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The sound heavy breathing fills the air, sweat covers me, as I move forward only to be pulled back. Ice blue eyes are twinkling my way as a smirk plays firmly on his lips. "Do you ever do anything the easy way?" He says, his face is close to mine as he grips both my hands over my head.

My eyes scan his face, the way his skin is starting to get darker due to the constant heat here. I take my time to roam how his hair is so much longer than it usually is, how the stubble that is now adorning his face make him look more like the rouge vampire that he is. He's beautiful, always had been, always would be. He was the type of guy that good girls flocked to in order to get a taste of the wild side. But what he was most was a cheater.

"You cheated." I say as he continues to pin me in the grass.

We had started training eons ago, so that in case anything ever happen I would be ready. However what I didn't expect was Damon to spring an attack on me while I was lounging by the pool. In fact he had came outside, shirtless, in low hung swim trunks, and I thought we were going to sit by the pool together. Of course that didn't happen because as soon as I was poised to take a dip in the cold water he pushed me forward as he tagged me, calling "Your it." Over his shoulder.

And thus an impromptu sparring session had occurred. It didn't matter that my bathing suit was sticking to my body, or the fact that one cheek was almost on display due to said bathing suit clinging to part of my skin. It didn't even matter that I was barefoot.

If Damon wanted a fight, I'd give him one.

So we went back and forth, him using his speed and strength, me using my magic and the fact that I knew him better than he knew himself. I thought it would be easy to win, only we were at a stalemate with him on top of me grinning so disarmingly my way. If I let my mind catch up then I'd realize that perhaps we needed to change positions, perhaps even get up. However I was lost in cotton candy blue eyes. Those eyes were part of the trick, he tried to hypnotize you with his gaze and then he cheated.

"That is, what many would call a sneak attack my friend." Damon says rather goofily.

He's looking at me super proud of his sneak attack, while I'm not as impressed. "But we're on vacation?" I say causing him to chuckle all mastermind villain style. All he needed was a turtleneck, slicked back hair and cigar and he would be able to play villain in any action movie.

He only bops me in the nose. "Yes! That's true but bad guys don't sleep," He says pausing to give me the once over. "You should know seeming the bed of one bad guy you climbed out of."

Annoyed, I yanked on his hair hard. The topic of me and Klaus had been talked to death by Damon, and I was over talking about it. Or maybe I was just over hearing him talk about it.

"Don't think I didn't notice the fact that you said it again." I groan out, causing him to chuckle.


"Not really," I admit. "I could've done worst." I admit thinking of my past bed buddies. In fact I had done worst. "Anyway back on track, we agreed our sparring sessions would be on pause till we went back home."

"What part of sneak attack are you not understanding." He asks blinking rapidly old school Damon style.

"You cheated!" I say again exasperated. "Just admit, and I'll go easy on you."

"And you're slow, but I guess I should give you the benefit of the doubt, I guess you're still tipsy after your decent to the dark side with Klaus." He says matter of fact.

That did it, not only was he a cheater but he was a blabber mouth at that. Pinching my fingers together I grabbed hold of his pectoral and gave him the hardest pectoral twister I'd ever given.

Walk of shame [klonnie]Where stories live. Discover now