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Chapter 10: Complicated

Since that night at the drive in, Klaus and I had spent a vast amount of time both in and out of the bedroom. We got along better than I would've ever imagined. He was like a witch encyclopedia, it was crazy. Even though he didn't practice magic at all he knew spells as fluently as he knew different languages. He also had a sense of humor that had me laughing more times than often.

Klaus was also a shit talker which made perfect sense if you really thought about it. After years of being nearly silent I too often talked shit because why not speak what was on your mind?

And lets not forget about the sex. I don't think I had ever had so much of it, in my entire life. I thought that when Enzo and I had gotten together that- that had been the pinnacle of my sexual experience, but boy had I been wrong. I genuinely questioned how any other guy would be able to live up to the Klaus experience once this thing had ended.


Sweat cools on my body, as I lay completely languid. I had lost count of how many times Klaus was able to make me fall apart and bring me back together at the same time. This time, he had trailed a rose along my body until I was whimpering for his touch and when he finally gave it to me, he really gave it to me. In fact I think I had the marks to show, but at least I was happy.

Now though, the man is busy in the shower and if I had enough strength I'd saunter into that shower, and pay homage to my favorite part of his anatomy. However, my whole world had been rocked so hard, I was still seeing stars.

Closing my eyes briefly, I catch the scent of fresh clean man which is always a good thing. Popping open an eye, Klaus strolls in sans clothes water droplets coating his fair skin. When he can tell I'm watching him, still impressed, he turns his head over his shoulder and winks.

"I see you're still lounging about." He muses all the while examining a white shirt that has sleeves that reach his elbow and another shirt which is black with three buttons and short sleeved. Seeming I don't remember him ever wearing short sleeves when he turns and holds the two shirts up, I nod toward the darker shirt.

I sit up bringing the sheet with me, all the while watching as he dresses, first with boxer briefs, then with blue jeans and finally with the shirt I've picked out. To say I'm pleased by his selection is a understatement. "Is this your way of kicking me out." I ask a brow raised. "Because if so," I don't get the chance to finish my statement because in a flash he's taken the sheet that was covering me and tosses it to the side. He leans against the bed, his jean clad knee dangerously close to the softest part of me.

He's got this wicked grin on his face and I'm grinning back at him like an idiot. Was it possible to hypnotized by his eyes, or maybe it was his smile, scratch that, his grin– oh dang maybe it was his dick that had me hypnotized after all! "Now why would I do that, when you're such a delectable morsel." He says all the while bringing his arms around my waist, he brings me down slowly against his knee brushes against me. I let out a gasp at the mere feeling and before I know it he's swallowing the moan that is nearly out of his mouth, with his tongue down my throat.


I want more of him, so much more that when he's pulling away from me, his face inches away from mine, I'm tempted to say so, so tempted. Instead I kind of follow him all the while he has this soft look on his face.

Briefly, I wonder if he can tell what I'm feeling?

My thumb caresses his stubbly cheek as he closes his eyes, showing off long eyelashes. I move close, my lips nearly touching his when he speaks again.

"Hope will be here soon." He breathes against my lips. "Haley is going away and my daughter will be staying with me for the week." He says finally opening his eyes.

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