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"You give me chills...the good kind."

Chapter 16: Unfold

The idea to have a cooking contest had come to me while I had been watching t.v. hungry and wanting pizza. At first I thought Klaus would only laugh in my face because he thought my idea was ridiculous but he seemed to like the idea of beating me as much as I would love to beat him.

I watch as he rolls up his sleeves revealing about five different beaded bracelets. I realize that it's chakra bracelets and wonder why he's wearing them. But then again, he's Klaus Mikaelson, notorious temper, and all around enigma.

Turning around I had him a black apron that has him raising an eyebrow up. He unfolds it to see the words big bad written in white. A stick figure of Klaus is standing next to the words and when he looks up at me his eyes, his deep blue eyes are dancing.

"Is this your work?" He asks his lips curving into a smile and I'm grinning again as well.

I shrug happily. "Yep."

He walks closer to me, so that are feet are touching. "Needs work," He winks.

I snort. "So does your big bad skills." I retort causing his brows to raise.

His hand latches out to touch my hand. "Rude girl, I was going to say I like it."

I pull out my apron which is one of those old school 1950's aprons that says the words Bon Bon, written on it, in near perfect hand writing.

Klaus who had turned around to put the ingredients on the counter in the order he planned on using them, pivots around to look me over. "Yours looks definitely better though," He says huskily. "Did we go over what the winner gets when I win?"

My lips twitch into a smile. "What makes you think you'll make a better pizza then me."

He saddles up close to me. "I've got experience under my belt you've yet to see."

I can't help but let out an amusing bubble of laughter that had this been anyone else I would be ashamed to have made. It was the way he said it, with so much finality.

"What do yo want if you win?" I ask tilting my head to the side.

He grins. "You naked."

I tilt my head back, as he looms closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist. "So predictable, yet so true."

He shrugs uncaring because that was Klaus, he said what he meant and meant what he said. "And if you win, you get me naked and all the experience under my belt."

I lean back, only for him to lean forward and to places a scalding kiss to the side of my neck.

"May the best man win Bennett." He says close to my ear

"The best woman will win, Mikaleson." I grin patting him on the back.



He had been rendered a third wheel as the eldest Bennett, Lucy and the regent had joked about before the regent had finally departed.

"Lucy, do me a favor and please don't get into too much trouble." Vincent says as the three stand way too close for his own comfort. At the familiar way Lucy and Vincent had been talking and acting he had the sudden urge to stake his claim, which was so unlike him.

Of course on his way out, Vincent had peered over his way, nodding his head, over at him, as he did the same. He had great respect for the regent. In fact everyone did, Vincent had been the perfect person for the job, he was honest, respectable and most importantly he was not easily scared– something that was greatly appreciated. He had a backbone and often times whenever someone was around he or his siblings they tended to running away screaming. Vincent never ran, he debated with them and in the end the regent and he and his siblings usually were on the same team.

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