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This song might be added to a later chapter bc I love it sm!!!

I had been kissed before, many times. I had been kissed by Jeremy like I was a porcelain doll he was afraid he'd break, of course down the line he did end up breaking my heart. Enzo had kissed me with desperation that I had matched with the feeling of wanting love, and wanting someone to love me. I had even been kissed by Damon. That of course had been in the heat of the moment during an argument. He had kissed me like it was some type of foreshadowing on his part. I could remember that my lips had tingled for days on afterwards. Like so many other times, we had found ourselves on the cusp of something, wanting and possibly needing each other and what that could mean for our friendship if we had ever dared to go further then a few stolen kisses.

A kiss from Klaus, was more than just a kiss...it was an experience. No kiss I had ever had, had been like this. Klaus kissed me with an urgency and yet somehow a patience of a man that was well equipped for anything and everything a girl like me needed. It was like he knew exactly what I wanted and needed without me even saying a mere word.

My hands run through his hair, while he slides the straps of my dress down and it's then that my mind finally catches up with my hormones. My legs are wrapped around his lower torso while he has me up against a wall. I wondered what we would've looked like together, two people desperately grasping at each other, pushing and pulling at one another. What had I gotten myself into? This is killer Klaus. The vampire/ werewolf that had done so much wrong– but tonight he had done right.

His tongue delves further into my mouth as mine decides to dance along with his.

Never did I think this would actually be happening.

Klaus and I, were kissing, and not just your run in the mill kind of kiss to throw you off of things. No this kiss was all tongue and heat that was so hot it could burn the two of us if it wanted to.

I pull away just a bit to catch my breath my chest heaving up and down while he looks at me with lust filled eyes that are overshadowing his hybrid eyes. He grins momentarily before diving back in, but this time I beat him to it. If I was going to go down this road, I at least wanted to make a lasting impression.

Oh what a sight it would be to have him growling my name and not in his normal I'm about to snap voice but that of someone who was tripping over the edge. The thought made everything that much sweeter. To bring a man like Klaus to brink, it would be amazing to see– possibly even better then when I tried to end him all those years ago.

When his lips slide from mine to my neck and he sucks particularly hard, all thoughts are silenced.

Instead my heart vibrated through the room.

Vaguely I can hear the sounds of soft moans which appear to be coming from my mouth as he licks the side of my neck before scraping blunt teeth over it. My hands thrust into his hair wanting much more but knowing that at some point I need to come back down to reality. His hand pushes my dress that is already bunched up, further up my body so that his hand rest on my bottom. The other hand dances along my skin, low, lower and then right where I need it to be.

"You like that?" he whispers his tone causing me to melt like popsicle on a hot day.

My inner voice tells me to stop this train before it crashes and burns, while my hormones are raging. It had been so long since I had been touched, kissed even. I don't even think I can remember what it felt like to be in someone arms– it had been that long.

Still this was Klaus and although he looked good, really good, he smelt good and damn it, the way his hand squeezing me felt hella good, it was still Klaus and I was still Bonnie.

Walk of shame [klonnie]Where stories live. Discover now