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Chapter 24: I can't seem to leave you alone

The moment Josh and I are alone he's all giddy, grinning and shit and I can't help but join in with him. He spends the majority of the car ride, telling me how the wait staff and family were practically glued to the large windows to get a glimpse of what was happening.

"I don't think I've ever heard Klaus laugh, like that ever." Josh admits as he pulls into my driveway. "We were all dying to get a glimpse of some of the action but if he had seen us heads would've rolled. Like seriously homeboy can be vicious. " Josh says tossing me a glance. "His siblings were even chomping at the bit to get a sneak peak."

I roll my eyes. "We had fun that's all you need to know." I poke him in the side. "So nosey!"

Josh pouts. "So you're gonna make me listen to third hand gossip from Danny?"

I furrow my brows. "You guys talk about me?"

Josh makes a face before speaking."We talk about everything and everyone, most importantly the two Bennett witches who have singlehandedly changed the house of Mikaelson." He grins. "Speaking of, I have you to thank for getting the night off, so thank you for working your feminine powers on Klaus."

I scrub my face. "I..." I pause when Josh gives me a look. "You're welcome." I say finally tossing my hair over my shoulder Lucy Bennett style. "So, any plans for the night?"

Josh turns to me with dancing eyes. "I plan to go to an underground club and dance my ass off."

I smile at the mere image. "Well, enjoy yourself and do everything you want to do." I say placing a kiss to his cheek. I throw up the peace fingers and hop out of the car.

"Later." Josh calls while revving his car.

I wave as the vampire who finally has the night off peels out of the driveway of my house. I watch till he disappears before turning to look at my very empty house. Fishing for my key in my purse, I stop when I get a sudden feeling.

I wasn't alone.

I look from left to right before closing my eyes to get a feel for my surroundings. My house was spelled so that nobody could enter if they wished me any harm and crystals had been put outside the perimeter. That of course didn't mean someone was not lurking from a distance.

"Whoever you are, just know, I'm not the one and I believe in payback." I say to the night air.

Once satisfied, I make my way into the house.

Instantly I feel magic in the air, very strong, very familiar magic. Before I have a chance to even blink, Lucy has literally materialized out of nowhere.

"Bonnie Sheila Bennett, where have you been?" Lucy says standing before me in what appears to be a cat suit, with boots that go up her thigh and a questionable heel.

"Lucy! You scared the living shit out of me!" I say taking in her appearance. "What are you doing here and why are you nearly naked in that catsuit?"

Lucy flips her hair. "For starters, I ask all the questions because I'm the elder of the two of us." I can only wiggle my eyebrows. "Why haven't you been answering your phone? You know rogue witches and other bitches are running around with a grudge for you and me," Lucy glares. " And you don't answer your phone?" Lucy says with so much authority and sass, I feel like I did whenever grams scolded me.

"Now you can speak." Lucy says in older Bennett woman form.

I scrub my face. "My phone wasn't off," I say as Lucy just shakes her head like I was an unruly teenager. And I was far from that. In fact in my teenaged years was so mildly mannered. That was why as a full-fledged adult I was running wild.

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