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Chapter 15: For a little while

After the music festival things between he and Bonnie had gotten so much better. It was like all that space and all that distance between the two of them evaporated leaving just the two of them, in the Damon and Bonnie bubble.

And he loved every moment of it.

This thing with Bonnie was something that was organic, something pure and he had never had that with anyone, let alone a woman. They gravitated toward each other, even when they didn't necessary want to be near each other. It went as far back as when she was the only other person he ever wanted to work with. He hadn't realized it then, but they were inching toward each other...circling each other.

Throughout the years he had become more invested in her and she in him. The other side had changed everything. With just the two they become entwined, and what they had, it blossomed naturally. He could honestly say that he would do anything for her, and that was why he was going to go talk to the big bad hybrid.

Enzo was next on his list.

He had everything all planned out. After the music festival he mapped out his plan and made almost everything come true. The first thing he did was buy the rental house he and Bonnie shared. He had put the deed in her name, in case any vampire tried to get in that was unwelcome. That was the only way he could feel okay with leaving her to seek out Enzo and finish out his plans.



I was a ball of nerves, on pins and needles as the clock kept ticking. I don't know what was making me more nervous, the fact that Damon and Vincent were going to meet Enzo in Raleigh or the fact that tonight was suppose to be my date night with Klaus, like at my house.

The one person I always called when it came to dating had been Caroline and lucky for me, my girl picked up as soon as possible.

"Where's the fire?" Caroline asked once taking one look at my distress face.

I let out a sigh. "I'm the fire." I moaned. "I have a date and you know me and now I'm freaking the fuck out!"

Caroline doesn't even try to hide the smile from her face.

"Caroline!" I whine. "This is a big deal!"

"Oh yeah!" She asks cornflower blue eyes sparkling.

"Yeah. And it's here at our place and I don't know what to wear!" I say all in one breath, as Caroline stifles a giggle.

"Well hello to you too Bon." She chuckles. "You really like this Nick guy don't you?" She asks causing me to fidget.

I nibble on my bottom lip. "I don't dislike him." I say finally.

"Damon must be shitting bricks." Caroline beams!

I roll my eyes because she's enjoying this way too much. "He's not thrilled about it, but he's got his thing with Elena."

Caroline blows a giant bubble and then lets it pop. "His relationship with Elena is in name only and we both know that."

We share a look and then Caroline finally relents. "It's good to see you like this Bon, you like this guy, like really like him." Caroline beams. "You weren't like this with any other guy you've been with, not with stalking Enzo or whimpering Jeremy.

A frown forms on my lips. "Thanks, I guess."

"Tell me about him, obviously he's got good taste, and must be some kind of hot to have you running around like a chicken with it's head off."

"I'm not running around." I deadpan.


I ignore her comment and the glee she's displaying. "It's just, ya know, I was all for us being purely physical and then we went out on one date and now he's invited himself over to my house and I literally stood and looked at him like cool."

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