Bad Moon Rising

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(AN: not fully edited)

    "Kitten, if I wanted you dead, you would be. I'm just in the mood for some fun and company." I said teasingly as we entered the town. "That's all."

"What's with the nickname?" She asked a little snarky. I chuckled as I took a left, using my palm to turn the wheel.
"You don't like it, Kitten?" I asked teasingly, looking at her with a smirk and side eye. I saw her clenching her thighs tighter together as she looked away from me and out the window.
"I don't necessarily hate it, but it seems a tad out of character for me, don't you think?" She asked.
"Whatever you say, Kitten." I said sarcastically and she scoffed at me. I just laughed when she gave me a little shove. She turned back around to look out the window when she heard the roars and rumbles of the street racing cars lining the street ahead. Her eyes were wide as she took in the scene. There were guys standing around their cars talking about them, girls that were half naked and dancing to the music blasting out of the speakers near the DJ set up on the side of the road.

I revved my engine loudly and rolled down the windows as I turned off my stereo. People started to cheer and crowd around my slow moving car that came to a stop.
"The Princess is baaack!!" The DJ screamed loudly into the mic. There were more cheers and Kat turned to look at me with a curiously rose eyebrow.
"Just go with it." I said with a shake of my head and chuckle, a small smile on my face. I shook the gear stick into neutral and pulled up the E-brake before turning off the car and climbing out. Katherine hesitantly climbed out on the other side. The crowd parted and the music turned down as a dark figure approached. When he lifted his head, and the light from the street lamp graced his face, he was smirking at me.
"Little Lina! You've returned! It's been a while." Ricardo greeted with his usual big energy, walking over to give me a hug. I held my hands up, acting like I was going to reciprocate the hug, but when he got close enough, I sent an uppercut to his gut. He groaned as he keeled over.
"What I tell you bout calling me little, huh?" I taunted as I turned and wrapped my arm around his thick neck, pulling him down to bend over at 90 degrees.
"Alright! Alright, I take it back!" He shouted between laughs, his hands pushing lightly at my hips in attempt to pry me off. I let him go and he straightened up, dusting his shirt off. "Whatchu gettin into tonight?" He asked as he crossed his huge arms.
"Caught wind of a race." I said with a smirk. The crowd, that was still surrounding us for some reason, cheered loudly.
"Let me guess, you want in." He inferred, already knowing where this was going.
"No, I wanna win." I corrected with another smirk. He laughed boisterously with his head thrown back. "You got my ride?" I asked him once his laughter died down. I kept a car, that I use to race, in his care.
"You got your ride along?" He asked in return, referring to the person that would sit in my passenger seat during the race.
"Yup." I said and looked over at Katherine across the hood of the car. He nodded.
"I'll have Berto bring it down. He's been wanting to see you anyways." He said before walking away. Berto is the nickname of one of his brothers, Roberto, and their dad runs the Mafia they're apart of. Kat rounded the car and strutted over to me.
"You brought me to a street race?" She deadpanned. I rose an eyebrow as I stuffed my fingers in my back pockets.
"You ever been in a street race?" I asked bluntly. She gapped like a fish trying to get her response out.
"No." She ended up relenting. I smirked again.
"Then this should be eye opening." I responded before grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the dance floor that was crowded with writhing bodies, the music once again blasting from the speakers. We swayed and wined our hips to the rhythm, letting loose for the moment. A few songs later, I felt someone come up behind me, grab my hips and pull my ass flush against his crotch as he moved in time with me. I peeked over my shoulder to find Roberto with a cheeky smirk. I held up my hand by my shoulder and he dropped my keys into it before smacking my right ass cheek and running off with inhuman speed. I looked back over to Kat to find her wide eyed and jaw gaping open, no longer dancing. It took her a minute before she could pull her eyes back over to me from where Roberto had left. I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst with laughter, bending forward as I started to get a cramp in my side. "Your face!" I shouted between cackles of laughter.
   "Wha—?" She stuttered out, unable to form a complete sentence, looking around at everyone that didn't seem to care. I straightened up and wiped a tear from under my eye as my laugh fest came to an end slowly. I grabbed her hand and used my vamp-speed to run us over to where Roberto had disappeared to, down an alley and a street over. He was in front of one of the businesses here that stay open 24 hours. It was a quaint little bar and grill called Moretti's that was owned by Ricardo and Roberto's father, Mariano Moretti. It was actually a gift from his wife, Hermosa, on his 45th birthday. Roberto was standing next to Ricardo by the line of cars going across the street, in their places for the race. "You turned them into vampires?" She asked quietly once we stopped running.
   "Nope." I answered with a cheeky smile. "I did turn them, but not into vampires." I added as we walked the few more steps it took to get over to the brothers.
   "Then what'd you turn them into?" She asked confusedly with a scrunched up face. "And who even are they?" She added.
   "They are the sons of the Don of the Italian-American Mafia. They run this town and about 20 other cities around the country." I answered one of her questions. She rose her eyebrows slightly before turning her head and scrutinizing them. I saw her eyeing Roberto in particular with a look of desire hidden behind her eyes. "Yeah, no." I said as I grabbed her by the jaw and turned her head to the right a bit. "That one's mine. You can have the other one." I said and released her jaw.
   "Hey, short stack." Roberto greeted me as we approached. I ran and jumped on him, making him fall down onto the sidewalk as he caught me by my thighs. He groaned upon impact with the ground.
   "What'd I tell you mofos about calling me short?" I questioned with a small smile on my lips.
   "I can't help it, you're barely over five foot tall." He responded with a chuckle. I gave a light slap to his chest before I teleported off of him and back to my original spot next to Kat. She looked between Roberto, who stood up insanely fast, and myself with a blank look.
"They made a deal with me and I turned them into shadow demons, my own creation." I proudly answered her earlier question that was reiterated in her eyes. "They feed off fear and violence." I added a little too excitedly with a cheeky smile, showing my dimples. She processed that for a second before making a face that said, 'that makes sense' before turning to look at the two brothers.
"What did you give her in exchange?" She asked them after crossing her arms.
"Our souls once we die, along with every soul of our victims." Ricardo answered. They aren't the shadow demons I created with a potion and spell to look for the people I wanted dead, I had turned them before the pilot. Which was before I figured out I could create shadow people on my own.
   "So," I started with a clap, "back to the race. What's the buy in?" I asked giddily.
   "10g buy in, winner takes all." Ricardo informed me with a small smirk. I conjured a thick wad of cash in my back pocket.
   "Wait, what does that mean?" Kat asked as I handed over the money.
   "Each person pays ten thousand dollars to be in the race, whoever wins gets all of it." I explained to her after a little chuckle.
   "Good luck, beautiful." Berto whispered, giving me a peck on the cheek as he and his brother walked passed us to go get the race started. I walked over to my car and climbed in, followed by Kat climbing into the passenger seat.

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