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Rage, it was something that he was familiar with, something that he had clung to in order to defeat his enemies and right now it was boiling in his veins. To find her, the way he did– it made him want to go out and do all the things that horror stories were made about. How dare anyone touch her, let alone hurt her. She was royalty in her own right, and for someone to bash her head, and leave her on the cold floor as if she were dirt would be the last thing that person, or persons had ever done. He would make them wish the end was near when he found them.

Nobody touched nor hurt what was his and Bonnie was his.

Even if it were just for the remainder of her time here.

Glancing over to his side, he noticed that she was still sleeping. He had spent the night watching her, waiting for her to open jade green eyes. Yet still, she was asleep.


He watched as she ran after that childish vampire a snarl on his lips. Why she was fleeing after the fun they were having was lost on him. He wondered if not for the first time if something was really going on between the two. He had thought Bonnie would be the last woman to go after sloppy seconds, however the way she and her "best friend" reacted to each other was something to cause for pause. It was obvious that the vampire had feelings for her, she may also return the same feelings. Why else would anyone put up with someone who not only failed at everything they did, but was also a walking talking joke?

The only thing that was for sure, was the fact that despite whatever may or may not be going on between Bonnie and Damon, he and Bonnie clicked on another level. And even she, couldn't deny that for too long. He could taste how much she wanted him, and he had wanted her just as much if not more.

Stomping back toward the throngs of people he finds Marcel and Rebekah, the latter looks drunk while his protégé just has a big smile on his face, as Rebekah tries her hand at dancing. He guesses she's supposed to be seductive but really she just has her hands up in the air and her hair slinging back and forth. Now, Bonnie she could dance, she moved with ease as her body had followed the rhythm of the beat. He'd reckon that watching Bonnie was like watching a snake charmer, charm a snake as they dance to the beat.

She had certainly charmed him, hypnotized him even.

"Nik." Bekah calls, causing him to stop as he still looks around for the runaway witch. "I thought you were in search for your witch, please tell me it isn't over already- if so poor girl."

He squints his eyes in her direction. "Not now Bekah. It seems my witch has run off, but if she thinks I'm going to let her get far than, she doesn't know me." He bites out.

He stomps away pushing people out the way, but not before hearing the wager made between Marcel and Rebekah

When he makes it to the back door he pushing it open so fast it nearly breaks. He stands outside looking from left to right, when something catching his eyes. The gold flickers in the night sky and instantly he knows it's her.

Using vampire speed he rushes to her, only to see that she's knocked out. He holds her in his arms, as blood from her scalp bleeds onto his hand. Alarmed he bites into his wrist and pushes the crimson liquid into her mouth.

Gathering her in his arms, he looks around again only to see that the streets are bare.

"I promise you, they will pay for what they've done to you." He says to her sleeping figure and then he uses his vampire speed to take them home.

End of flashback.

The teacup he holds in his hand crack under the pressure that is put upon it, causing him to place the delicate cup on the bedside table. Though things could have gone down a much warped path, the good thing was that she had not been violated. That of course did nothing to simmer down his anger.

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