^)

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(All the tattoos Malena has^^)

                I was sitting at a table at the grill waiting for Bonnie, who called me asking if I wanted to go to lunch with her and Caroline, overhearing the Lockwood's and Vicki

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I was sitting at a table at the grill waiting for Bonnie, who called me asking if I wanted to go to lunch with her and Caroline, overhearing the Lockwood's and Vicki. Vicki was working, she went up to Tyler's table who sat there with his parents, not acknowledging her.
"How are we all doing over here?" Vicki asked the table of Lockwood's.
"Yeah, we're doing great, sweetheart." Mayor Lockwood, Charles, said. 'I thought his name was Richard? Whatever he's still a dick.'
Vicki was looking at Tyler, waiting to see if he was going to even look at her. She grabbed his glass and filled it with water from a pitcher she was carrying around. "Anything else I can get you?" She asked looking at Tyler. He was avoiding eye contact hard as fuck.
"No, we're fine, thanks." Tyler said shortly. Still not looking at her.
"Just the check, honey." Charles said. Doing something with Carol for the founder's party.
Vicki pulled out the bill from her apron, handing it over to him after putting down the pitcher. "Here you go, Mayor Lockwood."
"Thanks." He said shortly grabbing it, so he could pay for their meal.
Carol looked at Vicki up and down, not scrutinizing her just recognizing the look she had in her eyes that screamed 'why won't you even look at me?' to Tyler. She figured her son and the waitress had something going on, wondering if she was good enough for her son. Then deciding on no she gave her son a look that said 'really? Her?'.
Finally, Bonnie and Caroline walked in. Bonnie was complaining about Caroline ditching her for Damon. "You're taking Damon to the Founder's Party? What about me?"
"Go with Elena." Caroline stated, thinking it was an easy fix. They were walking over to the table I was sitting at waiting for them.
"She's asking Stefan." Bonnie denied. 'She really doesn't want to go alone, huh?'
"Okay, go..." Caroline started to say but I interrupted her as they say down.
"I could take you. If you really don't want to go alone." I said leaning back in my chair, smirking.
"Really?" Bonnie asked hopeful.
"Bonnie Bennett, would you accompany me tonight, to the Founder's Party?" I asked sitting up straight first and with a posh accent, sticking my hand out, palm facing up.
"I'm not sure, Ms. Williams, people will talk." Bonnie responded also in a posh accent, playing along.
"Then let them my dear, they are just jealous they are not us." I said smiling sweetly and fluttering my lashes. She giggled and put her hand in mine.
"Well how could I say no to that." She went back to talking normally, smiling at me. I kissed her knuckles and smiled back at her face to see her blushing. Caroline was just watching the interaction, heading moving back and forth like watching a tennis match, a slight frown on her face from Damon's lack of sweetness and romantic gestures.
"What about your mom? Is she ok with you bringing Damon?" Bonnie went back to what they were talking about not taking her hand back from mine. I smirked at this.
"And I'm supposed to care why?" Caroline asked sassily. Sitting up straight and wearing another (ugly) scarf around her neck, with straightened hair. 'I think she looks better with curly hair.'
"He's older, sexy, danger guy." She answered her. I raised my eyebrows amused, trying to hide a chuckle that was trying to leave my mouth.
"Older, sexy, danger guy?" Caroline asked unimpressed and incredulous with her brows raised also. "What, is that an official witch twitter tweet?" Caroline asked jokingly.
"No more witch jokes, ok? That whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing has got me freaked." She said seriously. I rubbed my thumb against her knuckles soothingly, and she squeezed my hand in response.
"Ok." Caroline said stretching the word out, exaggerating. "And Damon's not dangerous. You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. You know, like major, deep-rooted drama." Caroline tried to explain away.
"Like?" Bonnie asked stretching out the word, curious. Looking at Caroline with a little tilt of her head as she leaned forward.
Caroline opened her mouth to talk but stopped herself short. "I'm not really supposed to say anything." She tried.
"Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life?" Bonnie deadpanned, like Caroline was an idiot, and being weird.
"Ok. But you can't. Tell. Elena." Caroline said making sure to get the point across.
"No." Bonnie agreed shortly so she can hear what it is. Also with no intention of keeping it from Elena.
Caroline proceeded to tell Bonnie and I about how Damon and Stefan fought over Katherine and Damon won, making Stefan do some crazy shit, or whatever her compelled ass was supposed to say, so Bonnie could tell Elena and plant doubt.
