Night of the Comet

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            'God, you cannot fathom how much I hate Tanner's voice

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'God, you cannot fathom how much I hate Tanner's voice. Stefan and Elena sharing their lovey dovey stares is making me want to fucking puke.'
"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration." Tanner drones on, then pauses. "Are we bothering you...Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" He looks at Stefan, makes eye contact, then looks at Elena, waiting to make eye contact then tilts his head to the right and smiles deceivingly at her. Elena shakes her head looking up at him with her big ass doe eyes innocently. The bell then rings, signaling the end of class. I just snort, amused at the situation. When I leave the classroom I meet up with Bonnie and Caroline, swerving around Stefan and Elena talking bout some book, I couldn't be bothered to pay attention to them. They've been annoying for the last hour in Tanner's class.
"I'm confused. Are you psychic or clairvoyant?" I hear Caroline ask as I catch up to them and walk to the left of Caroline.
"Technically, she's a witch." I inform them nonchalantly.
"What?" Bonnie asks kind of alarmed.
"What?" I ask to confuse her and act like I didn't say anything.
"That's what my grams said too..." she said a little worried.
"Maybe you should listen to us." I suggested with a smirk. "What else did she say?" I asked her.
"My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Gram's tried to explain it all. But she was looped on the liquor so I kinda tuned out." She said sounding very perky, which confused me some. "Crazy family, yes. Witches? I don't think so." She said shaking her head, looking at Caroline.
"Fine. Don't listen to me." I said shrugging my right shoulder, looking in front of me. "Don't come crying back to me when shit starts spontaneously combusting, and water starts spraying everywhere." I said knowing those very things happen soon.
"Yeah, well, either of you feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last night." Caroline said dreamily.
"I am not doing that. He was giving me bad vibes." I told her seriously, hoping she'd steer clear, if possible. 'If not I'll just make Damon choose otherwise. Maybe Dana. No one likes her.'
"I didn't see him. You did." Bonnie tells Caroline. Both of them ignoring me. I roll my eyes. "Why didn't you talk to him?" She says swerving around someone walking passed her.
"I don't know. I was drunk." Caroline says nonchalantly but smiling and shrugging her shoulder.
"I do, she was too busy eye-fucking him." I said monotone finally looking at them. Bonnie giggles.
"Hey! You didn't have your eyes open? How would you know?!" She pauses and yells after me when I step through the doors to another hallway. I laugh and turn to walk backwards facing them, not looking back. I continue talking to them making eye contact with the 2, and using my sense skill to swerve around the other students or suggesting-ly move them out the way.
"That's easy, honey. I see everything." I say with a devious grin, pointing to the middle of my forehead where my third eye would be. They just giggle at my antics and we all walk into our next class.

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