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Chapter 25: Creature of habit

He had been having a fairly good night, Bonnie had been in his arms looking beautiful as ever. They had enjoyed a lovely meal where he got the pleasure of watching her savor every bit of food she tasted. It was truly a joy to watch. They had even spent some time with his good friend Gloria. The same Gloria he had promised that he would never fight in her club. Now though, someone had tested his patience by touching his woman and as a creature of habit and a man, he was about to show that individual why you don't mess with Klaus Mikaelson.

He had yanked the warlock away from Bonnie in a blind rage. How they got from the powder room area to outside without him sinking his fangs into the wannabe tough guy was truly a miracle. Now though, that they were outside he was ready for a fight. It had been an awful long time since he had ripped limps apart, it might be fun to do tonight.

"You see mate," He says through gritted teeth. "I was enjoying lovely night with my girl, and I was planning on continuing that fun much later, however you wanted to prove yourself to be a tough guy at the expense of my girl and that doesn't sit well with me." He says yanking the man up by the collar really quick.

"I did nothing wrong." Brady growls, whilst struggling.

"You did everything wrong." He snaps back. "Now I'm trying to decide if I want to skin you alive with my nails or drain you in front of all your peers." He smiles again. "Maybe I'll do both."



Have you ever had a point in time where you could just feel the sudden change in the world as you knew it? For me two things stand out. The first had been when I met Stefan Salvatore, my gut was telling me that something was off about him, that despite his pleasing appearance something underneath was dark and that darkness was going to infect us all like a disease. The second time, had been when I realized that I was filled with magic and with that magic came many obstacles, mainly brought on by Elena and her fleet of men, and everything supernatural.

Now as I stood blinking rather rapidly at the empty space before me, I knew that this moment was going to change things. For the most part, Klaus and I had been having a wonderful time together, he had even been on his best behavior. However, Klaus didn't take shit from anyone, and I had a feeling the suddenly missing person I was once speaking to, who was itching for a fight– found one, with a hybrid that had been on his best behavior longer then I ever expected.

"You have to stop him!" Cries someone from the other side of me. Looking over I notice Hannah our waitress from earlier.

Turning my neck, I look at the girl. "Stop who?" If she thought I could stop Klaus after he had done everything to be on his best behavior only for someone who apparently forgot how dangerous he truly was to dance on the speck of patience Klaus possessed, she was very wrong.

Hannah breathes out hard. "Klaus, he'll listen to you." Hannah says matter of fact. "That's why witches and warlocks are able to practice magic in the quarter. It's because of you– because of your influence on him."

I tilt my head and cross my arms in front of my chest. "If you think I'm some kind of Klaus whisperer, you'd be wrong."

Hannah shakes her head. "I watched you and him tonight. I saw the way you smile at each other, the small touches. He placed his hand on your lower back and rubbed small circles with his thumb while you were waiting for your seat. He also reached for your hand to hold. When you guys were in the booth watching the show, he put his arm around you."

I blink her way. "Ok."

Hannah stands straighter. "We've all seen the chemistry between you and Klaus. Not everyone is going to be happy to see that not one but two people that belong to the strongest witch line linking up with a Mikaelson family but that's your business." She says quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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