After we finished lunch, Stefan called me and asked if I could come over. It was probably to get help with vervain-ing Damon. When I got to the boarding house, I didn't bother knocking, just walked right in. I searched for Stefan in my continuously-on sense skill, and found him in the basement. I fwooshed into a shadow on the floor cast by a wall facing north, blocking the sun coming in from some windows in a nearby room. I popped up out of the shadow cast by the table the vervain was holding, scaring the shit outta Zach. Stefan had to use his vamp-speed to cover his mouth and stop the scream that was trying to sound. I just chuckled and stood there with my hands in my back pockets.
"You summoned old one?" I said turning towards Stefan.
"Yeah, but not here, let's go upstairs." Stefan said letting go of Zach and walking passed the steel door. Zach followed us up to the ground floor of the boarding house and when we got near the living room he decided to speak up before we could make it to the stairs.
"Wait, wait, wait. Who is this? Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asked quickly still kinda freaked out cause I popped out of a shadow.
"Stefan tell your human to mind his business." I told Stefan in an annoyed tone.
           "It's my..." he tried to say, but I super-sped in front him and covered his mouth.
          "Great. You did something, you really wanna be the one to follow through?" I said harshly and so quietly Damon couldn't hear in his room. Then continued to talk at a normal volume quickly to make the silence less suspicious than it already was. "Now if we could continue, that'd be great. Some of us have dates to get ready for." I released his face from my hand and walked with Stefan up to his room.
           "So I have a plan." Stefan said as he closed the door and I turned on his stereo, playing some loud ass Bon Jovi song.
          "Let me guess, put it in the bourbon?" I asked boredly while he gets his suit ready.
          "Uhm, yeah. I don't think it'll work but I'm gonna spike Carolines drink too, at the party." He whispered to be extra careful. I nodded.
          "Yeah seems solid why did you need me then?" I ask him squinting my eyes at him. "I got shit to do too, ya know." I said turning off the stereo and walking over to a shadow to travel back to my house. He sped in front of me and cut off my walk. "You know I don't need a shadow to leave right? It's just a habit." Before I could snap my fingers to leave he put his hands up stopping me from leaving.
           "No, I don't exactly know that. I don't know anything about what you are, what you can do, and I just have some questions. Can we talk?" Stefan asked almost pleadingly.
          "Now, you know how your girlfriend feels." I told him with a smirk. I knew this was coming eventually so I just went over to his desk and sat down in the chair putting my feet on his desk crossing my ankles. As he was about to start, I put a hand up to stop him. "Damon, get your ass in here!" I shouted slightly, knowing he was listening in now. He sped in looking at me curiously, with a brow raised. He only had his suit pants on, no shirt, and I looked him up and down. Then, I tilted my head, thinking.
           "Like what ya see, doll face?" Damon said cockily, smirking.
           "I'm still deciding..." I said elusively, head tilted to the side. "Alright!" I announced. "What questions do you have for me? I will answer what I choose too." I said lacing my fingers and laying them on my stomach, head laying back on the back of the chair. "You mind if I smoke in here Stefanie?" I asked.
           "Oh, uhm, no, I guess not. Go ahead, just open that window next to you." He answered. "So, uh, what are you?" He started the rapid fire questions after that one.
M:          "The chosen one."
D:       "What does that mean?"
M:           "I don't know."
S:       "You don't know? So you don't know what you are?"
M:           "I guess you could call me a shapeshifter of sorts."
S:      "What all can you do?"
M:            "A lot."
S:       "Are you here to kill anyone?"
M:              "Not at the moment."
D:       "Are you here to harm anyone?"
M:               "I haven't up till now."
D:        "Why did you come here?"
M:                "Because I could."
S:         "Why here?"
M:                 "Why not?"
          "What are you hiding?" Damon tried to compel me.
M:               "Won't work D. But A for effort."
D:           "Are you our enemy?"
                  "Not at the moment." I smiled answering that question.
S:           "How old are you?"
M: "Mentally or physically?"
S: "Both?"
M: "Mentally I'm 43 physically I'm 15."
D: "What's up with the black eyes?"
M: "Oh, those? They're my demon eyes. Alright I think that's enough questions. I've got a date to get ready for." I snapped my fingers and was magically ready.

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