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Chapter 20: Piqued Interest

Sunday church had been perfect. Danny had done an amazing job on his solo. He had played an original song on the church organ and although he said it was work in progress because he had no words yet, the song didn't need words, it said everything that needed to be said.

"Wow, Danny did a real good job with his solo." I say to Lucy as we wait for everyone to vacate their seats.

"Yeah, he's been working on that song for so long." Lucy says a small smile on her lips. "He'd never let me hear it, and it drove me crazy." She says looking out to where Danny had been sitting. "And now he got to preform it, in front of everyone. I'm proud of him."

I beam over at her. "Everyone is proud of him!" I say reassuring her. Lucy and Danny were just as close ass Lucy and Vincent so I knew this moment meant a lot to her as well.

Lucy stands suddenly. "You don't mind if I go and talk to him real quick?"

I shake my head. "No, go ahead." Pause. "Klaus and I have plans." I say looking down at my hands suddenly nervous. "He's, having a car pick me up, so you and Danny can bond for as long as you need."

Lucy envelops me in a big hug. "Be safe, and call me later."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Sure." I say pulling away. "Now go and give Danny a hug for me."

Lucy soon disappears in search of Danny, leaving me to sit in the church. I let my eyes drift close as I feel a sudden warmth within me. My fingers clasp the necklace around my neck. I wish grams was here with us right now, she'd love the service, she'd love everything about it. I think if she were here, she'd love everything about NOLA, just like I was beginning to love everything.

I let the warmth of her memory fill me a bit longer, till I felt a hand on my shoulder. Startled I turned round to see Camille sitting in the seat directly behind me.

"I'm sorry to scare you." Cami says looking a bit sheepish. "I just saw you and I thought, as long as you've been here, we really haven't gotten a chance to talk." She says conversationally. "And I thought it was high time we do."

Briefly I studied Cami. I had been here for quite some time and the two of us had hardly shared words. The most we spoke was probably hi and bye. Granted, we ran in different circles or perhaps we ran in the same circle just not when the other was around. I knew that Vincent was cool with Cami, and Lucy knew everyone. Other than Lucy and Damon most of my time had been spent with Klaus.

Still I figured we could talk, and be friendly. I had nothing against Cami, so why not have a little chit chat.

"The service today was really good, Father Kieran did a wonderful job."

Cami nods proud. "Yeah, I'll let him know you were a fan." Pause. "Danny's solo didn't leave a dry eye in the room."

"Tell me about it," I say with a smile. "Lucy was so proud of him, she ditched me. But that's okay, he deserves all the love she'll shower him with."

Cami clears her throat. "I was, um surprised that only you and Lucy showed up."

Soon as her words rang we were drenched in silence. I had wanted to avoid any and everything drama filled but it seemed that- that wouldn't be the case. I knew this conversation was headed this way, it was a pity, but here we were. Klaus was here even when he wasn't here.

"Oh." I say with a curt nod of the head. "Are we really going to do this?"

Cami licks her lips. "I uh, saw you with Klaus."

I let out a chuckle and looked down. It was obvious all this was about Klaus. "So," I say with a tilt of the head. "All of this, you wanting to talk, the reason you came over here, was all about Klaus, am I right?"

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