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Chapter 23: Don't threaten me with a good time

When Klaus had originally invited me over for afternoon tea, I thought why not, it wasn't like I was doing anything, and the whole ordeal might be fun. After our night together he was willing to open himself more up to me with the inclusion of Hope, and I knew that– that was huge for him. And then there was the fact that I found myself saying yes to him more than no. Sometimes he would look at me with almost vulnerable eyes had made me putty in his hands. I was a sucker for blue eyes so that usually melted the ice that had usually acted as a defense around me.

I originally thought Klaus, Hope and I would have tea, that could be a southern style tea with it being an ice tea followed by a light brunch or lunch. Or we would have traditional English tea. What I got was something different all together.

Hope held onto my hand pulling me in the direction that Klaus had the three of us walking in. Her feet tapped against the ground as she skipped happily. When we came to a big white tent, Klaus turned to Hope and knelled down in front of her. He caught eyes with me and winked before speaking to his daughter.

"Before we go inside, I have two requirements for you missy." Klaus says with a dimple look that matches Hopes.

Hope puts her hands on her hips, a move she's probably seen from her mother and aunt. In fact the way she's looking at him, is similar to the way Klaus looks at anyone who dares to put restraints on him. Goodness I could not imagine them when she gets older. Klaus would probably lose his mind.

"But why Papa?" Hope whines her eyebrows furrowing forward. "Why can't we just go inside?"

"Because little one, I need you to listen to papa." He says patting her on the back. "The first requirement is that you do not eat everything insight." He says poking her stomach which causes the girl to giggle. "The second is that you have fun!" A slow smile forms on his lips.

At those words' Hope brightens up and I shake my head. Klaus had always said he was a master at everything he did, and here I was witnessing it. When he stood up, he gave me a smug look and I didn't know if I was disgusted by his smugness or if I wanted to tongue him down later.

"Oh thank you! Papa, thank you!" Hope gushes throwing her arms around him.

Hope then turns to me with a bright smile on her face. "Lets go Bonnie!" Hope says, ready to lead me to the tent when Klaus stops us yet again. I honestly don't know who was more annoyed Hope or me?

"Bonnie, you also have quite a few requirements," He dimples my way. "The first being, no cell phones." He says sticking his hand out for my phone.

I cross my arms in front of my chest. "But Klaus, this is my phone." I nearly plead. "What if someone needs to contact me? What if I need to contact someone?"

He only wiggles his fingers, with his hand sticking out. "I assure you. Your precious phone will be in my pocket. As for your friends, well they, and he certainly can survive a few hours."

I think about what he's saying he's right, breaking away from my phone for a few hours might do me some good. If we had, had this conversation earlier I could've been spared talking to Stefan.

"Fine." I say handing over my phone with shaking hands. "But, if Damon calls or texts I need my phone back."

He nods his head and puts my phone in his back pocket. "You will receive your phone by the end of the day."

"Ok." Pause. "Anything else I need to know about?"

He dimples yet again and it has butterflies dancing in my stomach.

"Those other requirements will have to be fulfilled much later."

I snort, then grin and nod my head. "I'm game."

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