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Chapter 18: See Me

The next morning, I awake tucked close to Klaus my face had been buried in his neck, while my body had been just as tangled up as it had been last night. We were a mess, but somehow we worked. In his arms I felt comfortable, with him close I felt fever or goosebumps depending on what he was doing. Whatever this was, I had never felt it before, it was like magic whenever we were together.


My breath hitches as we climb together, higher and higher. Our fingers are laced together. Joined as one, as our bodies join as well.

"Look at me, look at me love." Klaus all but demands. "Feel, what I feel." He says scooping down to place a sloppy kiss on my mouth.

When I do open my eyes, it makes everything feel that much better. Klaus seems to feel the same because he hitches his mouth up in a grin, when my nails dig into his skin.

"Can you feel that love?" He asked his hips swiveling deliciously against mine. "The power, between us, I can taste it." He slams into me, his mouth is licking my neck before he proceeds to leave yet another hickey on my skin.

I can feel his teeth scrape against the skin as his incisors are teasing. He knows better to bite me, yet he continues to play this game and despite all my talk, I find myself enjoying it too.

My hands reach for his face where I drag him to me as we share a scorching kiss. "It's magic." I echo.

"It's us." He says with a grin. "We're magic." He says stilling as his warmth seduces me to follow where he leads.

I wipe the sweat off his forehead and seal my mouth over his briefly before switching positions.

"I'll show you magic."


Spent I lye on the cool sheets my body exhausted yet buzzing at the same time. I couldn't understand the feeling he gave me, couldn't even decipher it, but I knew, I liked it a lot.

"You ok love?" He asks his warm arm thrown around my hips. He's got this satisfied look on his face, while his eyes are blinking softly.

I nuzzle closer to him. "Yeah." I admit realizing that it's true. Everything I had shared with him, that stuff had been weighing me down for so long, and now it was like it was gone. And replaced with it, was this feeling of lightness.

"Just so you know, you're now in high esteem, you're in my top eight of people."

I cork an eyebrow while looking up at him. "Why eight? People usually have a top ten, top five, but you have a top eight?"

His fingers dance along my spine. "I don't tolerate enough people for a top ten and a I enjoy more than five so it's top eight."

I close my eyes. "You're a strange man."

The bed shifts as a sheet is pulled up my body. I'm content, ready to drift off to sleep when Klaus speaks again.

"What's even stranger, is that I like you. "He says suddenly causing me to open my eyes. I turn on to my side, to see if he's being real of its some after effect but everything seems real, honest even.

"So whatever is going on in your head, or will go on in the morning, just know, I like you and I don't like anyone."

I can't help but smile. "I like you too. More than I should"

He rolls over on top of me. "How much."

I think for a minute. " A minuscule."

He chuckles and pulls my close to him. "I'll take it."

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