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Chapter 21: Dig Deeper

As Josh and I get going on the road, it's then that I realize, I have nothing to bring to Sunday tea and my grandmother had taught me better then that.

"So, Josh how about we take a little detour over to my house." I say causing him to look me over.

Josh sends me a look. "Have you not heard anything I've said, woman! Klaus wants what he wants and he wants you."

I bite my lip. "I promise it wont be long." I say offering up a dazzling smile.

"So you're saying you want him further on my ass?" Josh wide eyed.

"I told you before." I say patting his shoulder. "I'll handle Klaus."

Josh rolls his eyes. "Fine, but I come with conditions." He finally relents. "First you have to answer all my questions!"

I mull over his words and then shrug my shoulder. "Sure." I say as the brown of his eyes glitter with happiness.

"Good, now first question, is your ultra hot roommate going to be home?" Josh asks.

Furrowed brows I turn to look over at him. "Um, no, why?"

"Good." Josh says wiping his forehead. "All his hotness makes me nervous and I'm already a nervous guy."

I find myself grinning. "Trust me, it comes with the territory of being around him. You'll be immune soon enough."



He had realized after spending the afternoon with Enzo that the brown eyed vampire had basically taken a page out of his own diary, as if he had one. No instead of writing down all his dirty deeds he tended to leave visuals all over the place. It seemed that Enzo had taken the same route in the quest to get the attention of Bonnie. The scorned brown eyed vampire wanted to make a show out of everything and then rub in the face of the girl who walked away from him. Everything Enzo did was to get a rise out of Bonnie. In fact the only reason the vampire agreed to meet with him was because of their mutual affection for the girl with the green eyes, and their supposed mutual heartache over the same girl.

He understood it, the anger, the heartache the quest for vengeance. In fact had this been another time he probably would've done the same thing because he had always been petty. However, when it came to Bonnie if they had ever been in a similar situation, he knew he couldn't do anything to hurt her because she had been hurt enough to last a lifetime. He'd just want her to be happy.

Damon's Flashback

"Do you think you can do it, make Bonnie hate you?" Enzo asks as they huddle together.

"Because what I have planned will leave a bitter taste in her mouth." Enzo says sloppily. "And if that doesn't work, I've got plenty tricks up my sleeve."

He picks up his glass and tilts it back and forth watching the liquid slush around. "How bad are we talking?"

Enzo grins. "I'm talking burn it down to the ground, every ounce of affection, every good thing and every bad thing." Enzo elaborates.

He only sips his drink. "I won't hurt her, that much you should know." He says looking over at the disgruntled brown eyed vampire.

Enzo chuckles darkly. "She's neutered you. You! Damon Salvatore the same man that banged his own brothers girlfriend five minutes after they broke up."

He weighs his options and decides to play the game because Enzo is all but begging for him to throw him a bone. "How far are you planning to go?"

Enzo rolls his eyes. "How far are you willing to go."

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