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The song is kinda random but play it if u want.-Kenzie

The last place I wanted to be on a Friday night, or any night was negotiating with Niklaus Mikaelson, supreme dick, and temper tantrum extraordinaire. Yet here I was, walking into the den of wolves because his majesty didn't believe in meeting in anywhere that wasn't his domain, especially when a deal between the witches and he could be in the works for days on. My intention had been to get this whole thing over with, within two hours tops and then spend the rest of my night bar hopping like any other single, sane person in town.

My phone was plastered to my ear as I listened to my best friend, rant about me missing a night of bar hopping in order to deal with Klaus of all people.

"This is our last week in New Orleans and you're out saving the world instead of partying with me." Damon nearly whines."I say, you leave the witches to their own devices- nobody helped you whenever you had a problem." He says matter of fact.

I can't help but to bristle at his words. "And look where that got me, I'm still trying to get over the post traumatic stress that was brought upon by you, and your need to save Elena at all cost." I rant into the phone. "Klaus and his torture on everyone in his vicinity and let's not forget that siphoning horror Kai." I say causing Damon to go quiet suddenly.

After everything that had occurred, I was touchy when it came to the past, and I had right to be. Some may thought that I was holding onto the negative but really I was just trying to stop it from repeating ever again, I wanted the lesson to learned for everyone.

The silence that lingers between the two of us, is something that is familiar especially whenever the past is brought up.

"Bonnie," He says his voice more like whisper this time. "If I could go back and change things, I would." He lets out sigh. "I'm part of the reason you're so reckless." He says as if he realizing this for the first time. "But, mark my words Bon, you and I, are now a tag team." He smiles. "I've got your back and I will spend forever making up for the wounds that I caused."

I suck in a breath at his words. It's not like we haven't discussed this very issue at hand. A lot of my problems had stemmed from the Salvatore brothers, Elena and all the crap the three of them brought into our lives. A lot had happen some of it jaded me, other parts made me realize that I could no longer be a footnote in my own story.

I was my own person, with my own opinions and feelings and although I had dismissed those things before, I had learned that nobody was going to treat me the way I needed to be treated if I couldn't do the same to myself. And that was why I was so much more comfortable in my skin now. I knew who I was, and what I wanted in life, and right now, I wanted to help those who needed it- so they wouldn't feel like I had felt growing up, ever.

"It's you a me against the world remember?" Damon says so easily.

Shifting the phone to the other ear, I smile. "I got your back to." I say finally. "And for the record, I'm going to this meeting, so no other witch or warlock will ever feel like I felt growing up."

"Bonnie Bennett, savior of us all." Damon mutters. "Promise me you'll wrap this thing up so we can get into some real fun later?" He says as he's back to normal with the banter.

"Listen, I gotta go, save me a drink." I say feeling my hands begin to sweat. I hang up the phone before Damon gets the chance to say anything.

Once I get through the iron gates I let out a small whistle. This place was gigantic and super fancy. It made sense Klaus and his family were ancient, they probably wanted to live in something that mirrored their image. And here I was walking into their den. A quick shudder runs through me.

Walk of shame [klonnie]Where stories live. Discover now