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The night life out in NOLA is another level. It kind of reminds me of the magic that surrounds you whenever you step one foot in Vegas. The difference though is that here, in this place magic is everywhere but mostly its in the nightlife. Every where you look is lit up with this energy that is so bright, weather it be in the spirit of those of once lived or those that are still living.

All I knew is that, I liked being here and I loved partying here.

"You ready to turn heads?" Damon asks as he grasps my hand and pulls it over his shoulder.

"Always." I say yanking him backwards. "But first we have to set some ground rules."

I watch as Damon tilts his head back sulking already. "But I hate rules." he whines.

I shake my head at him but still bite back a grin. "Doesn't matter, we still have rules that need to be set." I say crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Fine." Damon says mirroring my image. He crosses his arms in front of chest and stands tall. "Lay it on me."

I toss my hair out my face to get a good look at him. At least he was taking this seriously. "Rule number 1: No fighting." I say gaining a groan from him. "I will not fight my way out of a club because you think someone is getting too close to me." I remind. "We're at a club, people dance close and hands sometimes wander. I'm not above bringing on the heat if someone needs it." I say as a spark dances at the end of my finger nail.

Damon rolls his eyes but nods his head. "Continue."

"Number 2: Chill out on this thing with Klaus." I say causing his face to go dark. "We're in his city, he stronger than you and he doesn't like you too much." I say causing Damon to scoff. "In other words, don't start none won't be none."

He says nothing.

"And lastly." I say holding up my finger. "We're on vacation, lets just have fun." I say with a grin.

He soon grins back at me. "Now that, I can get down to." He says swinging his arm around me. "Come on Bon, its time for me to get my groove on."


The club is located in one of those brick buildings without a sign or anything. In fact that place is so elite or underground that you have to give a special password to get in. Once Damon utters the words, the brick wall opens as by magic and the two of us are making our way to the club.

He grabs a hold of my hand holding me close as we get into the crowded area, knowing that at one time grabs made me nervous.

"You okay?" Damon asks against my ear.

I offer a reassuring smile. "Yeah." I say easily because that chapter of my life had been closed and vaulted shut. "Come on, maybe here I can finally teach you how to dance," I say causing him to tilt his head back and laugh at me.

"You know my hip movements have you mesmerized." He grips.

"More like I don't think I've ever seen anyone dance like you do, you look like you've been electrocuted." I snap back playfully.

Damon stops us to look me in the eye. "You're a rude girl Bonnie B. What am I going to do with you?"

I grin. "Buy me a drink?" I ask causing him to kiss my forehead.

"Come on."


Once we've gotten to the bar we see Lucy who is waving us over with her friend and regent of the district, Vincent.

"Glad you guys could make it," Lucy says eyeing the two of us. "Both of you." she says eyes settling on Damon.

I hold my breath waiting for the next move when he says "Good to be seen." that has Lucy grinning and shaking her head.

Walk of shame [klonnie]Where stories live. Discover now