162 Candles 2

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        After a while of that, we took a break and hung out in one of the sitting rooms downstairs

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        After a while of that, we took a break and hung out in one of the sitting rooms downstairs.
    "So, this Elena girl. She'll come around. I'm sure of it." Lexi told Stefan confidently, walking around the back of the couch. "Have you had sex yet?" She asked leaning over a side table with her hands holding her up.
    "No." Stefan replied drawling out the word.
        "Sex always works. I mean you'll rock her world so hard with your vamp sex she'll be yours forever." Lexi exclaimed moving around the chair I was occupying lazily, and sitting in my lap, on my left thigh. Naturally, my hand went to her waist, landing on her hip, but closer to her ass. She bent down picking up a red bag.
        "You see this isn't about...sex or-or compulsion or any of our other tricks." Stefan began explaining, gesturing with his hands some. "She has to want to be with me. On her own terms." He told Lexi, leaning forward putting his elbows on his knees. Lexi unzipped the red bag.
"Wow. That sounded all mature and grown up." She teased, pulling out a blood bag and leaning back into me a bit.
"Well, I'm not getting any older here." He said giving her a smile.
"Ha ha." She gave him a sarcastic laugh, stabbing the bag with a straw and drinking it. There was a pause with Stefan just staring at the blood. She took in a big gulp and sighed in content. "Want some?" She asked holding it out to him.
"No." He said quickly, standing up and walking a few steps away. "Thank you."
"I'll take some." I said leaning around her, to her front and she put the straw up to my mouth. My vampire face came out and I took a few big gulps, drinking almost half of it and I released the straw. I look up when she didn't move to find her staring at my eyes. 'I mean I get it, my vampire eyes are different than everyone else's.' The sclera (white part) is all black, the irises are a glowing blood red and the veins beneath my eyes are more prominent and darker than other vampires. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked with a neutral expression and a brow raised.
           "No...I've just never seen eyes like yours." She said making eye contact with me.
           "No one has." I mumbled nonchalant and leaned back in my seat, getting comfortable. Lexi turned and saw Stefan's concerned look, looking at the bag of blood.
           "Relax, I didn't kill anyone for it. This phlebotomist I went out with a few times, he's my supplier." She explained and then continued drinking the blood. Stefan crossed his arms, giving her that broody-judgmental type of look. "Oh, don't judge ok? Listen I tried the animal diet. Lasted three weeks." She said shrugging her shoulders a bit.
"Doesn't matter. If I started again, I'd just...I don't know..." Stefan trailed off, not voicing his insecurity.
"If you'd stop." Lexi supplied. I rolled my eyes.
"Lexi, I'd never judge you." Stefan supplied.
"I'm just jealous of your restraint. I have none. I delight in hedonism." She praised.
"Amen." I said inspecting my nails while Stefan gave her a smile. I was magically going through different designs, trying to find one I liked. I didn't need to wave my hand over them to change them anymore, just a simple wiggle of the fingers and they'd change if I wanted them to.
"Speaking of which," Lexi said while pointing a finger at Stefan, "what are we doing tonight?" She asked, waving that finger in a circle, indicating the three of us. Not a moment too soon, Damon walked in.
"Funny you should ask." Damon announced delightedly.
"No one asked you..." I pointed out, giving up on my nails and just leaving them matte black in color and long.
"There's a..." he started to say but I cut him off boredly.
"A party at the grill, that you have no part in throwing, I'm sure." I said sarcastically with a bored look on my face still, turning my head to look over at him. He froze, then blinked a couple times, looking at me, then turned back to looking at Stefan and Lexi.
"Yes. A party. You'll love it. Banquettes, tacky wait staff. All of Stefan's friends." He said while walking up to the chair I was sitting in with Lexi, and rested his right hand on the back of it.
"Yeah, I don't want a birthday party." Stefan denied looking at Damon.
"Well, It's not for you. It's a party-party. No one's gonna know it's your birthday." Stefan gave him a deadpanned look. "Caroline's throwing it." He said smugly.
