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Chapter 13: Friends, Foes and Lovers Alike


The Talisman was a tea house and bookstore located in the heart of New Orleans. It was a special place where witches got together to talk amongst themselves, where pastries were sold, special teas were brewed and books were not only sold but burrowed as well.

It had been one of my favorite places to visit. Usually I had gone for a cup of tea and a scone Saturday mornings. And like every other time I had visited the magical place, I had always come home with a bag of books.

This time, was different though, I had felt it in my bones. Usually the atmosphere was as warm as the rich colors that decorated the tea house. Today though, as I entered the warm welcomes that usually accompanied were almost monotone. It lacked every ounce of life that usually flowed within the tea house.

Once seated, I was promptly served, though the server had placed two cups down on the table. A steaming cup of vanilla chai tea sits in front of me, while a plate full of fluffy beignets sit across the table. I study each item, thinking which to go for first, I've always had a sweet tooth. It's like legendary to the people who know me really well. On many occasions I had waken up from a slumber wanting something sweet. Grams use to say I would rot my teeth out. Caroline had worried about my health. And Damon, well that motherphucker would just hand me the licorice and go back to watching whatever movie I fell asleep on in the first place.

I snorted to myself at that last thought before reaching for my choice, only to have my hand slapped away, by something invisible.

"Show yourself." I say finally having enough of this game. I had known early on that this wasn't my dream, it felt too controlled and not by me.

Soon an outline appears slowly before a woman in a red hood hiding her face comes into full view. I notice little things about her, how her nails are painted candy apple red. How her red lipstick stands out against her brown skin.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop playing games." The woman coos.

I scuff. "You're one to talk, you literally crept into my dreams." I say leaning forward against the table. "The only reason why your even this close is because you obviously wish me no harm." Pause. "So what do you want?"

The woman chuckles darkly. "Spoken like a true Bennett witch."

I raise my brows still unimpressed. Reaching for a beginet, I tear it apart and place a bite into my mouth. I take my time savoring the sweetness and then turn my eyes back to the person sitting across from me. "You still didn't answer my question."

"I came here to offer you a choice," She says matter of fact. "This, what's coming has nothing to do with you- you can be spared if you make the right choice, but the wrong choice...well it might drag you down to depths you didn't know was possible."

I lick my lips, tasting powdered sugar. "Why are you offering me this choice?"

Sigh. "Because I know what you've been through." Pause. "More importantly I know what your capable of, but the choice is yours, cherie." She says sitting back in her chair.

I cross my arms in front of my chest. "You expect me to make a deal with someone who's yet to show me their face? Not gonna happen."

The woman shrugs and soon removes the red cape hood that has obscured her face from my vision. Once I see who it is, I gasps, because I've seen her before. I've encountered her before.

"Greta?" I say my voice drops down to a whisper.

Greta tosses her head back and begins to laugh. "No, not Greta. Well, the real Greta." Giggle. "I can change myself to anyone I want to. She then proceeds to morph her face and likeness, from Greta, to Esther, that bitch. Followed by Aurora, Tatia, Katherine and finally...Caroline.

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