Kill or Be Killed

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I tilted my head up and to the side a little, sensing Stefan coming back down the hall.
"Aw, I'm afraid our time is up...for now." I said and pulled myself out of her head. I let go of the sides of her head and stepped back as Stefan walked up to the doorframe. Kat was heaving in breaths like she'd just surfaced after almost drowning.
   "I can't believe you sold them out. They were your friends. Your family." Stefan whispered incredulously, shaking his head in disappointment at Kat.
   "Without blinking." Kat confirmed with a nod, trying to come down from the high she almost reached. I walked over to the door way where Stefan remained.
   "Well, she's all yours. Have fun." I announced and teased before vanishing, teleporting up to living room to pour myself another drink. I sent a text to Elena saying, 'He's fine. You're worried for nothing.' I lounged on the couch, drinking, waiting for Elena to inevitably show up regardless of what I'd told her.

The sun had already set and Katherine had gotten over the death threats from Stefan, freeing herself from the chains he thought would hold her vervained body down. The door creaked open as I was laying upside down on the couch.
"Hello?" Elena called out as she walked in and closed the door.
"Hey, Lena. What's up? Still worried about your boy-toy?" I greeted and teased before flipping over to stand up-right in front of the couch.
"He is not my boy-toy. Stefan?!" She corrected before loudly calling out for him. I chuckled as I vamp-sped around the couch to pour another drink.
"Whatever you say." I mumbled with my hands up in mock surrender. I heard Katherine stab Stefan in the leg with a piece of the chair he broke off, Stefan muffling his cries with closed lips.
"You must be Elena?" Katherine said as she arrived in the living room, coming up behind the aforementioned girl. Elena spun around to find her doppelgänger glaring at her.
"Easy, Kitty. Don't get your fangs in a twist." I teased.
    "H-how is this possible?" Elena questioned as Katherine slowly stepped into the room, down a few stairs. "How do we look exactly alike?" She added, completely confused.
    "Magic, honey." I supplied with a smirk before tipping my glass back for a sip of bourbon. Katherine got up close and personal with Elena, eyes scrutinizing her double. She turned to walk past her, dragging a finger along her collar bone as she spoke.
   "You're asking the wrong questions." Katherine stated, letting her hand drop to her side as she completely passed her. Stefan ran up from the basement a second later.
   "Elena!" He shouted as he vamp-sped into the doorway. I snapped my fingers, teleporting Kat back to her little hide out. Elena spun around at the sound of something similar to a bubble popping, the sound of my magic displacing someone. "You okay?" Stefan asked worriedly as he slowly walked up to Elena, reaching a hand out for hers.
   "Alright. I did what I came here to do. See ya, lovebirds." I said before setting my glass down and teleporting back to my house in the woods. I walked up to the front door and pulled my keys from my pocket, using them to unlock the door. Once inside, I sat my keys on the table by the door and vamp-sped up the stairs. I snapped my fingers to rid my body of my clothes before turning on the hot water to fill up the tub with a twirl of my finger. I rolled up a blunt as I waited for it to fill, using my telekinesis to pour in some bubble bath as I did. Once it was full, and the blunt was rolled, I got in. My muscles relaxed from the steaming heat. I got a call from Katherine about twenty minutes later. "Kitty." I greeted as I answered the phone, taking a long puff from the blunt that was a little more than halfway done.
   "I'm guessing you know about Stefan and Elena's little fight at the Grill." She said. I could sense her lying on her bed back at the mansion she commandeered, on her stomach as her feet lazily kicked the air behind her.
   "Yup." I replied, popping the p.
   "Do you buy it?" She asked, a tremor of uncertainty barely audible.
   "Not a chance. Why?" I answered and asked before taking another puff.
   "I figured it was fake." She said with a sigh through her nose, not answering my question.
   "Then, why'd you call me? Shouldn't you be talking to your little spy?" I asked with a smirk. I chuckled when I sensed her legs freeze.
   "Big whup, you already knew I was using Caroline for information." She said with a roll of her eyes, acting like it was no big deal, rolling onto her back.
   "Among others. It's not hard to get information in this town, Kitty." I replied, flicking the roach of my blunt into a portal to drop it into my ashtray over by the bed. Her breath hitched at the nickname. "Don't tell me you're still wound up about earlier?" I teased, referring to the little incident in her head back in the Salvatore basement.
   "Don't be a tease, it's mean." She pouted through the phone. I chuckled.
   "Alright, then. I guess I'll hang up." I said and pulled the phone from my ear to actually hang up.
   "Wait." She called out and my thumb stopped, hovering over the red button. I slowly brought the phone back up to my ear to be ✨dramatic✨.
   "Yes, Kitty Kat?" I asked lowly with a smirk. The sultriness in my voice making her clench her thighs together.
   "When are we going on our next adventure?" She asked, trying to mask her anticipation with curiosity. She was twirling a strand of her hair as she waited for my response.
   "Soon enough. See ya later, Kitty." I said and hung up, for real this time. I got out of the bath, magically drying my body as I headed for the bed. I flicked my index finger over my shoulder to let the water drain out of the tub. Then, I climbed into my bed and went to sleep.

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