"Leave Caroline alone, Damon. Or I will relieve you of your nutsack." I threatened calmly. When I looked up at him, I found him staring at me, not sure if I actually would and I gave him a smile.
"We're friends. It's cool." He said trying to act like he didn't almost wet himself. "It's important for the town to see us out and about like normal folk. We need to blend." He told Stefan. He then looked down at the blood bags on the coffee table. "Ugh, I prefer mine at ninety eight point six." He said walking off into another room. He didn't know I had made Lexi a daylight ring, so I planned to use that to my advantage.
"Let's go." Lexi and I suggested at the same time. Stefan looked at me weird. "What?" I deadpanned.
"You hate going to parties." He said furrowing his brows, confused slightly. I rolled my eyes.
"Puh-lease. You can barely call them parties. If you aint running from the cops, you aint doing it right." I smirked. They chuckled.
"Please." Lexi said when Stefan still seemed skeptical. He smiled and nodded a bit. We all went up to Stefan's room to get ready. Lexi went and took another shower. I was magically going through outfits to wear by twirling or snapping my fingers. And Stefan was just sitting at his desk. Lexi finally came out of the bathroom after taking forever in the shower. "I'm almost ready." She said giddy.
         "I still can't believe you think we should go to this thing." Stefan said from his seat.
         "No one's asking you to run outside midday with no ring. I mean, seriously, it's just a party." Lexi said looking at herself in the mirror then turned around to give Stefan a look.
         "A party that Damon wants us to go to. My question is, why? I think he's up to something." Stefan said standing up and walking around to the front of his desk. Lexi walked up closer to him and then stood there next to him, while Stefan leaned back, almost sitting on the desk.
         "Who cares? I mean what can he possibly do in front of all those people in a public place?" Lexi asked rhetorically, like nothing could possibly happen.
"Not him but someone else...Come on Stefan. Who has he got all buddy-buddy with recently?" I spoke while I checked out my outfit in the giant mirror I conjured that was floating in front of me. I looked at them through the mirror's reflection. "Someone in a place of authority....someone no one would question..." I hinted and I think he was finally starting to get it.
"The sheriff..." he practically whispered. His face showing surprise.
"Yup. The sheriff." I said popping the P. "Now..." I trailed off, turning around to face them and strolling forward a few steps closer to them. As I walked the few steps, I conjured some sage in one hand and with my other hand, I snapped and summoned a flame to my pointer finger. I burned the sage and mumbled a privacy spell under my breath, "in case Damon is still in the house. Don't want him to overhear." I told them when they looked at me blankly and blinked.
"Why..." Stefan trailed off, confused a bit.
"Alright. I've got a plan for what Damon has planned because he plans to kill Lexi and I'd rather that didn't happen so..." I trailed off looking to them to see if they were on board. They both nodded. "Ok, so. Damon is going to attack a couple in the ally beside The Grill. He's going to kill the guy and compel the girl to point out Lexi when the cops question her after finding the body. They're gonna vervain her and try to get her into the trunk of a police cruiser, where they will attempt to stake her." I said then paused a second for them to process that. "When Lexi tries to get free she gets shot with some wooden bullets, and eventually staked by Damon himself. Thus making him the unknown hero to the town. What I'm gonna do is put a protection spell on Lexi, so that after you die, you will come back to 'life'. I'll take your body of his hands and pretend to go bury it. Where I will let you free once you resuscitate." I told them seriously and clasped my hands together in front of me. I looked at them, and blinked a few times, gauging their response. "Any questions?"
"Why can't we have him stake someone else?" Stefan asked confused.
"Too lazy to turn anyone." I answered boredly.
"Why are we letting him think his plan worked?" Lexi asked seriously.
"Because, my dear, if he sees any retaliation to his 'master plan', I wont exactly know how he will proceed afterwards. So, in order to save Lexi and keep Damon predictable, I simply make sure her death is not a permanent one." I answered. Then turned back to finish getting ready, canceling out the privacy spell. I snap my fingers to change my outfit one more time, choosing the final one as the one to wear tonight.

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