Haunted 2

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          A little while later, Jeremy had stopped screaming but continued to sob

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A little while later, Jeremy had stopped screaming but continued to sob. I just stood there with a blank face, demon eyes still on display. Elena turned to Stefan, "get him out of here." She told Stefan, panting and holding her bleeding shoulder. He turned around taking Jeremy with him and dialing a number on his phone as he walked off, presumably calling Damon.
"I need your help." He said once the recipient answered the call.
Elena slowly kneeled by Vicki's dead body, while I just stood there watching her. She moved like she was gonna touch her body but then placed her hand on her bruised and bleeding stomach, almost crying. Damon came around one of the busses and looked to Vicki's body and then up at me. Raising a brow in curiosity of my black eyes. I just shrugged with a mock frown. We both turned to look at Elena when he came to stand next to me.
"You should go. We got this." Damon said to Elena. She looked up at him, then grew enraged.
"You did this." She sneered at Damon standing up. "This is your fault."
"You confuse me for someone with remorse." He said not looking at Elena, but at Vicki's dead body. She tried to shove him and he didn't budge but did look at her nonchalantly. Then, she tried to slap him and he grabbed her wrist. He started to squeeze. Which caused her pain. Which caused a flare up from me and a slight aura leak. Damon turned to me at the oppressive pressure of my deadly aura in question. "What the..." he struggled to say.
"If you could quit that, it'd be great." I said in my demonic voice, eyes now my demon red. "I'm barely in control as it is." I told him sucking back in my aura after he managed to let go of Elena, who was kneeling on the floor from the pressure, one hand on the ground, the other just being released from Damon's hold. After that little fiasco, he turned back to Elena, who was now standing back up.
"None of this matters to me. None of it." He tried to convince her, but obviously didn't buy the lie.
"People die around you." Elena pleaded for him to understand. "How could it not matter? It matters and you know it." She continued then he let her slap him. Damon lifted his face from the side he had it turned to from the slap. Elena glared at him, panting. He jerked forward, checking her. She gasped and took a step back.
"News flash, Elena. People die everywhere." I said expressionlessly.
"You need to leave." Damon told her harshly after taking in a deep breath. She was standing there, deciding to be stubborn. "You're wounds are bleeding and you're starting to smell delicious, I'd leave if I were you." He explained to her and she turned and walked off quickly.
"You got a spot? I want to try something but I'll teleport us there first." I told him after she was out of ear shot. He nodded and I kneeled next to Vicki's body, grabbing onto her arm. "Just think of the spot." I said holding my hand out for him to take. When he grabbed my hand I teleported us to the spot he buried Vicki in the show. He let go and turned to me.
"Alright, so what were you going to..." he trailed off when he saw me with white eyes and a ghostly pale face with black lips, the embodiment of death. The necromancer part of me. Kneeling on both knees, ass resting on my ankles, I looked at Vicki's corpse. I placed my left hand over her eyes and forehead. I closed my eyes and felt around with my necromancer powers. I found Vicki's soul wandering around confused on the other side, still at the school. She was trying to talk to people, ask them what the fuck happened and what not. She turned around a couple times, until she'd seen me. Well, not me-me, an astral projection of myself. My usual self. I held a hand out for her to take and she weaved between people, even though she didn't need to, and grabbed my hand. When she grabbed my hand we teleported back to where her body and mine were. We were standing to the left of our non-other-side-selves.
"What's happening? What do I do?" She asked me practically pleading with me.
"You're dead, V." I told her bluntly. "I'm trying something out. Just step into your body, lay down like you're about to lay on top of it." I instructed her. She proceeded to do as I said, and when she laid down her ghost form seemed to mistily merge into her body. After that happened, I opened my eyes, back in the regular world. Vicki gasped and sat up once I removed my hand from her face. Damon turned back around, having been faced away from us, and his eyes bugged in shock.
"Holy. Shit." He said looking at a very much not dead Vicki Donovan, sans hole in the chest though her costume was still ripped.
"What the fuck just happened?" Vicki asked completely confused and breathless. I chuckled.
"I just brought you back from the dead, bitch." I said smiling happily. "Now that I know I can do that..." I trailed off bringing my hand up and snapped my fingers undoing the revival. She dropped back down, dead once again. Damon looked back and forth between me and Vicki's body, while I stood up. I dusted my hands off on my costume, clamped them together and turned to look at Damon. "Well? What are you waiting for? Bury her." I told him. I snapped my fingers and his Camaro appeared. "I have somewhere to be." I said and put up a peace sign ✌️ leaving via shadow traveling. I popped back up, out of the shadows at Elena's house. Stefan was outside and waiting for Elena to come back down, Elena was making her way upstairs to Jeremy's room.
"Hey, you good?" I asked Stefan.
"I will be." He nodded solemnly. I reached up and gave him head pats. Cause they always make me feel better.

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