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If I could sum up what Klaus and I were doing in one word, it would be insane. We were going round in circles but it always led me right back to him, to this moment. His kisses left me weak in the knees, his presence made my stomach fill with butterflies. But most of all he made me feel like a woman. Klaus didn't treat me like I was still the same Bonnie from M.F. he treated me like I was the woman standing in front of him. And that meant I needed to treat him like the man that had brought out all those sensational feelings inside of me.

But I couldn't do that, not if he was just running game, or bored or anything else. And especially not if he was also doing the same thing with or to Camille.

When Klaus pulls away ever so slowly, I'm nearly left breathless. I don't know how he does it, he makes everything around us fade away, every single time he touches me.

For the first time I wonder if I'm under some type of spell because the way I react to him, is like no other. I find myself moving forward if only to kiss him again when he pulls back ever so slightly. His eyes dart to the Mikaelson lounge and I feel like I've been doused in cold water.

I pull my dress up that felt like it was starting to slide dangerously, and toss my hair over my shoulder. "Thanks for the assist." I say businesslike. I look around at anything and anyone but Klaus for moments before rethinking it. "I'm sure we scared him off and probably anyone else for that matter."

"Good, you of all people should never slum it." Klaus says invading my space. "Not when you've had someone like me." He says huskily. His arm wraps around my waist almost possessively.

I place my hand on his chest halting any future movements. "You should go, Camille is probably waiting for you." I hitch my lips up ready to smirk at the change in his eyes. Yeah I caught that look he sent over to the lounge.

For a moment he watches me, his face serious. It's soon replaced when he tosses his head back and laughs. "I'm not interested in Camille," He says as our face gets closer. "But you already know that- don't you?" He says dragging me close to him.

His voice is like silk and I just about melted on the spot.

"You're the only one I'm interested in." He says suddenly.

Despite myself, I wrap my arms around his neck as one of my favorite slow jams roars through the speakers. "I'm not interested in playing games." I admit.

His lips curve and find that I want to take his bottom lip between my teeth. "Is that why, you came here dressed like that and dancing like," He pauses and lets out a groan when I turn around my back to his chest. His hands immediately go to my hips, where he controls how slow or fast I move. "You got my attention," He purrs against my ear. "What do you plan on doing with it?" Klaus says placing a kiss to the back of my neck.

When the song ends I turn around to face him. I knew what I wanted, to do, I knew what I wanted, tonight was just not the night for it. I was here under the guise of friend date night. I couldn't just get lost in Klaus, not matter how much I wanted to.

Or could I?

Mind made up I look up at Klaus, who is leaning close to me.

"Do you have another V.I.P area?" I ask causing his eyes to light up. "One," Suddenly I was super nervous, it was the way he kept looking at me. Pulling strength from the look of pure fascination in his eyes, I straighten up. "One that is more, private?"

He smiles a slow smile. "This way love."



He had watched intrigued by the sheer force that was Lucy Bennett. She had literally not been with his family long and already she and Marcel were trading barbs as if they were old friends. Rebekah had thawed out slightly though he knew his sister was just anxious, Klaus was already acting peculiar for the attention of Bonnie. He knew she was worried for him but not as much, only because he knew how to control things, how to lock away things in his mind, to get over it, Klaus though was rather emotional and far too impulsive.

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