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Chapter 14: Only you


The get-together had been called between his inner circle and a selected few of individuals that he trusted enough with this information.

On the witches side had been Gloria and Vincent. Lucy had tagged along while Bonnie had been missing. He could admit that he had wanted to see her but figured that this was for the best. He had heard that the green eyed beauty had been taking this time to work on her friendship with the lovelorn vampire. And although he detested Damon with his everything he knew that– that relationship meant a lot to her.

On the wolf end of things Chase, a newly returned Haley, and her husband Jackson had rounded out the three wolves he trusted. Everyone else was family, with Rebekah, Elijah and Marcel being the only vampires permitted.

"As you all know," He starts gathering the attention of everyone. "Our newest enemy is playing mind games." He says bored because that is what this supposed threat does to him, it bores him. If someone wanted to fight, then fight why beat round the bush about it. He could only believes that the person behind all of this was truly afraid and they should be. Wasting his time was not a good thing.

Elijah makes a sound in the back of his throat as if his admonishing the words that he had uttered mere seconds ago. "We all quite aware that this is a serious matter, and that people are upset." Elijah says pacifying the guest as usual.

Blue eyes roll because Elijah is so typical. So far, the new threat is toying with them, no need to give into the hype and make this thing bigger than what it was.

He takes the lead. "Thus the reason we need to collectively keep this thing under wraps."

Jackson is the first to speak, a drink in his hand as if he belongs in the inner circle. "The people deserve to know what's going on."

His eyes flash. "So that they can go into hysterics I think not!" He says barley sparing the wolf a glance. "The only reason your privy to this information is the grace that I've granted you because Haley is your wife." He says, not caring too much for how he looks or sounds speaking to Jackson.

As always Elijah steps in with a warning as he seems to enjoy playing the role of peacemaker. Briefly he wonders if his brother ever tires of the role he's appointed himself too. Eyes sliding over his form, he decides that what Elijah needs more than anything is to laid. It's been ages and maybe then he would unclench.

"Klaus." Haley interrupts as she stands watching the three men. "Not that time." She warns standing next to Jackson her hand on his shoulder.

He chuckles. "I thought you of all people would be pleased I'm including your husband in things and being honest about everything." He says with a snicker. "You did say we needed to be transparent with each other as co parents did you not?"

Haley only turns her head away from him bristling at his words.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but can we please stay on topic." Lucy chimes in. "I'm sure you all have enough drama to knock out any soap opera but I like to watch my soaps at home and get my business done quickly so," She urges.

His lips twitch at her words. Bennett women and the sass that comes with them. He wonders if Elijah had finally put it down on Lucy would she still be as sassy? Then again, Bonnie had a mouth on her and he quite enjoyed it.

Elijah quickly comes forth as if he's shielding Lucy from any harm with his words and his stance. "Miss Bennett, er Lucy is right, let us get back to the topic at hand."

Across the room his brother and the Bennett witch share a look that doesn't go unnoticed by anyone in the room. He can see a sliver of a smile coating the lips of his brother and he figures if he plays his cards right he might get to see her naked.

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