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Chapter 19: Borderline



The dark vampire glares for mere moments before finally speaking. "In the flesh."

His fingers clenched as he dug his nails into the wood of the table. Apparently in all the time Enzo had been wallowing in self pity and anger. He had time for jokes. He, however was not impressed at all.

Licking his teeth he turns to look at the man who now joins him. "How long did it take you to come with that one?" he asks making small talk.

Enzo cracks his knuckles. "Oh, I came up with that as soon as I got off the phone with you the first time." The vampire says eyes void of much emotion. "You do remember that- don't you? When you implied, the love of my life, the woman I love, cut you loose."

Instantly he's baring his teeth. "You know nothing about us, about what we share." He admits gruffly. It was common that people thought they knew the inner working of his relationship with Bonnie, but they didn't.

Enzo only rolls his eyes. "Oh please, I may not be privy to how deep your so called connection goes," Pause. "But I know you, and I know how you look when a woman doesn't want you." Enzo then looks him in the face. "And by the looks of it, Bonnie, wants you as much as she wants me. Which translates to, she doesn't want you at all." A sardonic smile etched on his lips.

He doesn't say anything and instead plays the role of the jaded best friend that fell in love with the witch.

"Well then, I guess that calls us even." Enzo says all to happy. The jolly vampire then orders a round of drinks and dares to wink his way.



Once out of the shower, I grab my favorite fluffy white towel and get to drying my skin. Satisfied I begin my routine of lotion, oil and everything else a girl needed to feel pampered and amazing after a long shower and even longer night of sweating it out.

I use my hand to wipe the condensation and finally get a good look at myself. My eyes look brighter, my skin even looks better, it almost as if I'm glowing. Panicked I move away from the mirror. What in the world was going on? My skin never glowed like this and my eyes never were as green as they were right now. The only thing that had been different was I talked to Klaus about things I hadn't share with anyone like ever. And then I bedded him like it was our last night on earth.

I had to believe that this sudden glow was due to the after effects of everything that Klaus and I had shared in the last few hours.

That was it.

This sudden glow wasn't because I was falling for him, nope it was because I had fun with him, and I enjoyed his company.

Looking back into the mirror I willed myself to get a grip. If only the sudden butterflies in my stomach would stop fluttering.


It's an hour and fifteen minutes later and I'm putting the finishing touches to my face when Klaus finally sits up in bed. The sheets pool around his waist and he has this come hither look on his face, though he really says nothing at all. I glance behind me once and then go back to getting ready.

I can feel eyes on me, and wonder if I should've gotten ready in the bathroom? I'm dressed I'm dressed in my favorite black and pink bra and panty set with a pink silk robe adorning my body, while finishing my look up. However, I feel eyes watching me, and I am not have animal instinct but I have Klaus radar and my radar is telling me that he's about to make a move.

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