A Year Passes

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(Time skip/filler chapter)

When school starts back up again at Mystic Falls High School, I remember I still need to enroll, so I head to the office to compel the admin.
Caroline and I spent the most time together this summer. Tyler called a couple times for me to 'supply' a couple more parties. Some tried to get my number too to hit up for weed but I just told them to go through Tyler and they didn't mind. I didn't mean to make the mayor's son my middle man but I don't sell a lot. It's not like I need the money and selling means less weed for me so it's only a few people. I even give Ty some of the earnings cause like I said I don't really need it and I kinda feel bad that I basically made him an errand boy. But he doesn't seem to mind, so it's whatever.
When I get to the school there's students standing around everywhere. I pull up in my Lambo blasting "Get Like Me" by David Banner, the chorus playing. The sound system in this thing is amazing. I roll up my windows, turn down the volume so I don't scare the shit outta myself when I turn the car back on later, grab my regular backpack that looks more like a big purse and open the door.

            I'm met with people staring again

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I'm met with people staring again. Caroline runs up and hugs me around my shoulders since I'm pretty short.
"Oh my god! You look so cute!" Caroline says releasing me and looking at my outfit.

                    "Oh my god! You look so cute!" Caroline says releasing me and looking at my outfit

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"I mean it's pretty basic but okay." I tell her chuckling. We turn to start walking to the doors but Tyler comes up and gives me a little hug and I hug him back. 'Damn, I'm short haha.' He says hi then goes over to Matt to hang with him before class. We walk to the doors when I look up and see Vicky. She smiles and waves, I wave back. Now you might be wondering 'what happened there?'

Well, when I was at one of those parties I talked about earlier, for Tyler, I saw her glaring at me while I was talking to Tyler about prices and shit. She was still glaring when I was done, and it was starting to tick me off, so I went over there to ask what the fuck her problem was. I walked up to her my face neutral, which I've been told is my resting bitch face, and when I got to her, her friends separated themselves from her for some privacy and respect. I cross my arms under my tits and poke my hip out to the right and look up at her.
"So what's your problem?" I ask her voice monotone.
"My problem is you keep flirting with Tyler and he's mine. I got dibs on that first so you need to back off, little girl." She says mad, the last few words condescending. I raise my right brow at this and stare at her for a few seconds then start cackling in laughter while holding my stomach with both arms. "What's so damn funny?! I'm serious, you don't want start something you can't finish." She says getting even more mad. And I laugh even louder, trailing off and settling down. I wipe a tear from my eye and look at her.
"Girl, I don't want Tyler. I'm his fuckin dealer and friend, strictly platonic. He's all yours boo. And I don't flirt with him, that's just how I am. I'm a lot more touchy-feely when I flirt." I say winking at her with a small smirk on my face.

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