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Chapter 22: Without Hesitation

Walking into the Mikaelson home, I'm greeted with a full house. I had expected Hope to be home, because Klaus had specifically spoke about this tea party he was having with his daughter. What I didn't expect was every other Mikaelson to home as well. My feelings for the Mikaelson siblings had been a bit muddied due to past encounters but today, especially in front of Hope, I would let bygones be bygones. At least for the time being.

Hope soon leads me over to where everyone in the house has settled. First she introduces me to Marcel and Rebekah who are cuddled on the couch, hands linked displaying matching wedding bands. You can tell just by looking at the two of them, just how much they love each other. Its infectious.

"It's good to see you again Bonnie!" Marcel says in that easy going way about him. Aside from Hope, he is probably the most welcoming of the family. I can tell he's a good guy by the eyes, he seems genuine. He was also so very good looking. I'm almost positive that Rebekah had to fight off the girls and guys, with a stick, and maybe some fangs.

"Likewise." I say grinning back at him. I guess I was gazing a bit too long because it seemed that the blue eyed siblings didn't appreciate it at all. Rebekah snuggles closer to Marcel all the while flexing her finger that a beautiful ring sits on. I wasn't a home wrecker, so she could settle down. I was just appreciating the fact that Marcel was so damn good looking.

As for Klaus he was extremely close, so close that if I took a step back, I'd run into him or step on his boots. We share a look, causing his lips to twitch, all the while Hope starts talking.

Klaus leans forward his breath a hair away from my ear. He doesn't say anything but his eyes say it all. I was caught checking out Marcel and if the hint of gold that tints his eyes is any indication of what's to come, then I knew, it was on.

"Marcel is quite right– it is rather nice to see you." Rebekah calls causing me to snap my head in her direction. "You've been the hot topic of all conversation for this morning. Nik here can't stop talking about you." Rebekah grins with a gleam in her eyes.

"Lies." Klaus bellows from behind me.

Rebekah rolls her eyes skyward. "We don't know much about each other, aside from when our paths crossed all those years ago." Pause. "And as it seems you and my brother are still in each others orbit, so it's only right we become the best of friends."

Klaus now stands on the other side of me, his hand lightly brushing against mine. He's got a stormy look that crosses his features, that has no effect on his sister. "Rebekah!"

"Niklaus!" Rebekah calls sitting up from her comfortable position against Marcel. "After giving every single person I ever looked at, a cavity search, surly you can handle Bonnie and me, going out to lunch and having a girls chat?"

Klaus looks like he's about to explode which was probably normal with him. However I look over to Hope who's busy talking with Elijah and decide to just end this all together. It really wasn't that serious. Besides out of the two siblings that were here, I'd pick Rebekah all day everyday over Elijah and his punk ass.

"Sounds fun." I finally say causing all eyes to land on me.

You could hear a pin drop– well till Hope and her infectious energy started up again.

"Can I come too, Aunt Bekah?" The little girl asks nearly flying out of her uncles embrace and then hopping on the couch landing on her knees.

I can see it, the love Rebekah has for her niece. In fact I can see that way they all love Hope so very much. Rebekah looks like she's ready to cave in when Klaus comes to the rescue. Creeping up, he soon scoops up Hope in his arms.

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